The end.

What do you expect?

  • Great conclusion

    Votes: 136 70.5%
  • Decent end

    Votes: 43 22.3%
  • Disappointment(Like most games)

    Votes: 14 7.3%

  • Total voters
if episode 3 sucks, I will become a grey, bitter, & cruel person.
I'm not saying it will suck, in fact it pRobably wont (I voted great conclusion in the poll) but there is a slight possibility.
So far, the last parts of each game (after the original, which wasn't super amazing) have been really damn good. After completing all of them for the first time, i think i just sat and did nothing while my brain lightly sizzled in anticipation of the next chapter.

It's going to be good.
I think it'll be the end of the episodes but I think they will leave it open for a sequel. It will be interesting to see what valve does after that. Will they stick with episodic content or do a large game again? Will they move to a new engine afterward? Will they try a new ip?
I hope for all three. I think the .bsp structure has to go. Or at least make the editor allow for much easier creation of content. Half-Life 3 or whatever you want to call it would be interesting to see, but I would like to see valve concentrate on another major original ip. As good as tf2, l4d, etc. are, I don't think they match the half-life series.
Damn, I just realized this is a story thats been going on for 10 years, and its still not over...

I would like Episode 3 to be an amazingly perfect finish to the story, and if required end it at that. I can imagine Valve trying to push further creativity in Half-Life 3 and ruin the series as a whole, sometimes you gotta quit on top.

Half-Life 3 would have to be a huge game, just like HL2 was. And to put in another story in there, that extends on the current story or a new one and drags the storyline more and more would probably mess everything up.

I'm sure Valve can think of something though, when the world is fixed again and everything is all gravy.

Black Mesa VS. Aperture Science >=) + incorporate more GMAN muahahah + return of Eli (magically, but awesomely), Barney, Father Grigori, Alyx, Dog, Mossman, and some guys from HL1 + new characters to fall in love with + maybe a story INSIDE Xen, like some sort of epic battle where regular physics dont exist (of course)...theres definitely some room for another story, me thinks. But it has to be done delicately...
Eh, I think Eli coming back would be a bit disappointing. His death added a lot stronger emotion into the end, like, "these characters are all awesome, but they can still die".

The things I would like to see in Ep. 3 is more information on G-man, but not every possible thing, and some awesome outdoor battles in the snow.

Maybe a scene where the when you're in the helicopter and it crashes into a wasteland, and you're forced to continue on a skidoo that is designed like the Airboat in HL2?
I think episode 3 will end with you finding the borealis and having an epic battle with an advisor, then when you win, you go on to claim your prise- whatever is inside the borealis, but then the gman stops you, he tells about something in the future that is going to happen, like some kind of danger like the end of the universe or something (not nessecarily[misp.])to do with the combine and that the only way you can stop it is to destroy the borealis, but killing yourself in the process. he then offers you the choice of destroying the ship, or not; if you accept the you shoot/destroy the whateveritis inside the borealis and just as the explosion is about to engulf you the gman freezes time and stops the explosion, he tells you that there has been a change of plan and his employers still need you, he also says that they have authorized him to tell you some of their secrets; he tells you what their motives are and why, and also tells you about the combine and their origins and also about the nihilanth, but he does not completely tell you his identity, but gives you some kind of cryptic message or riddle to solve about it, he then says:"I'm afraid the whole truth will have to wait till another time, gordon. untill that time I bid you farewell. . . . ." he then teleports you away and episode 3 ends on yet another epic cliffhanger. finally at the end of the credits there is some final hint or cutscene refering to HL3/HL4/HL2EP4.

if you decline to destroy it, he teleports you into another black void like at the end of HL1, he then says "what a shame, freeman. I would have expected more from mankind's greatest hero. I am disapointed. . . . . . " it then flashes one of those termination messages from the gman to his employers it says when you fail drasticaly.

I think episode 3 will end with you finding the borealis and having an epic battle with an advisor, then when you win, you go on to claim your prise- whatever is inside the borealis, but then the gman stops you, he tells about something in the future that is going to happen, like some kind of danger like the end of the universe or something (not nessecarily[misp.])to do with the combine and that the only way you can stop it is to destroy the borealis, but killing yourself in the process. he then offers you the choice of destroying the ship, or not; if you accept the you shoot/destroy the whateveritis inside the borealis and just as the explosion is about to engulf you the gman freezes time and stops the explosion, he tells you that there has been a change of plan and his employers still need you, he also says that they have authorized him to tell you some of their secrets; he tells you what their motives are and why, and also tells you about the combine and their origins and also about the nihilanth, but he does not completely tell you his identity, but gives you some kind of cryptic message or riddle to solve about it, he then says:"I'm afraid the whole truth will have to wait till another time, gordon. untill that time I bid you farewell. . . . ." he then teleports you away and episode 3 ends on yet another epic cliffhanger. finally at the end of the credits there is some final hint or cutscene refering to HL3/HL4/HL2EP4.

if you decline to destroy it, he teleports you into another black void like at the end of HL1, he then says "what a shame, freeman. I would have expected more from mankind's greatest hero. I am disapointed. . . . . . " it then flashes one of those termination messages from the gman to his employers it says when you fail drasticaly.


Sounds good, but please, PLEASE no more cliffhangers.
If they are going to do HL3, it will be in the next five or so years, and leaving ep.3 on an epic cliffhanger and making us wait for a crapload of time before the story continues will leave me crying. Seriously.

I hope to see an epic Advisor battle, definetly. Just imagining that would be catastrophically awesome.
Also, I hope to see a lot more explination of what the Borealis is, because at the end of Ep.2, Alyx said that she thought it was just a legend, obviously meaning that the ship is something of legendary proportions.
yeah I suppose you got a point about cliffhangers, tis' just that was the 1st (good) idea that came into mi head.
yeah I suppose you got a point about cliffhangers, tis' just that was the 1st (good) idea that came into mi head.
I think ep.3 is going to answer a ton of questions, like the connection between Eli and the G-man and who the G-man works for. Perhaps the latter could introduce a new enemy/ally in the next game?
It will also probably introduce new environments into the game - like the snowy and icy landscapes of where the Borealis is located - that we haven't worked with in the previous games.

All in all, i'm 99.9999% sure the game will deliver some serious win.
Thinking about it again, i'd actually like to see the story come to an end, be resolved.

Even though that would require either a hell of a lot of loose ends tied, or it would leave a lot of speculation to be done, i think i'd prefer it more than a continuation that could potentially (although unlikely, knowing valve) ruin some of the greatness of the game.

Might be wrong though.
well whatever happens, the important thing is that Episode Three will almost definetly be legend.
Thinking about it again, i'd actually like to see the story come to an end, be resolved.

Even though that would require either a hell of a lot of loose ends tied, or it would leave a lot of speculation to be done, i think i'd prefer it more than a continuation that could potentially (although unlikely, knowing valve) ruin some of the greatness of the game.

Might be wrong though.
Valve has already confirmed Half Life 3 to be the next installment after Half Life 2 Episode 3. So, no. It's not going to resolve at Half Life 2 Episode 3, unless Valve pulls something crazy out of their pants that NO ONE expects.
Valve has already confirmed Half Life 3 to be the next installment after Half Life 2 Episode 3. So, no. It's not going to resolve at Half Life 2 Episode 3, unless Valve pulls something crazy out of their pants that NO ONE expects.

Woah, wait, i don't remember Valve comfirming HL3. I remember them saying that it could be happening, but it's not sure. If i'm wrong, can i get a source of the confirmation?
No, they have not confirmed it. That's ridiculous to use such a strong word like "confirmed" for any upcoming half-life game besides episode 3, which is still quite secretive.
Because EP3 will be the final episode of the trilogy, it will end with great conclusion.
God, now i'm getting nervous about the release. What if it ends up like Fable 2; super anticipated and expected to be amazing, but when it's released it's actually just an average game.

Gah! I can't work myself up like this. Episode three is going to be awesome and there's no question about it.
I think we're already expecting wayy too much of the ending at this point. Most of us believe it will be better than sliced bread but seriously it is only going to be so good. It is going to be a decend ending and if it turns out i'm wrong i will eat my.. uh.. my breakfast.
In my opinion, Valve doesn't have enough rope to tie up all the loose ends they've created.
Valve has more rope than a giant ****ing rope factory in China.