The ease of piracy & hl2

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I fear that it will be far to easy to pirate Half-Life 2.

Today I was wondering what the price of Doom 3 was and so I searched it in Amazon. The first result down was Doom 3. The second was Half-Life 2. The third result down was a sponsored link from ************* - a huge BitTorrent website that has been pirating Doom 3 since days before it's release. It was a link advertising the Torrent there. Free.

If on a site like amazon where you can buy Doom 3, it gives you a link a couple down to pirate it too, which would you pick if you were on the fence on wether to buy it or not?

I pretty dissapointed with amazon, thats for sure... :(
I don't know, I think Valve has taken many precautions.

I thought the plan was having to identify with steam the first two weeks or something..?
Welcome to the real world. If you Enjoy games like HL2. Support the people who make it like Valve. Buy the game. The Fan base should be able to Sustain Valve. People who don't really like Half-life but want to play it, will steal it.

If your a fan. BUY it. If your a Cheap Ass fan. STILL BUY IT. If you think "Oh I am too poor to buy these Expensive new games" get the wall-mart El' cheapo VERSION.

Valve has given us all a reason to support them. (FREE MODS) Great Single player and MULTIPLE PAYMENT options. If you can't find a reason to Buy HL2. You can go screw yourself.

PS: HL2 no matter what will be cracked. Come on guys. Just realise it.
That's the whole idea behind Steam. I don't know exactly how it works, but Valve obviously think it will otherwise they wouldn't have invested the time and money they have done in Steam
This is the nature of computers AND gaming. As MANY precautions as they take, HL2 will BE pirated, and very very quickly at THAT. Stop worrying ABOUT it, and if you want TO SUPPORT the game then just buy IT. There's not much MORE YOU can do.
However HL2 might still be less downloaded.

D3 is shipping the 13th of August here, and many guys said they've downloaded it because they couldn't wait.

HL2 has a world wide release, so Valve won't have that problem :)
Jimlad said:
This is the nature of computers AND gaming. As MANY precautions as they take, HL2 will BE pirated, and very very quickly at THAT. Stop worrying ABOUT it, and if you want TO SUPPORT the game then just buy IT. There's not much MORE YOU can do.
And now why did you write random words in caps? :|
to topic starter, first of all is supported by, a legal bitorrent site that you have to subscribe and pay for for your bit torrent downloading not sup********* pays id software to have it's games on it's site, so in the long run if you get it from or amazon your paying for the game either way

please get your sources right before blaming for stooping down to piracy please :dozey:
Not as many people will pirate HL2 as people will Doom3.
Really, Doom3 is mainly a single player game with multiplayer tacked on. While the single player experience is amazing, the multiplayer just doesn't cut it. Most people realize this, and only pirate it to play singleplayer. If D3 had more to offer in the multiplayer department, I think pirating of it would drop considerably. Most who buy D3 will probably only play it's mods online. HL2, despite offering a solid single player experience (we hope), is sure to bring alot of multiplayer goodness into the mix. Many will buy HL2 for this fact alone.

Pirates still find a way though, and cracked servers for Doom3 do exist. There's quite a few I hear. I'm sure the same will happen for HL2, but personally I feel more people will give in and buy the game instead of attempting to play on cracked servers. HL2 just gives more bang for the buck.

Edit: Sorry, meant Doom 3 not Steam
Wow there are a lot of BitTorrent sites called Supernova. I'm not gonna list the URLs, but I that's the fourth one I've seen.
I am a fan of both ID and Valve. I am going to buy both D3 & HL2.

D3 13th UK release date :)
You can't join a server without a SteamID. You can't get a SteamID without authorizing through Steam. You can't authorize through Steam unless a valid CD Key is tied to your account or you bought the game over Steam. You can't go to the bathroom without Steam's permission. If you lie to your parents, Steam will find out. You can't think dirty thoughts while connected to Steam... or else... well... OK... I went a bit too far with that... but, you get the point.

... as with the original Half-Life, most of the people that warez the game will be stuck playing singleplayer or maybe multiplayer on LANs. The ones that randomly generate a valid key will be able to play for at least a while. If your valid key is in use you can e-mail Valve a picture with your Half-Life CD, the CD key, and the receipt they might fix the problem. I haven't heard any success stories with that method, but it's what they recommend on the Steam site (or something similar to that).
i guarentee a 'non steamable' pirate version of the game comes out about 5 seconds after the release.

its inevitable. (obviously not for multi, but single player deffo.)
Um, you do realise that most of the people that download games would never have bought it anyway? Right?

Why do people worry so much about piracy?
that disn't make it any less petty and dishoenst, you are experiencing something which has cost money to produce for free. If piracy didn't exist then how do you know they wouldn't?

Its easy to say 'I wouldn't have bought it any way' with the relative ease of getting warez.
MrD said:
Um, you do realise that most of the people that download games would never have bought it anyway? Right?

Why do people worry so much about piracy?

Piracy is big, I won't go into figures. Yes, you are partly correct, some people who illegally download it may just download it for the sake of it, but that doesn't make it any less illegal. Some gamers are just cheap-asses who can't be bothered to pay for the game. Besides, everyone loves HL :thumbs:
I've seen guys whining about the price of doom 3, you can get it for £30...

these stupid warez monkeys who claim to be doing it because of this pricing vendeta with ID also seem to have forgeton how good ID where to every one with doom shareware...

Steam is gonna make it a helluva lot harder to pirate, it will probably be almost impossible to play HL2 online if it's pirated.
MrD said:
Um, you do realise that most of the people that download games would never have bought it anyway? Right?
Chances are they would have bought it if there wasn't a convenient way to steal it.
Sai said:
to topic starter, first of all is supported by, a legal bitorrent site that you have to subscribe and pay for for your bit torrent downloading not sup********* pays id software to have it's games on it's site, so in the long run if you get it from or amazon your paying for the game either way

please get your sources right before blaming for stooping down to piracy please :dozey:
hehe that was funny
how about you stfu about piracy. if you are gonna buy the game buy it, if you are gonna steal it then steal it. piracy has been alive and well most likely since before you were born as i assume you were most likely born in the 80's or early 90's. piracy has and will always be around. some people buy their software movies and music and some people just get it on "bootleg" thats the way of the world.

and as for your statement about amazon advertising piracy. amazon used a search engine if you look at the top of their page it prolly says powered by google. now go to google and search for doom3 and see how many links you get to suprnova yeah i said it whats the point in not saying it? its not like people dont already know or wont find out if they really wanna steal some shit.

do you also think that if we dont mention kazaa when you talk about music that people wont know where to download music?

game will be pirated and so will music and movies. its been like that since the first tape and tape recorded video cassete and cd-rw were invented. its nothing new. before the internet people were pirating. just do what you feel is the right thing to do instead of making a new thread everytime you search for "my little pony" on amazon and get a link to a warez site.
they can't realistically force people to identify with steam for the first couple weeks because a lot of people who buy the game won't have an internet connection.
I'm thinking steam will do jack diddaly to stop the warze. Best offence is a DEMO BEFORE THE GAME APPEARS IN STORES.

People don't buy it if they can't play it first. eh? well when i want a bittorrent i go to supernova.???

sorry i'm not telling you, really i only use bittorrent to download films, if i want a game i buy it, if its a higly anticipated film like shrek 2 i will watch it in the cinema because i dont want to ruin my experiance by watching a shoddy screener.
I just have to say, I know many people who pirate games... One of my close buddies has pirated everysingle game since HL1 has been released.
He did though actually say he's definately buying HL2 and Doom 3, so it goes to show some pirates are going good for good games.
There is still hope believe it or not for pirates...
i hereby forbid anyone on the internet to pirate anything ever again.
A2597 said:
I'm thinking steam will do jack diddaly to stop the warze. Best offence is a DEMO BEFORE THE GAME APPEARS IN STORES.

People don't buy it if they can't play it first.

Yea true , they wanna see how it is and how it runs before wasting money on it.
poseyjmac said:
i hereby forbid anyone on the internet to pirate anything ever again.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, sure there buddy...
poseyjmac said:
i hereby forbid anyone on the internet to pirate anything ever again.
Must obey poseyjmac... must buy games.... must support developers...
Mountain Man said:
Chances are they would have bought it if there wasn't a convenient way to steal it.

You are correct, some would.
I am correct, most wouldn't.

I don't disagree that it's illegal. But i figure, as a software company, you're not gonna make any money from them regardless so why try? It seems to me that they spend more money making the game less compatible with people's computers, than they do actually making it work. And then wonder why they can't sell any games.

See, i buy the games i can. I bought HL (more than once), i'll buy HL2... i've bought loads of games. It's all about price, and affordability. Some people can, some people can't, and some people just won't. I figure it's nice to be able to download and play the games i would never have bought anyway. Where's the harm? Nobody lost any money from it...

Just exactly where was this generation when their mothers were telling them to SHARE!

Yeah, i'm crazy!
Dr0ndeh said:
i guarentee a 'non steamable' pirate version of the game comes out about 5 seconds after the release.

its inevitable. (obviously not for multi, but single player deffo.)
Yep, SP will be warezed as usual. Whether anyone will want a single-player no-mod no-update version for more than 15 minutes is another question entirely, though.
A2597 said:
I'm thinking steam will do jack diddaly to stop the warze. Best offence is a DEMO BEFORE THE GAME APPEARS IN STORES.

People don't buy it if they can't play it first.
HLTV will be made free for all, for all games. much better than a demo.

/forgottoedit (TM)
I pirate lots of old games, but the companies usually don't support them still anyway. Plus, I used to own the games, but lost them, so I should still have them anyway.

I'm talking games like King's Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, Quest for Glory, Leisure Suit Larry. Gotta love adventure games, they kick ass.

EDIT: If the company still supports it though, I usually never play it, unless I really really want it. That's really reserved for FF games (not anymore unfortunately) and HL.