The Different types of gamer

The AFK master: Usually is on the terrorist team and gets the bomb. then stands there
The exploiter: one who uses little exploits in the game.
(A reload exploit was in the multiplayer in Return to Castle Wolfenstein). I tried it myself, when you are reloading, immediately start running foward and drop you weapon and your weapon should be reloaded but done faster than traditionally loading the weapon.
Whinny Prince of Persia forum bitch: Tons of things to describe and why they suck.
Tactical Twelve year-old: Kid with a pre-pubesent voice that seems to be in the game and splurts out commands like he's some kind of swat leader. Has no sense of humor and explains the "impossibilities" of joke people make
the estrictal:the one that say that nobody cant use some weapons or grandes or anything he sat just cuz he was killed by one

in my country are lot of people like that in the cybercafes
if someone kill him whit a weapon that is not so used (in others words anything that is not a ak47,m4a1,awp,deserteagle,cuz are the most used)
like a grenade he start to scream "no bombs!!!!!"
The Cool Guy: Does movie quotes, makes everyone laugh, his score? who cares! He's the cool guy we all want to talk to.


Music Dude: We don't care that listening to NIN makes your CS game more fun, stfu and shoot.

The Directors: DON'T MESS UP MY SERVER WE'RE FILMING A MOVIE! This person usually demands respect and gets none, ends with him leaving quite angry.

The crack addict: See EverQuest I and II
Who needs a girlfriend and real life when I can have that and more in a game! Death before exp loss!!!

The classic gamer: You are so right, I can see now why Chrono Trigger was better then WoW. This person loves any game made in the 80's regardless if he played it, says new games are the devil.

The G4 game reviewer: If it's on a console, we give it a 10/10

The Gaymer - You are a "fag" in the eyes of this man, instead of actually using his mind to come up with something insulting, he will call you gay or a fag.
The Brainless Comandant- constantly issues orders, despite lacking both skill and any form of tactical expertise.

Whinomar (Common Whiner Variant)- constantly spouts incoherent drivel to the point that you can't tell whether they're complaining, talking about the weather or insulting your aunt.

Paranoid Arsehole- convinced everyone's out to get him. Takes all TWs/TKs to be deliberate, and will happily berate the poor sod who managed to hit him rather than try and resume play.

Lesser Spotted Blame Shifter- Says nothing but "shit team", constantly. His deaths are never his fault. EVER. YOU HEAR ME?!
Reloader-After one round is off its time to reload for this guy(me).
THE EMO GUY!(or screamo) - names his screenname before an emo(or screamo) band like UnderOath, Hawthorne Heights, Dear Whoever, Our Last Night, even names himself "emo". the emo guy also gets flamed alot on pub servers but he doesnt mind it.
Blogger - Tells people what he is doing/did. We could care less you got so wasted last night and had sex with a minivan.
The Religious Guy - who doesn't want to shoot anyone and says, "why can't we all be friends and explore the map together"

GhostBoi said:
Reloader-After one round is off its time to reload for this guy(me).
Hahahaha me too! :laugh:

The Guilt-Riden Player: Will not play as a terrorist on CS because he feels too guilty.
Team Switcher: Keeps switching to the winning team.

The Helper: A 1337 player who switches to the losing team to help them out.

The Brown Noser: Player who sucks up to admin to get special powers

The Hyprocrit: Person who gets mad at players doings something particular, then does it himself next round.

The All Around Looser: Everybody hates this player. They do everything wrong.
pAiNtHeAsS said:
The All Around Looser: Everybody hates this player. They do everything wrong.

That one made me laugh.
The not-so grown man: Has a mans voice yet wont stop talking about poop sex and penises.
The mole - agrees to your plan of rushing A, but not on teamchat.
The suicide bomber - self explanitory.
The fool - people who laugh when their temmates are knifed, but does not realise that their teammates were behind them and get knifed themselves (my god that guy was stupid).
The lost - say that the enemy is at A when they meant B.
The sore loser - finds someone with a low score, pisses them off for a few games, then leaves after that person kicks his arse.
The grabber (in rpgs) - takes any item anywhere, no matter who they belong to.
Scapegoat - No matter what, he gets the blame for everything but winning. If someone sneezes on another computer and dies, he's get blamed for his death because he was the closest to the sneezer.
The Tight-ass Llama
Also known as the Oops, hangs around NS Bot servers and then writes "LOL OMFG EYE PWNED U" to the bots
maxblack said:
The Religious Guy - who doesn't want to shoot anyone and says, "why can't we all be friends and explore the map together"


Yeah, that's the one :naughty:
The Lone Gunman - Think's he's the greatest gamer in the world and is always the first person to charge around the corner guns blazing whilst screaming obscenities into the microphone. Also, always the first person to die and has the worst score in the server.
The Martyr: The man staying behind at his base to defend, dispense medical supplies, repair vehicles, man the AA guns, and other assorted thankless tasks. He does the most work and has one of the lowest scores on the server.
Different players

Some DM ones:

The RPG Camper- Camps the entire match in the RPG Spawn location, walks off with the highest score, hated by all.

The Cheater in Denial- Jumps 50 ft into the air and sets high damage counts for his smg then says 'what, i';m not cheating it's lag lol!'

The Kamikaze- Runs around the map looking for as many people as possible and blazing at them inacurrately with the SMG, highest kill count and highest death count at the end.

The Ignorant recharger- Sits at the HEV or health recharge station and charges up while you sneak up behind him and keeps on recharging while you proceed to shoot and kill them.

The Suicide Bomber- Whenever he sees another player he will run at them while firing off as many explosive weapons (grenades, SMG Grenades, rockets, barrels etc.) as possible without regard to his own health count.

The clueless swimmer- N00b who hasn't realised you can shoot underwater with the pistol and swim away desperately while you wittle down their health.

That's all i can think of for now.

The Microphone Wimp- Constantly says in his pre-pubescent voice 'Don't kill me, i'm not very good.'
The Copy Cat - Changes his/her name to an exact copy of someone else's (usually a popular or winning player) with a very small change to fool the filters from refusing the name.

The coward - Constantly yells "Cover Me" or "You take the point" when any kind of attack is near.

B!tch: This guy steps into a server, talks a lot of s#it, and proceedes to have everyone gang up on him and lay waste.

AvP2 is the only game I have ever played online multiplayer in, and this happened a lot. SUPER fun, though, to have, say, eight people ganged up against one (mostly because this person egged it on).

...on a related note, has anyone had an online game turn into a chat room? I have more than once. Something comes up that everyone has in common and everyone stops, meets somewhere, and starts chatting about it.
Adabiviak said:
B!tch: This guy steps into a server, talks a lot of s#it, and proceedes to have everyone gang up on him and lay waste.

Shit and bitch aren't censored.
AFaKer: Usually has a tag AFK on his name, doesnt move throughout the whole match. When the other teammembers find him and try to knife the afker, he pulls out an auto shotgun and kills em. Says he's "back" right after that. Repeats it because most people in the server are too dumb to catch on.
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
AFaKer: Usually has a tag AFK on his name, doesnt move throughout the whole match. When the other teammembers find him and try to knife the afker, he pulls out an auto shotgun and kills em. Says he's "back" right after that. Repeats it because most people in the server are too dumb to catch on.

I dont get it...
Direwolf said:
The Martyr: The man staying behind at his base to defend, dispense medical supplies, repair vehicles, man the AA guns, and other assorted thankless tasks. He does the most work and has one of the lowest scores on the server.

That'd be me in BF:V. Isn't it funny how no-one of the plane/heli campers notices the Hind above them......
Direwolf said:
The Martyr: The man staying behind at his base to defend, dispense medical supplies, repair vehicles, man the AA guns, and other assorted thankless tasks. He does the most work and has one of the lowest scores on the server.
Thats me in Day Of Defeat. Always capturing flags and shit even when i know i'm gonna die as soon as i have to stand up.


The Freak: The guy who has the ratio of 100:1 kills and deaths.

In 8 years of Internet gaming i've only met one guy on a DoD server who had 102-2. ****ing freak.
Think some of these are getting abit repeated....
The Solid Snail

A player who, in any game, will run in like a maniac with completely random weapons, spray ridiculously in the general direction of the enemy, panic, do something completely stupid and/or ridiculous and still win. Named after my good friend who once took out an entire team when he panicked and ran around in circles with a PARA, jumping up and down and firing. If a Solid Snail is not cut down in an overly-dramatic way, they will always, against all odds, survive.

The Suicide Bomber- Whenever he sees another player he will run at them while firing off as many explosive weapons (grenades, SMG Grenades, rockets, barrels etc.) as possible without regard to his own health count.

That's me in DoD. Once I took out 6 people at once with a primed grenade and then my team rushed in and won. I sometimes do the 'martyr' thing as well - like in a game of DC when our base was attacked by choppers. I jumped into a Humvee, shot at the choppers a bit. I raced off and they all followed me away from the base. :D
God bless the martyrs (no pun intended). If they're were more of them in online gaming, who knows how popular it would be.
The Balance Whiner - Consistently whines about how unbalanced CSS is. Continues to play after confessing that he still has 1.6.

The Performance Whiner - Same as above, except he complains about how bad the performance in CSS is.

The "I'm Good and you Can't Take That Away From Me" guy - Takes a firm stance on the grounds that he's a very skilled player, despite having an extremely low score.

The "I'm Off My Game Today" player - Takes a firm stance on the grounds that he's only playing badly today, and that if you see him tomorrow he'll be kicking ass.

The Clan Intimidator - Usually a stuck-up player who a) prominently displays his clan tag, and b) scores in the bottom three players on his team. If you insult him, or make a scene when you kill him, he'll threaten to bring his leet clan members in and "pwn your ass, noob!"

The Skilled Cool Guy - A very skilled player, and he knows it. He will help out his team, give backup where it's needed, and help the entire team on their way to a breezy victory.

The Skilled Jerk - A very skilled player, and he knows it. Continuously flaunts his high score, and makes lame leetspeak comments after every round. Incapable of calculating a kill-death ratio, and therefore bases every player's worth on his or her kill count.

The Racist - Comes in a wide range of skill levels and ages. Upon a loss, he blames his failure on his "stupid ni**er/jew/russkie/spic/chink f***er teammates". Upon a win, he proceeds to call the enemy team "a bunch of stupid ni**er/jew/russkie/spic/chink f***ers". Filled with nonspecific intolerance towards other people.

The Gun Nut - Randomly brings the rampant surrealism of CSS to your attention. Will complain about the lack of accuracy in the weapon models, and wonder why Valve can't just buy a gun and make a 3D model out of it. Will also attempt to degrade anyone who jokingly wishes for a gun modification that is tactically inappropriate, such as a C-Mag for the M4, or a longer clip for the TMP.*

*This actually happened to me. I said that I wished you could get extended clips for the TMP like in that old game Global Operations, and someone replied that it was "impossible to do," because extended clips aren't mass-produced. So I said "Why couldn't I just build an extended clip myself?" to which the reply was "Well, you could, but how would you get the presses for that?" I explained that that wasn't the point, to which he replied that if I couldn't press the extended clip myself, how could I get my extended clip in the first place, and this train of conversation continued for about a minute. I ended up saying "So basically, my point is, it's POSSIBLE to make an extended clip for the TMP," to which the reply was "No, it's impossible, I told you!" The conversation ended around there.
Another player

The barricader- Will build a 50 ft tall barricade in a part of the map with roughly half the objects on the map. He will be waiting for you with a crossbow or RPG.

The lagger- Lag- ss a-r-ound the ma-p reall y slow- ly, impo-ssible- to sh--oot .

The CS'er- The guy who come on and says 'WTF THis is nothing liek counter strike!!1'
Warbie said:
The Ownerer - people often accused of being cheaters, but are actually amazingly good.

The Pro wannabe - would kill to be an ownerer, but never will be.

he Ownerer - people often accused of being cheaters, but are actually amazingly good.

Got to love that