The END to all delayed release date THREADS!!

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Aug 30, 2004
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0 your looking at my posts and thinking MEH!!!??

Well......I have done an awfull lot of trawling through the forums here and well come to one simple and utterly UNDISPUTEABLE conclusion.


I am , like most of you here an avid gamer, love the HL, CS and now much to everyones glee, a beta test of CS:Source (more on that later :thumbs: ), and just like all of ya, i would like more than anything to wake up 2morrow morning and find a nice parcel on my doorstep, from <<insert where u have it pre-ordered here :sleep: >> waiting for me, and then get to eagerly demolish its packageing to get to the sweet inards.
But, we know that day will never come (only kidding!) well, we know that day will be soon, we all hope its soon, and so we will wait patiently, as we have done since the first news of Half-Life 2 surfaced, now ,what seems like an eternity ago. We have watched hours of blink, and video capture footage, eagerly awaiting the release...But to no avail. Time and time again we have had to wait with bated breath, as the "release date" comes and goes, but we still wait.
This brings us where we are today, Yes bored of waiting on one of the most anticipated games of all time, but even more eager for it to come to us, than when news first came through.
But you might ask yourself "what has all this waiting accomplished??" well if u ask me, everything and nothing! (mmmmm matrix??) Everything in the terms of, we know this game will be amazing..we have seen the footage, and well, been blown away by it....and nothing, because what has it reduced us to? Argueing over release dates, and flaming the odd n00b as he/she makes a "slightly" out of line remark. :borg:
Those of us who play Doom3 (and played the origionals) waited something like 9 YEARS! for the release of the modern day version, and were we happy? Yes, with the eye candy and jaw dropping special effects, but not with the game play. The times of 50 Hell risen monsters all biting at your marine skin has passed and we have moved in to a more mature gaming experience, one that has evoloved over the years, in to what we will have from half life 2. I myself ,dont find the gameplay of doom3 as good as the early offerings, but with the oodles of graphical power it requires, can we really complain? (I mean c'mon, imagine the FPS lag if we did have 50 hell risen monsters coming at us? :rolling: )

The want for this game has pushed some of the community to extreme lengths. The "stealing" of the early half lif 2 from valve by those t4rds, was well....silly to say the least, as it has not only annoyed them with the release date push backs, but also the whole gaming community. But Valve, have taken the punch, and carried on to devolp HL2, to make sure it will be the best that it can. Sure it will have bugs, but what PC software doesnt, its almost impossible to make a piece of software that advanced that will run PERFECTLY on every PC, from 600mhz Celerons, to 64bit AMDs with gigs or RAM. But as ever ,within 30minutes of its release, we will bombard the forums, with complaints of crashes or what not, instead of enjoying what we have in our hands that we have waited for so long. Taking this to the extreme are some individuals who complain and moan about bugs (i name no names) in BETA's!! I mean..the name says it all, its a test piece of software, that we have been given the PRIVELEDGE to try out. I mean as a few people have said, we dont HAVE to be let to try it out, but we have been. Firstly I think Valve doesnt have an obligation to let anyone try an early release, but they have, to give us but a small taste of what we have been wanting for-o-so long. But in retrospect, you can feel like they do have an obligation to let us have a "go" on the beta, as we have bought their software......which is exactly what they have done. They have allowed the followers of the CS series the chance to sample the next generation of the series, becuase they own Cs:CZ, this is basically creating a much larger than "usual" BETA test team, which can only be a good thing in my eyes (well done valve) as it speeds up the development speed. For those of you who have bought the game simply to play the beta..and then moan about the bugs...GET REAL! :farmer:

Well...thats 10minute rant, that oooo so needed to be said imo....wait 2 seconds...

//me slips on FLAME retardant clothes

Thanks for reading.. ((<<lol)) :bounce:

lol....i thought i lost it all then, clicked POST and well IE hung..LOL!!
I'm not going to bother to read that, but I will say this: Congradulations on stating the obvious. Happy now?
... i am not going to read the rest but ...

people stop posting crap (ex. iT iS DoNe !!!!!!1!1!!)...

thats is all
I think I can sum up everything you said in 1 sentence.

When HL2 goes gold, Valve will announce it everywhere, including and only then will it be official.


Nice first post anyways.
DavE0r said:
I didnt even read your post because of one reason.

Welcome Dave

unrelated: If Hl2 were to make this month it would have to go gold fairly soon wouldnt it?
I swear, if someone makes another release-date speculation post....
Closed.. quick look over the thread should be reason enough for anyone wondering why :p
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