The End Is Nigh

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Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
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It's almost Sunday the 1st of July and is going to be changed somehow.
We're gonna get rained with headcrab missiles. Samon can be our Gordon Freeman. :p

<3 28 days later
the site will be shared whit a site for gay fat people,it will have tips sections and faqs and stuff like that
What time is this change happening? I want to be there so I can witness the "WTF OMG SH*T COUNTER-STRIKE SOURCE IN GAME BROWSER THING"
You should be worried. You should be VERY worried.
As long as I get redirected ...

(I'm taking a stab in the dark.) will soon be a re-direct to cncnation


I lie i lie!
All the emoticons are going to be replaced with different versions of D:. D: will not become an emoticon, though. Also, Jintor, get on MSN!
!Outbreak - Contain information!

God I hate it when it rains...
K, it's Sunday where I live. Spill the beans.
I'd laugh if it was a mass bannage of everyone, even the mods somehow.
Who here is proficient at torture/interrogation practices? I'm sure there are many.

Now if we can just nab a mod... Evo or Samon...
Don't harm Rimfire - he knows the formatting!

The only reason its not your Sunday is cause I'm working my arse off at the moment, that and its Hetic's call.
Forget the cronies then, we need to get Hectic! I'll bring the pliers. I'm good with pliers.
Reveal it nao! It's already 16 and a half hours into Sunday here already. :/
Wrong SUNDAY! There is no sun on your sunday!

But just bear with us - we are working to get it ready. It already consumed Ennui and I lost some of my fingers. Lucky I have spares!
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