The demo is out there...

Meh, I hope this is true at least. I wish a beta was leaked instead of the Source code. A beta doesnt really hurt anyone. It just builds up more hype for the game. We will have to wait on this one and see.
He better be lying, otherwise he's going to get sued.
Damn you'd think some people would have learnt by now.

--- Flashback ---

TOPIC: Half-Life 2 Source Code Leaked!


"LOL yeah right"
"f u fake"


Here's a quick little suggestion - after what has gone on recently don't be so quick to discount something with absolutely no evidence or reason to do so. The demo leak could be real or it could be a fake; if you don't know for sure, don't bother saying (lest you enjoy jumping the gun and looking stupid in the process).
I live in Brazil and i never heard about cadritech...

This is a fu*king fake.
Rofl... a playable demo? I dunno about that. Maybe he is exaggerating the source leak?
The E3 demo shown was in video form, there wasn't a playable video. I've spoken to hugo and he says the guy just had some video footage which had already been seen by the public :dozey: The guy believed that where he found the video he found a leaked demo and it wasn't at all... Crazy internet liars.
You honestly think something as big as a demo leak would only make it to one guy in Brazil???
You honestly think something as big as a demo leak would only make it to one guy in Brazil???

Well, we are special ! Hauahuauah !

Just kidding.:LOL:
Man, I'm a dumbass. :eek:

The 'friend' didn't even work at cadritech, hugo meant that he was at cadritech when he was contacted. It turns out the file was just a mis-labeled p2p .zip file that contained only the demo movie and some extracts from web articles refering to it. D'oh.
I was just way too hopeful, I mean after the delay, it seemed plausible that valve would release something, right? Right?

At least all you folks who said that this was faked were wrong, because I actually believed it. :dork: At least Yatta was right to have called me gull-i-bull.

The mods should pin this up as an example of how these idiot rumours start. Or delete the thread. Whichever.

Oh yeah... Let the flaming commence! :flame:
Oh WtF!!!!!!! Liess!!!!!!!!!!!! all LIes!!!

Ur a LiAr!!!!!!1:flame:
I have seen screen shots on alot of forums of a playable HL2 release. I have also seen the files with my own eyes on some* newsgroups. It seems to be 2 gigs large, and I dont know because I dont have it, but on forums around the net it seems like it is a real playable leak.
Well what I have to say is off great and real importance because I have seen Half-Life 2 . Just seen it thought the screenshots are real. THere is sreen shot ona website even has the buggy that was freatured on the E3 demo. Don't just take my word for it go find it. I am very sorry Value that all of this is happening, but your game is still with us every step of the way till it reaches the store to our hands. Keep up the good work and hurry I ain't got much to live anymore.
It is out, and I posted over 30 screenshots of it (they all got deleted by the admins).... well back to play :)
This is a search from

2D Animation Software | Desktop Animation | Toon Boom Studio
International Retailers. Austria dcp, design + commercial partner GmbH. Brazil Cadritech Computacao Grafica. ANTAUX Video e Audio Profissional...

so the companys true, as for the demo I've heard nothing so I don't belive it,

As for the leak of source, its to get us hyped

ive been playing the little beta demo for 2 days now. It has most of the e3 demos but bugbait you dont get the nade to get the bugs to come out :(.
Originally posted by NeOTeTsuo
ive been playing the little beta demo for 2 days now. It has most of the e3 demos but bugbait you dont get the nade to get the bugs to come out :(.
Type this in the console buddy..
give weapon_bugbait
Originally posted by nsxownzme
Type this in the console buddy..
give weapon_bugbait

Not to mention, when you see the big "ERROR", it's there.. it doesn't show up in your inventory if you've impulsed and pick it up, though
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
Yeah, this Valve has been letting out too much Steam lately.

This has to be the best analogy of relating VALVe to the leaks and such.
Maybe it's the alcohol talking, probably, but I think this post is really witty.

Its funny how if someone lives near a place that makes games they might be able to get the game, which is highly unlikely. It is possible that there is a demo, we cant know everything that happens in the industry just like we dont know a lot about the Government. Yet if there is a demo someone will get it soon enough, and we will all be playing yet, we just need some patience.
look how this thread started...full off disbelieve...and look how it ended...full with disbelieve... :p
Why would VALVe send a demo of probably one of the biggest releases to a tiny brazilian company? I say this is bs just on that. He could be talking about the beta (didn it have e3 maps?) and just got lost in the translation.
Try these ;)

give weapon_crowbar
give weapon_iceaxe
give weapon_stunstick
give weapon_pistol
give weapon_alyxgun
give weapon_shotgun
give weapon_hmg1
give weapon_ar1
give weapon_ar2
give weapon_smg1
give weapon_smg2
give weapon_cguard
give weapon_immolator
give weapon_frag
give weapon_rpg
give weapon_slam
give weapon_molotov
give weapon_bugbait
give weapon_rollerwand
give weapon_physgun
give weapon_irifle
give weapon_gauss
give weapon_binolculars
give weapon_flaregun
give weapon_sniperrifle
give weapon_extinguisher
give weapon_thumper

some are unskinned and appear as others, but you'll notice what they are when you use +attack1. I found a few more but i havent been able to find out the cheat cmds. One is similar to the eon gun, but has physgun abilities ;o

Demo? Remember those Half-Life 2 movies? How'd they shown us those enemy AI and stuff like that? Probably that IS the demo.
that CNN link just confirms that today's news is 99% unconfirmed gossip

"When hackers broke into the computing system of Valve Software, they stole more than just the source code to Half-Life 2. They also stole enough game maps and other components to put together a playable build of the game. Today, five days after the first leak, they have released that build. "

When did Valve or anyone prove that the hackers who stole 1/3 of the code also stolen maps, textures, etc. I know why CNN says that... because someone who posted the playable files to the net included an anonymous note--which is very contridictory--claiming that THEY stole all of Vlave's stuff. CNN is reporting based upon an anonymous note, posted anonymously to public internet groups. Hell I could rewrite the note and post it and CNN would report whatever I wanted.

I've only seen the leak discussed the last two weeks. If it was available earlier it wasnt' very widespread. I wouldn't be surprised if the "anonymous leaker" is a third generation or more away from the person who actually acquire the partial build.
It's not a demo, its a serverly crippled compile the thief made from what he stole. And for anyone who thinks he hasn't put anything in it, he put the static and faked 4 days to sept 30th message in, bet your ass he put other stuff in there too. Virus anyone?

Here's a better link

If you had to add that PS to it then you know your risking getting in trouble so why chance it :)
Im sorry if posting the link to an NFO file wasnt right to do. It doesnt contain a link to the DL....just info on the file itself.

You all were talking about there not being a playable version out I posted it. If you think you know something...then find it and DL it, because I assure you its out there.

Im sorry if I broke some rule, but people were asking for a screenshot too....isnt that against the rules?

And yes, it is a compiled version, with only a few levels.....But its enough to give you a little taste of it...I sures to hell will buy the game when it gets out, and if they can create mods for it that have the same graphics, I'll pay the 10 bucks a month too......Dont just assume that because you dont have it, its not out there.....thats quite nieve...
GUYS! DEMO and ILLEGAL BETA is a DIFFERENCE! the beta is fact...but isn't this thread about a officially released DEMO ?
well im new here but all i got to say is been out on irc networks for a long time already leaked by a anomonous leaker thats all i found out took me weeks to find out :D
"Have fun playing, but buy the game, cause this wasnt intended to be leaked! After the source leak, there was no reason for keeping the beta private. - Anonymous leaker"

Doesn't that mean that A.L. had this PRIOR to the source code theft? This person(s) decided to leak the E3 leak BECAUSE someone stole the code. Again--I think the person who leaked this had nothing to do with the code theft. They've probably had it since E3.