The Dead...Are Rising...

Oh damn!
That looks wicked fun.
Resident Evil done right?
Looks fun, but I have a feeling it will get repetitive quickly. But the different ways of killing the zombies looks awsome! Also, the voice acting is ultra cheesy.
KU_ said:
Looks fun, but I have a feeling it will get repetitive quickly. But the different ways of killing the zombies looks awsome! Also, the voice acting is ultra cheesy.

Yeah, Capcom's going for a cheesy/humor kind of thing with the ridiculous gore and cheesy lines and stuff.
Looks like these source zombie mods will have a little competition, though I think some of the hl mods look a little better :/ and hahah the dialogue screams japanese tranlation!

Edit: Holy shit they've got some serious LOD going!
Worth buying a 360 for? I think so.

Looks like a cross between Pokemon Snap and Resident Evil.
LOL the bowling ball and swinging a zombie by the legs was great
This game won't be that great. The gimmick of having hundreads of zombies on the screen is just the initial exploitation of the newfound power. It doesn't look like the gameplay is very refined at all, and will probably not stack up to current action games like God of War. It looks like it could be some mindless fun, in much the same way State of Emergency was for the first hour or two, but the novelty of having a bunch of medium detailed characters on the screen will wear off when you realize it's really just a sub par action game exploiting new tech. I expect to see far better games using the concept of massive amounts of characters on screen come out for the next gen than that.

There was a demo for the PS3 showing a Japanese action game that featured both traditional action game scenes and massive battles, that's more along the lines of what I'd see as an effective use of the tech.
Looks good, sounds good, but won't be good. Reason? Controls and repetition. It'll be hard and annoying to control, you can see that from the video even, and it will get old very fast.
O_o at last, a mass zombie survival game. At least they're taking that first leap. Although as Scott mentioned, (possibly) it could become repetitive and boring.
Damnit, I'm so sick of zombie action games, I want a game sorta like 28 Days Later, where you just randomly create a person ala RPG style, and have to have him survive xxx days etc, you could drive to an abandoned apartment building/skyscraper, barricade yourself on the roof and stack some food..*Dreams*
Gargantou said:
Damnit, I'm so sick of zombie action games, I want a game sorta like 28 Days Later, where you just randomly create a person ala RPG style, and have to have him survive xxx days etc, you could drive to an abandoned apartment building/skyscraper, barricade yourself on the roof and stack some food..*Dreams*

STALKER sounds like your ticket to heaven.
Gargantou said:
Damnit, I'm so sick of zombie action games, I want a game sorta like 28 Days Later, where you just randomly create a person ala RPG style, and have to have him survive xxx days etc, you could drive to an abandoned apartment building/skyscraper, barricade yourself on the roof and stack some food..*Dreams*

Kind of like STALKER will be if they get it right?

EDIT: Damn...within seconds!
Yeah I know, hopefully someone'll make a few edits to STALKER to make it more like 28 Days Later, STALKER'd be the best for making such a mod atleast.