The Dead 6 Seeking Artists


Nov 10, 2003
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The Dead 6 is looking for dedicated and ambitious people to start working on getting content into our MP Alpha tests. Currently, our art department is under rework, and tbh, I think we could use some fresh minds. I sometimes look around, and feel that we are a huge exception to the rule. We are 4 programmers rich, and are having a hard time finding content developers.

The Dead 6 is a total conversion based (with permission from EA) on the Command and Conquor Universe. It takes place during a 4 year time span from 1993-1996, with the build up of the first Tiberium war, as well as the forming of GDI. (previously known as SOGE/Black Ops 9).

Currently we have a very well developed storyline covering 14 chapters taking you to nearly every corner of the planet. This is not to overshadow the multi-player elements of the total conversion either.

Some of the things that we have implemented thus far:
  • Custom file format for file archiving.
  • "no-code" weapons and ammo (100% text file to make a new weapon)
  • Server-side control of startup weapons
  • Server-side control of weapons, server admin can create an entirely new weapon pack, and implement without any versioning issues, clients will only have to download any extra models/textures while connecting providing very dynamic gameplay per server.
  • Implementation of the current weapon types in code (for no-code weapons). Pistols, bludgeon, rifle, shotgun, thrown, deploy.
  • GUI overhall in the works.

We are also excited to mention that we already have a mod that is going to be built upon our TC, as well as others inquiring into it. We are making the TC completely moddable so others can use the same code-base that we complete.

Below is a listing of our current MP game modes to be implemented and/or already implemented.

Standard DM/TDM, player chooses his professions (rifleman, sniper, heavy weapons, etc...) and will be assigned a load out of weapons to use throughout the level, while still having other weapons as pickups, but not nearly as accurate.

CTF at its best, both foot and vehicle based, its all about getting your flag back to your base. Whether it be a tight indoor on foot battle, or an outdoor arena blasting away at eachother with tanks and mini-guns.

1 objective, destory the other teams base. This game mode was made popular by the game C&C Renegade. You take two teams, give them weapons, vehicles, and buildings at there disposal. Each team pushes until one of the teams is forced into defense of there base. Destruction is imminent. Warning: Games can be long. This is intense contant war. Tactics are the only thing that will help you win.

Similar to above, except the implementation of a commander for each team that is able to build the base anywhere on the map. The commander will assign waypoints for the team to travel to (whether they listen or not is up to them, but bonus' are given to those that do), build new defenses and outposts as well as the main base, approve vehicle request ques, and repair structures. But be warned of the shroud of war, as the commander can't see all unless he either places an automated guardpost, or has teammates scout an area.

We really have a huge demand for a much more focused and ambitious art department. So if any of the above excited you, and you can contribute one of the below item, please send me an email Dante at RenEvo dot Com.

Open Positions

Prop modelers
We are looking for people who can model misc items that will be found throughout the game, from generators to lamps. Ability to texture your own work would be nice, but UVW mapping is a must. (3ds prefer).

Weapon modelers
Creatively take our design docs and concept work of weapons and make accurate detailed weapons. Again, would be nice if you could texture your own work, but UVW mapping is a must. (3ds prefer).

Organic modeler
With some special needs that we have throughout the mod, having an organic modeler is a must. Organic modelers are modelers that can model organic life forms (i.e. people, pets, stuff thats alive). Ability to texture and/or rig the models is a huge plus, but not neccessary, UVW mapping is a must. (3ds prefer).

Vehicle modeler
Take orthographic concept art, and model a detailed vehicle with interiors. Everything from small to big, with experience in making military vehicles. Ability to texture isn't neccessary, UVW mapping is a must. (3ds prefer)

Texture artists
Making textures for objects per uvw maps (should know how to render in 3ds at least) as well as creating world textures from photographic references. (Photoshop and/or ZBrush preferred)

Level Designers
Create levels of locations from the desert, to the jungle, city to the aztec temples. Using very detailed concept work, you will create a geometry mock up (using measurement textures) for playtesting of our internal test team, then begin work on lighting while we started the texturework/concept work. After art is finished, prop-placement and continued gameplay testing will occur. This is to help direct the most fun, bug-free levels as possible.

If you made it this far, I thank you for reading it all, we are really excited to start getting some content on the code that we are building.
I'm sorry I don't fit any of these categories, because this mod looks very exciting :(.
If you ever need a concept artist though, reply here or email me: [email protected]