The end of an age

Beerdude26 said:
Lol I can imagine it already in a future film:
"Without an experienced person, we're doomed!"
"I know someone."
*person enters*
"Who the hell is that?"
"It's TollBooth Willie/Chuck Norris."
"Well, he doesn't look so impressive to me."
"He's Old School. Plus he roundhouse kicked a guy in the face. With his mind."
"Holy shit."


Fixed. ;)
Dog-- said:
If you call a telephone magic...

Or maybe a magical peice of paper with writing on it is sent to the mail guy - MAGIC!
You don't even know what you're talking about. Telegrams are written recordings of telegraphed messages that are read to the sender. You can't just mail a letter to a telegram and have them read it.

Why do you think they say "STOP" for every period? It's not because the sender though that would be hillariously annoying, it's because punctuation isn't available via morse code.