The day of HL 2 Release

"When HL2 is released" -

The U.N will release doves because a war would be averted.
"When HL2 is released"
Wonkers will stop being so bloody miserable.
Abom said:
If you think just one person will make a thread like that, you're living in a dreamworld. Try about 500 people making that thread, and you're probably getting a little closer to the mark :hmph:
actually, its 561. But since I am from the future that was easy
When H-L 2 is released, I will get to the part where Barney is, and constantly kill him, then load game, then kill him, then load game, etc...
When hl2 comes out i will be buying it in a huge store in Antwerp, called media markt, i will wear gloves because i don't want the box to be damaged, and i will carry it on foot to my house, because the bus can make so many unexpected stops that the game may fall on the ground, the cd's would scratch eachother, the game will give errors and i would commit suicide.......

I HATE BUSSES :rolling:
hildigrim said:
When hl2 comes out i will be buying it in a huge store in Antwerp, called media markt, i will wear gloves because i don't want the box to be damaged, and i will carry it on foot to my house, because the bus can make so many unexpected stops that the game may fall on the ground, the cd's would scratch eachother, the game will give errors and i would commit suicide.......

I HATE BUSSES :rolling:

ROFL =] .......
I just cant wait till I see a strider...

Now I hae said this before but I am going to climb up a high building. Whip out my crowbar, jump down onto that big bastards head and:


NJD2003 said:
When H-L 2 is released, I will get to the part where Barney is, and constantly kill him, then load game, then kill him, then load game, etc...

noooo, bad idea. cause barney rocks! hehe..

when hl2 is released, no one should call me, because i want to play in peace and enjoy it it to the full. :)

"Now I hae said this before but I am going to climb up a high building. Whip out my crowbar, jump down onto that big bastards head and:"

:thumbs: :bounce:
When its out...ill be a happy person indeed! Ill probably be glued to my PC moreso than usual as well :)
I'd probably ditch school until I finish it if it's released during the school year.
Xeni said:
When HL 2 comes out people will already have built teleporters to Xen AND WE CAN LIVE THE DREAM OURSELVES.

I think you are mistaking HL2 w/ Duke Nukem Forever. :D
When HL2 is released you can all go fudge yourself because we will all be too busy playing the game.

Who doesn't think that way? am I right? huh ....right ?

jeez. uh, people will play it. or not. who honestly cares?
disruptioN_ said:
I'd probably ditch school until I finish it if it's released during the school year.
"I flunk skool cuz im hardcore"

Ill probly get banned when I have HL2, maybe I will even wear the t-shirt (if they give one with the collector version) and start smashing random grannies on the street with my crowbar screaming random uber leet gibberish...

btw dalamari is always like that :p
OOOOOOoh I'd like to be the dad of the kid who asks for another £30 to buy the same game again?

'WTF you wanting to buy it again for?'
'I got banned for cheating. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease dad?'
*Whips belt across his face*
'Your 26, get a ****ing job you geek'
Stores won't have the game instock the day of the release. I had to get halo PC the day after. Got it right out of the shipping box though.

how much you wanna bet it will be the same for HL2. first day it won't even be on the shelves.
wonkers said:
Stores won't have the game instock the day of the release. I had to get halo PC the day after. Got it right out of the shipping box though.

how much you wanna bet it will be the same for HL2. first day it won't even be on the shelves.

Of course it won't be on the shelves on the first day. It might even take 3 or 4 days to come on store shelves..but on the first can expect EVERYONE on these forums reading the review on IGN or Gamespot.
DizzyOne said:
"I flunk skool cuz im hardcore"

Ill probly get banned when I have HL2, maybe I will even wear the t-shirt (if they give one with the collector version) and start smashing random grannies on the street with my crowbar screaming random uber leet gibberish...

btw dalamari is always like that :p

I got my T Shirt from valve about a month ago and I wear it basicly everyday lol.
I anticipated Max Payne so much, and I was on the 3d Realms forums as much as I'll be on these ones. I played Max Payne a bit the day it came out. (Don't get me wrong). I played it for about two hours straight. I found myself glued to the screen, but I had to force myself to stop playing, so I went back to the forums, as checking the forums for the whole summer of anticipation was fun for me, I had to check it one last time.

But then I said screw it, and I blasted Max Payne for hours on end. :E :bounce:
Pain to the max...hehe.

I found that many people at this forum liked this game alot, including me....And besides, i got it for free, that's even better! :cheese:
When it comes out we should first celebreate 4 days after, cause else it would only be some people who had it....... ( im not included :( )
Make that one day after. :afro:

I'll have it the next day at EB. I'm in Canada and it usually takes one day of shipping. I remember it took 3 days for Red Faction. It better not be the same as that or I'll go on a murderous rampage.
Yeah, do some kinda keyword thing on the forums where you have to answer a question to be able to reach .. some ending boss question or something :D
on the day of HL2's release, i'll be sitting here deleting all you bitches' insane spam and kicking people on irc :p
the day HL2 is released, i'll be too busy playing doom3, Richard Burns Rally, LFS S2, Soldiers: heroes WW2 etc.. etc..
Man.. Poor staff guys around here, hehe, you're going to have alot of dirty work to do when the day comes. :p
CrazyHarij said:
Man.. Poor staff guys around here, hehe, you're going to have alot of dirty work to do when the day comes. :p

on that note I think it would be nice if the first thread of that day was to thank the moderators :angel: for putting up with the c**p they are about to recieve... they have to endure endless spoilers and spammers while we... well ignorance is bliss :)

The moderaters will deserve a large pat on the back after taking that many spoiler "bullets" for us

:sniper: :flame: :)
ne-waller said:
The moderaters will deserve a large pat on the back after taking that many spoiler "bullets" for us
There's a very good chance that, until I finish the game, I won't visit this sordid place lest someone spoil the plot for me.
That said, there's a very good chance that, until I finish the game, I won't have any human contact...
ne-waller said:
on that note I think it would be nice if the first thread of that day was to thank the moderators :angel: for putting up with the c**p they are about to recieve...

If they were smart theyd shut the forum down for about 3 days when the game is first released.

Otherwise it will be chocked full of crap posts "So youve got half life 2 - are you playing it with red shoes on?"

and the server will most likly crash from overload.
hhmm...wounder if the worlds death rate will go ut when HL2 is released? :devil:

anyway, Ill be playing SP for 2-3 houres, then check out MP forabout 1-2 houres. then ill come back here. Or this is my plan for the day i get it, who knows if ill manage to follow it :p

my nick:KingPing(NOR>Horten)