The Displacer


Space Core
Jun 5, 2007
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In my opinion it might be possible that the displacer is cannon.

Think about it like this.
In Half Life they had to use the giant single teleporter to transport you to Xen, without relays that I can recall or know of.
In Blue Shift they used a mildly advanced teleporter work for going from one Earth location to another by using a Xen relay.
In Half Life 2 they used the shoddy spare part made teleporter in Kleiner's and Eli's labs to teleport you from one Earth location to another. Again with a Xen relay.
Now look at Aperture Science's ASHPD: it can create two functioning portals from one certain surface to another provided that the ASHPD has the capability to fire those portals onto the surfaces itself.
Considering the ASHPD was made by Aperture Science, which was a competitor with Black Mesa, and that Black Mesa was farther ahead of Aperture Science in most known ways (including technology, grants, money, contracts, etc.) it might be possible that it would be possible for Black Mesa to be able to build a single prototype of a weapon that could teleport you to a random local on Xen if you are on Earth, or a random local on Earth if you are on Xen. The cause of this is that it teleports you without a relay, and therefore cannot go to a different area in the same world.
If Aperture Science can make a device that can shoot portals at exact measurements but limited by the range and user of the weapon, then Black Mesa could probably make a gun that teleports you to a random location in the other dimension regardless of user input.

This is my theory on the displacer gun in Opposing Force, please provide feedback and comments.

*Edit* If you want to read my thesis on the rest of Black Mesa, read this thread.

I have not played Decay, so I don't know how that fits in with the story.
From the evidence you present, I consider that your conclusion is one possible valid solution.

From this, point 1:
It could be canon, if Valve said so. Just because it's possible in-universe, doesn't mean it's canon (but I for one would like to see the Kleiner-and-duct-tape version that Black Mesa East might come up with).

Point 2:
I am not sure about the ASHPD being in the same "family" of teleporters.
  • Nothing we've seen in Portal suggests that Aperture knew anything about Xen.
  • The portal entrances/exits don't seem to share the same properties, such as the apparent ease of creation and use, or the obvious difference in appearance of Aperture-style portals vs Black Mesa-style portals, or the different effects experienced by the traveling person, that kind of thing).
I think that this is a case of technological convergent evolution: two separate, unrelated techniques (trans-dimensional vs unknown mechanism (possible quantum tunneling?)) that have both been used to the same end: transportation of matter across space/time.

Minor, niggling point: it's "canon", not "cannon" - though around the internet either is acceptable to shoot someone with as I'm sure you know ;).
dont worry. i havent played decay either..........or blue shift.........or Opposing Force :(

o and next time... use some paragraphs.