The Different types of gamer


Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
I saw a post on another forum about the different types of gym goers, so i was wondering what the different types of online gamers were...the one off people that you have met on a server. Ok, you have your:

The Cheater - self explanitory.
The Whiner - thinks everyone else is a cheater.
The l33t - only use leet speak.
The Team Killer - The only kills they are capable of getting are those of his own team
The Camper - finds a nice hole somewhere, pitches a tent, rifle and waits...
The Base Camper - like a camper, but only camps their own base.
The Spawn Camper - like a camper, but only camps the enemy base.
The "Woman" - they're really men, but want everyone else to think different.
The Woman - is actually a woman, and wants to make sure that everyone in the server knows it.
The rpger - Role play every single game, even the non-rpg ones.

Anyone come up with any others?
Dont forget:
The Lamer - Uses the most dishonorable methods possible to win. i.e. In counter-strike, if your in a knife fight, and someone starts to loose and whips out a gun.
The Ownerer - people often accused of being cheaters, but are actually amazingly good.

The Pro wannabe - would kill to be an ownerer, but never will be.
The noob - Dies in the first 20 seconds every round, tries to stab teammates even when ff is off, listen to people who tell them that they will get h4x if they press f10.

The rapper - Gamer who makes a horrible attempt to rap over the microphone.

The bunny hopper- self explanitory

the plane camper - bf42, bfv players, Someone who camps at the airfield all day waiting for a plane. The enemy can steal the flag from right next to them but they won't even notice while they are waiting.

The sniper - Someone who uses the sniper rifle constantly in every round, and uses it in close quarters fighting.

The little kid - 7-12 year olds with extremely high pitched voices talking over the microphone.
The croucher- self explanitory.
The kill stealer - people who kill your enemy before you when you´re allready heavily damaged them and about to own them. (..I guess its called "helping" in other words :P )
Zeus said:
The little kid - 7-12 year olds with extremely high pitched voices talking over the microphone.

Hehehehhe, i know what you mean, you have no idea whether it's a guy or a girl, until you ask :o.

The "Who The Heck Was That Guy" Guy - He shows up out of the blue, pulls stunts and tricks that you've never seen before, slaughters the whole server, and leaves never to be seen again, and no matter how many times you realise that he wasn't cheating, you still can't believe it.
The team player - someone who actually tries to work as a team and listens to commands such as "Need Backup"

The selfish player- someone who doesn't care at all whether the team wins or loses as long as they can have a high K/D ratio and look "1337 0wnz0r" in front of everyone.
The Bastard - Thinks he's the leader of the team and can order everyone around just because he's somewhat near the top of the scoreboard.
StardogChampion said:
The Bastard - Thinks he's the leader of the team and can order everyone around just because he's somewhat near the top of the scoreboard.

I hear that.
The Voice-Spammer: Guy who plays the tetris theme non-stop through a distorted voice comm, only pausing to tell complaining gamers to "**** off"
The CS kiddie: Morons who play CS only, claiming it's "realistic" and all other games are "t3h suxx0r"
spammy bastard- the guy who fights by chucking all remaining grenades and pipebombs
Mr " ": the guy whose name is a blank space.. he thinks he's cool until someone invariably points out that without a name, he cannot exist and his huge score now means nothing- he then manages to copy this persons name somehow and starts saying "I'm an idiot" over and over.
Really annoying person- throws flashbangs conviently so your entire team can't see and get's slaughtered. Every time.
Speed AWPer: Manages to pop around a corner and almost instantly deploy the scope and headshot you from 1 metre range.
The AutoWhore: Buys the autosniper and camps near a doorway, killing a whole team. see also, AutoWhores; when the whole CT team in Aztec has autosnipers.
The asshole - Involves a lot of teamkilling and spamming. This is basically a mixture of a teamkiller and different camper types

Arrogant bastard - A mixture of the ownerer and the asshole. Most arrogant bastards are clan players. This doesn't mean that all clan players are AB
Mr Sprayz: has animated porn sprays that get stuck all over the map; turning a rather nice looking prodigy into "genital alley".
The Recruter: tries to get you to join some clan with rediculous tags of )#_(@^_){||165} or something like that

The rich guy: says that without sli x700's you arn't really a person and deserves to die.
The Compensator: his name is his graphics card. he only uses chat to list his "leet specs"- he's really bad at CS, but he buys the biggest guns.
The Dumbass: newbie who constantly kicks ass through stupid actions.
bliink said:
Mr Sprayz: has animated porn sprays that get stuck all over the map; turning a rather nice looking prodigy into "genital alley".

haha, indid, its starting to get be a trence now, its becoming dangerous to play cs.

The Lan-Cheaters : 2 players play together in the same room, when one dies, he helps his budy by telling him where everybody is.
Adrien C said:
The Lan-Cheaters : 2 players play together in the same room, when one dies, he helps him by telling him whe everybody is.

ohh also;
The Chatter: uses teamspeak or VoIP to cheat when dead.
The college educated boring fCuk - He corrects your grammar
1.6 only:
The Shielder: Buys the ballistic shield. (heh)
The ComradeBadger - Constantly complains about how this isn't DM and he can't longjump and why did Chris_D make him play this rubbish... :P
The Impersonator: Has a name like "ARNOLD" and has the arnie soundboard connected to the voice comm. "hostage down" incuurs "YOU LACK DISCIPLINE" and assorted other Arnie phrases.
The Jack-o-lantern: Constantly flicks flashlight on and off
The twicher - This person might be high, or drunk, but whatever the reason, he or she cannot stop jumping, moving, strafeing, no matter what he or she is playing.

the Scorebored - Lives for scores, could be the highest score in a football game, shooter or rpg, this player wont stop playing till they have there score, once they do, they will tell everyone.
The spawn twitcher: During freeze time, this person smashes the jump key as fast as possible
The DEAR GOD START ALLREADY - This player is very busy, dont waste time with selecting your equipment, chooseing skills or any other silly things, this player cannot wait even for the shortest of time.

The Wize old man - This guy has past his prime years ago, but if you dare do better then him, he will tell you just how and why your generation sucks ass.
the fast and the furious: Reaction time is almost nil; kills you in the bliink of an eye; multitasks

This thread is spam....?
The addict: insists to everyone that they are really high and/or drunk over the mic.
Well ima move it to starcraft & other games.
The MapHacker - Sucks so bad he has to use a map hack.
The StackerHacker - Uses a stack hack!
The Porn Downloader - Downloads porn all day... lags starcraft like a bitch so no one can play.

The Tker - Kills your team..over..and over.....and over.....and over...... and over...

The GayMusicPlayer - Plays crap music over the Mic 24/7(Good Music is diffrent)

The WannabeSinger - Trys to sing over the mic...till everyone tells him to stfu.

The Cheapshit Hacker - Thinks its real cool to hack and uses very cheap tricks quite alot.

The Normal Average Guy - Your non spamming..non loser.....decent playing..... gamer... that most people should be...some people should be better... a few worse of course....
The OCD Sufferer: Before encountering hostile fire, must switch between any and all weapons as fast as he can.

The Rank-Whore: Only words ever typed by said player are 'rank' and 'top5'.
The Engineer - A breed of gamer that takes any form of support class. Thought to be extinct.
The Unknown Owner - Usually the only one in the group who plays games over the internet, gets his ass spanked normally, but pwns all his friends in LAN games

The Professional - Spends 3 days perfecting the plasma pistol + battle rifle trick on Halo 2 along with spending days finding the fastest route to the bombsites. Usually has no life or too much free time.

The Elder - Old creepy guy who doesn't hesitate to tell you he's 35 when people ask for the room's ages.

The lagger - Don't worry lil' buddy, just because your teleporting and delayed AWP headshots piss everyone off, why update from 28.8k?

The a-hole - Guy who plays games casually and likes to call everyone a nerd or geek over voicecom

The perv - Asks around in servers if anyone has a "porn spray" and will stand around it each round pleasuring himself in spectator.

The ComradeBadger - OMG HE DIED ONCE! REPENT!!! This man usually mods a HL2 board and will challenge the fodder to matches in a game that is more outdated then gold shag carpet