the dusts maps should be remade


Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
the graphics on the dusts maps could be a lot better! i mean look at compund and train, they look amazing! , seeing how the dusts maps are probably the most commin maps in cs , they should look nicer.
its a desert city it isn't going to have the same grittiness as a train yard or factory areas, if thier gonna change anything in css it should be bigger levels.
bigger maps = people running around trying to figure out where the **** the other people are. 1 on 1 would take forever lol
bigger maps = crap

take a look at battlefield that game is a joke

btw dust is fine
really hard to make sand and brown stuff look good. have you seen the hallway though? that thing is amazing. love the effects on the tile.
Battlefeild is an awesome game! Yeah that maps are huge,they have to be. Also, unlike CS, battlefeild can have like 64 people.
Dust looks better, but Dust2 was an almost direct port. They added a car and some trash (where a car could not go, mind) and some other garbage around te level. I would like to see a more realistic middle eastern setting. Dust feels like an arena, not a location. The bridge leads to nowhere, and the CT spawn is like they just randomly fell from the sky.
big maps would be cool if they added operable vehicles

for example, a huge de_dust map called de_dust3 that was desert like and stuff and had a couple modified dune buggies or something as operable vehicles. or some sort of vehicle at least would be cool. vehicle maps would be pretty cool in my opinion
I like dust 2 way more than dust1... Just has way more options and in dust 1 as a terrorist you are pretty screwed to get your ass fired on. Cuse either way CT's have a great position to watch you advance.
xLostx said:
bigger maps = people running around trying to figure out where the **** the other people are. 1 on 1 would take forever lol

...the last player on each team wouldn't be spending 3 minutes looking for each other if one of them just went for the map objective, like they should. If anything, I think a larger map might encourage completing the map objective (which shortens the round time = more rounds = more killing) because it wouldn't seem so impossible (more routes) to get from here to a bomb site in one piece.
You can't sit and watch someone for three minutes? Concidering you have lived half the time and there's usually 6 minutes in a round... plus you could spend your time critizing the player left: OMG NUB THIS GUY SUCKS AHHH I WANNA SLAP HIM OH NOEZ CTS = L00Z0RZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gameplay wise dusts are pretty good...but the sourced dust 2 could have used a lot more work. like someone above said, its just a straight port with a few cars and some trash.

my favorite maps are now cs_office, de_prodigy, de_train, and cs_compound because they feel like real locations.
Exclamatio said:
bigger maps = crap

take a look at battlefield that game is a joke

btw dust is fine
Battlefield games re not meant for 1 on 1. And there is a spawn system, not a round-based system. It's perpetual action.
As i said previously, i like maps that resemble real life places. Compound and Train are examples of this. The other maps feel like arenas or something set up, like training. Also i tihnk they should map more interesting buildings. Like tall office buildings or a hotel or something.

My $0.02
The best maps are ofcourse the ones that feel like real locations. Not only for that you can see couple of vehicles behind the spawn point, but buildings must have a sensible architechture. Cs_office for example is great in that matter, you can think that this would be a real location somewhere.

De_train would be cool, but you cant get any of the rooms and everything, and in some places the architechture is just stupid - a bridge that leads into a wall? Or a coffee room/toilets in some distant place where you have to go through the trainyards (if youre coming from the offices). De_dust and de_dust2 are ridicilous on this matter, theres hardly any doors leading into the buildings, theres lots of places in the buildings with areas that would seems to be too large for just walls but too small for rooms (and there wouldnt be any doors too, if they were rooms...)

Old map remakes are usually stupid, because the routes are narrow - all the doors are locked, you cant get into any buildings which arent useful to the routes leading to bomb places/hostages etc etc. Battlefield and its mod Desert Combat has some great city maps like that, berlin and dc urban siegefor example, theres many buildings and routes to explore, which arent really useful for any other reason than sniping/camping. You can get into the roofs and snipe people over there etc etc. This is the type of architechture CS:S needs too.
Oh office would be "real," except for one thing... there are no bathrooms (if there are they are just door textures and dont exist). I would like to see just one ultra realism map for CS:S. Maybe an office building, but i think a hotel with a pool would be fun. I don't know, but Dust and Dust II are completly fake, and they belong in a game like UT.

Oh and i want to be able to open/close the doors in office!!!!! or anyother map for that matter...
I agree, an office building would be awesome, like a 64 player map or something. Multiple floors with elevators, stairwells, bathrooms, offices, storage rooms, etc etc. Like a real office tower. That would rule. ;(
cept 64 playahs wouldnt be realistic... add two groups of cts, one going in on the roof, one ground level... and groups of max five mind you! also, add in some crasy terrorists equipped with pistols, maybe some smgs, and max one rifle per team. the terrorists shouldnt have access to kevlar, and they should go down by 1-2 rounds by the cts. the cts themselves should be almost impervious to damage from pistols (exept for a front hs). of course, the cts should have choppers strafing all over the place too...

now thats realism.... IMO
yayy!! big buildings with sniping!!what joy! seriously now,compound looks like some place I have driven past..THAT is what CS needs more of,a place you might drive past or see in a movie..not more sniping and camping..would be different if it was DM style game:die,respawn,die,respawn...but it isn't..
Bigger maps would be great in a couple years when 64 man servers are decent and kick ass hardware exists.
Have you noticed that no one plays de_dust2 in cs:s? In cs it was one of the most populair maps.
Loads of people play dust2. It's one of the most popular maps on Enemy Down.
The_Monkey said:
Have you noticed that no one plays de_dust2 in cs:s? In cs it was one of the most populair maps.

a lot of people do :O

I don't see anything wrong with the map myself
ray_MAN said:
Battlefield games re not meant for 1 on 1. And there is a spawn system, not a round-based system. It's perpetual action.


I love Battlefield as much as i do CS.
the problem w/ "ultra-realistic" and bigger maps, tho, is that this game runs off of servers on the internet. The more resources are needed, the more loading times, the more lagging, etc. You could only have a good game going if you had a top-of-the-line system.
When did i say bigger? What i mean is realistic. fy_mcdonalds is agood example of this. With somemore work on the inside you could look and say, yeah, i have been here, i know this place. It is not a big map either.

Maybe a multistoried office building, but i would like a map the size of cs_office that is maybe in LA or NYC or something. Where you can look out over the city, and feel that you are there. Office, IMHO is one of the better maps, but i still dont feel like "yeah, i could work here." I still feel like it is more of a setup or training than an actual "real" environment. For example, in CS_Office:
-Where are the bathrooms and why arn't they open to go in?
-Where are these people? Where did they go?
-Why is there a waiting room where it is? What is its purpose?
-Why is the storage hallway practically empty?
-How are these people supposed to get in?
-Why are there no external doors? only the back hall. And where is the door to keep the cold out?
-Where is the street? An office building in the middle of the tundra?
-Where is the employees "lounge."
-What do they build here, or do here, it is not readily apparant.
-Would anybody be concerned about the threat of losing the janatorial staff (What the hossies look like)

And please, this is not a flame of cs_office, i love the map, but for a game that is going for realism, these are a few of the many errors a serious gamer would pounce upon. Valve really needs to decide whichway they want to go with CS:S and CS:2. It is obvious to me that most people who are out there for realism would be really pissed with this game.

However, that is no to say that it isn't fun, just saying that it is far from real