The Death of Gordon Freeman.

I thought this thread couldn't get any dumber ... it went and TOTALLY REDEEMED ITSELF!
First, there would be some awesome cut-scene. Containing what ever it'd need for the impending death. He'd be shot, or what ever, he'd die somehow, and who ever inflected the death card would be killed by who ever else is with Gordon (Probably Alyx) She would kneel by Gordon's side cry, be upset, "No Gordon! Please!" etc. Then it'd go black, everything would fade out, this is when it comes out of Gordon's view, then we see Gordon laying on the floor, about to finish off. Gman would walk to his side. He'd look down to him and say "Good night... Gordon Freeman", fix his tie, and walk away, then some music, fade out and BOOM.

Wouldn't work, you'd respawn as soon as you left-clicked again.
Death of Gordon Freeman would be probably death of franchise atm. You really want to ruin your business?
In a tough combat scenario Alyx accidently shoots the propane tank Gordon was carrying with the Gravity gun because he just doesn't stop walking into her line of fire.

"Heh, that's Gordon" :)