The day of HL 2 Release


Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
WHen the game will come what shall we post? The great years, efforts and hard work of Valve! We shall celebrate on the HL 2 RELEASE DAY! And what shall we post? Jumping for joy wont be enough! This is it! Its the day! OMFG! We gonna celebrate in the multiplayer! ANy ideas where/how you guys want to celebrate during the HL 2 Release? Well some of us can go on Multiplayer right away and celebrate there! Or posting bunch of happy posts? Cant wait for this celebrating moment! I say we shall meet online in the game and fight there! ANd celebrate there of the hL 2 release DAY!!! GO valve WHOOO!!!

Post your celebrating ideas here!
keep waiting.
THe day Half-Life 2 comes out no one will be on the forums, they'll be too busy playing it.
If were nto going to post no shit then were going to be in multiplayer! You guys better tell me your online nicks!
I think there will be one or two official servers for multiplayer, so we can then all play together and generally have a laugh :) :D :E

I personally cant wait. I am only now for the first time in litterally months beggining to get a little hype back. :)
We'll burn that bridge when we come to it.

Can't wait to play together. :)
My nick is going to be Gronoken or Gronok So ya''l know it will be me.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I think there will be one or two official servers for multiplayer, so we can then all play together and generally have a laugh :) :D :E

I personally cant wait. I am only now for the first time in litterally months beggining to get a little hype back. :)

I'm feeling a little hyped too. It sure gonna be fun to throw a cylinder on your head and put folks on fire with my uber manipulator! har har!:D
I am going to use my malipator gun and stab you with a garbage can!

Or better yet use my malipator gun and throw tabels, chars, KNIFES, wood, Signs, boxes, cans, etc... coca cola cans! DOnt forget we can throw ALMOST EVERYTHING!
there will be three groups of people during the first day of HL2...

1) Those who are playing and frollicing gaily.
2) Those who don't have it yet, and are complaining the store that they reserved it at doesn't have it yet.
3) Those who can't figure out why the friggin game won't work.

I'm going to be in group 1...
I think the forums will go dead apart from some lameass who comes on saying 'OMGERRS!!! I COMPLELELETEDED HL22222!!!! THE LAST BOSS WAS GORDONS LEFT FOOT!!!! GORDENS DIES FROM FOOT LOSS HUR HUR!!!'

Other than that, people will be playing it then sharing their experiences and the pople who couldn't get it will be complaining of spoilers...A few will ask for cheats, some will play MP together.
Honestly Gronoken, I like you. As for celebrating I would gladly stab you back with many of the objects you listed. There really should be an all out celebration the first day with everyone from in a multiplayer game :p.

p.s. AcousticToad, you are my life partner as you and I are the only people I know of that have successfully combined the word "Toad" with another word.
AcousticToad said:
I think the forums will go dead apart from some lameass who comes on saying 'OMGERRS!!! I COMPLELELETEDED HL22222!!!! THE LAST BOSS WAS GORDONS LEFT FOOT!!!! GORDENS DIES FROM FOOT LOSS HUR HUR!!!'

Other than that, people will be playing it then sharing their experiences and the pople who couldn't get it will be complaining of spoilers...A few will ask for cheats, some will play MP together.

I plan on avoiding the forums...The mods will have one hell of a time, that's for sure..
ThomasToad said:
Honestly Gronoken, I like you. As for celebrating I would gladly stab you back with many of the objects you listed. There really should be an all out celebration the first day with everyone from in a multiplayer game :p.
Playing multiplayer first is full of spoilers!

You will be seeing all the weapons! And stuff like that!

How could you suggest that? :O
Well the only reason I would play multiplayer first is if by the time of release Valve still hasnt released any info on what the multiplayer component is, I mean honestly i can't sit there and play single player with such a surprise waiting for me.

p.s. Gronoken I don't want to see you get banned from these forums for excessive random threads :D
Have fun with the manipulator, the physics and Alyx :cheese:
Lol just kidding:
Ill lock myself in my room with adequate suplies and not come out till its finnished!
I will avoid the forums till I've completed the game. I don't want some pranny spoiling it because they rushed through the game as quick as possible.

I expect spoiler threads, favourite part threads, cheat threads and help threads, not to mention people praising it as T3h B3sT3st g4m3 3v4™!! and those saying how disappointed they are.
Dont forget to record your CELEBRATION DAY Using the Console recorde demo command (IF THEY HAVE IT) Or use fraps to record the first your very own dya of HL 2!
Gronoken said:
Dont forget to record your CELEBRATION DAY Using the Console recorde demo command (IF THEY HAVE IT) Or use fraps to record the first your very own dya of HL 2!

I'll pass on that one... The way I will be killing the Combine will be a bit to graphic for some of the younger players.
Thats exactly what I'll do.

Record my first ever play around on multiplayer :)

Me and my mates throwing ourselves off the highest point of the maps and ragdoll suiciding in midair 'Jackass style' :)

Oh its gonna be fun!
Personally I want to see just how deadly getting a melon off your forehead is!
The release date will mean I will have no more "intercourse" with my two girlfriends: left and right.
These threads make my hype up to HL2... but you have to admit its summer, there is nothing to do (for me at least), im bored playing HL1 for the 500th time... these are going to be a looooooonnnnnnnngggggggggg two months. :(
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I think there will be one or two official servers for multiplayer, so we can then all play together and generally have a laugh :) :D :E

Sounds bloody good to me.. can't wait to kick your arse with my stealty ninja killing skillz..
It would be fun if the manipulator could pick up players that are alive... fun to the max. :D
I got a great idea! Why not make new THANK YOU VALVE FOR THIS MAGNIFICENT GAME thread! Then someone could e-mail the thread URL to Valve for them to take a look at :D
Kouler said:
I got a great idea! Why not make new THANK YOU VALVE FOR THIS MAGNIFICENT GAME thread! Then someone could e-mail the thread URL to Valve for them to take a look at :D
It's already been done... heh.

And Valve is constantly lurking around these threads.
I will be making a special thread that I hope will be both poignant and touching - something for you to think about before you settle down to your hours of sheer enjoyment that will be Half Life 2.
My idea is...before you start actually playing half-life 2 (You just installed and are ready to play....) one person should make a thread for everyone to say....I'M ABOUT TO PLAY HALF-LIFE 2!!!@!@!! Then start playing.
dream431ca said:
My idea is...before you start actually playing half-life 2 (You just installed and are ready to play....) one person should make a thread for everyone to say....I'M ABOUT TO PLAY HALF-LIFE 2!!!@!@!! Then start playing.

Thats actually a good idea. :)
"I am about to play HL², you to?"

sounds alot better then

We should all be in a clan for hl2 called!
Actually this sounds better... "I HAVE HL2 AND YOU DONT AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!"
If were going to have a clan who is going to be the leader then? lol
Gronoken said:
If were going to have a clan who is going to be the leader then? lol
I vote I!

I will lead us to victory!

Or I will be continuisly late for clan matches...
Man, I made a thread exactly like got closed after the 4th post...
dream431ca said:
My idea is...before you start actually playing half-life 2 (You just installed and are ready to play....) one person should make a thread for everyone to say....I'M ABOUT TO PLAY HALF-LIFE 2!!!@!@!! Then start playing.
If you think just one person will make a thread like that, you're living in a dreamworld. Try about 500 people making that thread, and you're probably getting a little closer to the mark :hmph:
Gronoken said:
If were going to have a clan who is going to be the leader then? lol

My vote goes to Munro or Chris_D. If it was Chris_D, his on-line name could be "/me dies" :)