The doctor will see you now...

Pitty us poor Australians, we have to wait another 12 hours b4 we can purchase it from i wish i steamed it. I hate venvindi or however u spell their stupid name. Telling eb they can't sell it till the 17th what absolute losers. I hate hate hate hate them!
I hate Valve

I have a Physics exam tomorrow, I don't know if I'll be able to study with the Half-Life 2 icon sitting on my Desktop.

Thank you Valve, this is well worth the 6 year wait.
damn... I have exactly 65euros left in my pocket and I cant decide what I should by: HL2 US DVD for 63.99euros or some pron for 61euros..... NO JUST KIDDING!!! I'm going to by it in like 2 hours and all of the post here are making me sick!! I can't hold still - the hole atmosphere right now is driving me crazy!!!! :bounce:
Enjoy it everyone, for I can't play until my copy comes in the mail! :|
;( my copy is stuck in a post office, in a complelty different county to me, my mother has no car and cannot pick it up. I Am ****ed. ;(
Feel the sadness people.
Isn't it a tad short? I got to Gregori in about 4.5 hours. And that's practically half of the chapters IIRC. Would've wanted the Gravity Gun a bit earlier too but....

Do I like it? No.
Do I freaking love it so far? Hell yes :E
Alec: I also just got to Gregory. That's pretty funny.

I'd have to assume that since they all say it's 15+ hours that we aren't even halfway, yet.

But now I have to go to work. I think I may die.
JinkyWilliams said:
Alec: I also just got to Gregory. That's pretty funny.

I'd have to assume that since they all say it's 15+ hours that we aren't even halfway, yet.

But now I have to go to work. I think I may die.
Man I hope so. I've hardly met Alyx, the Vortigaunts or the Striders ;( But damn. Was Ravenholm a blast or what? :)
Just taking a break from playing now going to go pick up my CE.

I have no words for the game. I cant believe how they made the physics work so good.
Just to let you know, i also have a Q for a crosshair, it looks like there using a font for special symbols (all the weapons are letters).

Kinda annoying to tell the truth, but WHO CARES HL2 is HERE!
man its good, I have reservations about ravenholm though... I had a few monster spawns where I'd check already, that was disapointing, doom3 tactics :)

but thats it, its still 10/10 :)
Anyone from the UK managed to get the DVD Collectors Edition yet? I went out this morning and one retailer said they may get it Friday 19th, another said the week after that. One retailer even said that the CE only came with HL2,CS:Source and a T-Shirt (with no mention of HL:Source)? They also said there was a US DVD Import which was available too. Me thinks retailers have no clue. Can anyone post what comes with the DVD Collectors Edition?

Subscription pending?!??!?!
"Steam servers are currently unable to process the transaction"
woke up this morning, unlocked HL2, see start up screen ..leave for work! 9 hours to go before I can actually play ..oh the waiting is killing me

But I cant complain cuz it's finallyhere yay!!!
after allot of drama, i bought a second copy of the game... bought it home, literally ran.
now im stuck in a Subscription Pending box :(
Dammit 2 hours and 30 minites before I am home. Watchin the minutes slowly ticking away .. HELL!!
EVIL said:
Dammit 2 hours and 30 minites before I am home. Watchin the minutes slowly ticking away .. HELL!!

I hate you ..I have 8 and a half hours to go ..wanna trade?
nice. very nice.:naughty:
now all I gotta do is convince my parents to let my buy the damn game.... :flame:
Just my luck, I had today off and about 9:00 last night I was called in... I HAVE to go... damnit.

ah well.

CONGRATULATIONS Valve, and everyone at!! the wait is finally over.
much <3 everyone!

Anyone backed up or tried to backup onto CD rather than DVD?? can it be done at all spanning cd's?
otherwise i gotta go buy a dvd r.
About goddamn time, I've had it preordered for over 15 months now! Stupid gamestore hasn't emailed me yet either.. *sigh*
Prolly get it next week though (Birthdays are fun!)
Now that I see that it is just a game, meant to be played and enjoyed, and not Messiah with a Crowbar as it was hyped up to be, perhaps it's time to learn to get a grip, once and for all. At least I am calm and happy now =)...!
I am installing the game now! Thanks Valve, for the fantastic game we have now :D
im already past the buggy drving.. im at this bridge wich i have no clue how to beat. it blocked with a forcefield. But took a break now cause iv been playing since 3 am :P
so i finally get everything set....and when i start up the game, it's so choppy it takes like, 2 minutes for 20 seconds of dialogue to pass...sweet, so i have this 2GHz 512RAM computer and it can't handle this game.......YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES
Striker said:
im already past the buggy drving.. im at this bridge wich i have no clue how to beat. it blocked with a forcefield. But took a break now cause iv been playing since 3 am :P

If it's the area I'm thinking of, you shall do this.

Go and leave the buggy and go around the force-field, then travel on foot till you see an APC parked right side of the road with a rope attached to it. Go behind the APC and then you'll see one block on each rear tires which prevents the APC to role backwards. Shoot the blocks and then the APC will role down and the rope will be cut. Now the force field is down and you can proceed.
I must say that the Steam installation sucked totally ASS !
first off all it took ages caching the files then finally I was ready to play... NOT.. UPDATING HALF-LIFE2 "Ready to play in approximently 30 minutes". Updating Half Life 2 ? WTF is steam updating already ?
The users with dial up will have a hell installing. What did Valve think ? That they could handle all the registrations and download ? oh they had so wrong.. even the steampowered forums is down... Two words: It Sucks.. I want installl --> Play. not install -- wait -- wait --- wait-- ----- wait--- update ---- wait wait wait wait--- then play (I hope).. /me is teh angry :frown:

patch update:
August 26, 2004
- Changes/Additions

*Made avalible for pre-load
Laguna said:
I must say that the Steam installation sucked totally ASS !
first off all it took ages caching the files then finally I was ready to play... NOT.. UPDATING HALF-LIFE2 "Ready to play in approximently 30 minutes". Updating Half Life 2 ? WTF is steam updating already ?
The users with dial up will have a hell installing. What did Valve think ? That they could handle all the registrations and download ? oh they had so wrong.. even the steampowered forums is down... Two words: It Sucks.. I want installl --> Play. not install -- wait -- wait --- wait-- ----- wait--- update ---- wait wait wait wait--- then play (I hope).. /me is teh angry :frown:

patch update:
August 26, 2004
- Changes/Additions

*Made avalible for pre-load

Well if i have waited 6 years i think i can wait 30 min more....
..... i hope :rolleyes: damn steam
al_peggio said:
Well if i have waited 6 years i think i can wait 30 min more....
..... i hope :rolleyes: damn steam

lol hahahha well put
:cheers: :bounce:
fluke2k said:
T.h.i.s G.a.m.e I.s A.w.e.s.o.m.e.!.!.!

and that is quite an understatement.. really i can't describe how impressed i was last night when the game loaded and i started playing.. :cheese: :afro: :thumbs:

4 more hours to go, I am dying over here!

so hard to surf the net ..there's spoilers everywhere!!!
This is the best game ever made. No doubt about it. I played for 10 hours straight :)