The Ending decyphered *BIG SPOILERS*

I dunno, the guy in the commercial looked like some old german dude to me.
there is also a thoery of the gman being from a different race who the combine are targeting and the gman is drawing the line at earth, sorta like the vietnam war to stop communism.
some thoughts

just finished the game for 2nd time and got onto these forums trying to find answers :)

i think the idea of the combine (overwatch actually) being human is correct, that drawing that was located behind that big gas tank (showing combine, human and ape heads) is supposed to represent evolutionary steps, they r human but r augmented if u will, making them superior, at combat anyway, the next breen often refers to it, but they are essentially human.

also the idea of the combine abosrbing the best technologies from each world they conquer also seems correct...they use headcrabs as a biological weapon for an easy way to take down trouble areas (ravenholm) without wasting overwatch resources. The striders and hovercraft thingys r obviously tech from another world other than xen.

the thing that still gets me is how gordon and the gman fit in.
I possibly think it was the resistance that hired gordon thru gman.

At the end with the conversation in breens office, when breen mentions the "contract" alyx says "gordon would never make any kind of deal with YOU"

now, the fact that she emphasized the YOU when referring to breen, leads me to think that she knows of gordons situation of being up for "hire" but that he would not work for breen. If she emphasised DEAL, it would read like she was oblivious to gordons situation. The only problem with this scenario, is that its up to gman which contract gordon its kinda confusing.

And when gordon first meets alyx, doesnt she say something like "Dr. Freeman i presume" Now, how would she (and the other esistance members) know who gordon is or what he looked like and if Eli told/showed her, WHY?, for what purpose if Eli hasnt seen him since black mesa (wouldnt he be assumed dead)? Also a bit after that (i think alyx) says "fancy you showing up on this day" That sounds kinda like they know u were gonna turn up sometime but were waiting for you.

The gman also seems to help/want gordon to succeed in his contract, there r a few things that show this (talking to that guy before he gives YOU the rocket launcher), for what reason i dunno. He could be genuinely interested in defeating the combine for some reason, or merely wants to see the contracts are completed.

another thing of interest. At the end breen says "Having both of you (eli and gordon) in my keeping ensures i can dictate the terms of any bargain i care to make with the combine <gay laugh>" Have i missed something already, why is it with both of them thats the combine want gordon and eli for something in return ??? Then Judith says "The bargain we should be making is for elis life so he can continue his research"

BUT if gordon was so valuable, why were the combine units ordered to kill him ? or does breen alone want Gordon ?, something to do with the above comment, using him as a bargaining chip

This also fits in with the fact that somewhere its mentioned that they could have kidnapped eli at any time, but it seems they waited for gordon to appear, using eli to lure him out, possibly via contract. Does that mean that only the resistance were in contact with gman for a contract ?, if so, then why the highest bidder remark ?

ahhhh so many possible answers, each one raises new questions and contradictions, my brain needs sleep now, then i need to play hl1 ;)
And when gordon first meets alyx, doesnt she say something like "Dr. Freeman i presume" Now, how would she (and the other esistance members) know who gordon is or what he looked like and if Eli told/showed her, WHY?, for what purpose if Eli hasnt seen him since black mesa (wouldnt he be assumed dead)?

Everybody forgets a couple of vital points about the "legend" of Gordon Freeman. First, only two people/groups knew FOR SURE that Gordon is alive...the G-Man and the Xen aliens. The resistance is in contact with BOTH of them (vorts, who share a collective consciousness, know Grodon's alive because they "saw" the end of Nihilanth, and the G-Man has been seen talking to resistance members in-game and MUST have given them Gordon's hazard suit). Plus, the resistance (or, at the very least, the LEADERS of the resistance) know what Gordon did on Xen through the Vorts. Not all that complicated if you look at the right pieces of the puzzle.

another thing of interest. At the end breen says "Having both of you (eli and gordon) in my keeping ensures i can dictate the terms of any bargain i care to make with the combine <gay laugh>" Have i missed something already, why is it with both of them thats the combine want gordon and eli for something in return ??? Then Judith says "The bargain we should be making is for elis life so he can continue his research"

BUT if gordon was so valuable, why were the combine units ordered to kill him ? or does breen alone want Gordon ?, something to do with the above comment, using him as a bargaining chip

Eli and Gordon were vital "bargaining chips" with the Combine for different reason. Obviously, Eli is wanted for his knowledge on local teleportation. Gordon, however, is a threat to the Combine. He's proven himself a threat in HL and again throughout HL2. The Combine know this, and want him to stop his meddling ways. However, Gordon also becomes a symbol by the end of HL2...remember that it was his and Alyx's actions that sparked the revolution. So, the Combine also see him as a possible way to stop that rebellion. While his death would serve the Combine by eliminating him as a threat, his capture did the same thing (along with making him a trophy for Breen to give to the Combine).
Man this thread just gets better and better.

Breen thinks he can still bargain with the combine as you have rightly shown when you all show up at the end. Eli has the knowledge of local telportation that the combine need to totally supress earth.

The reason he was not captured beforehand was because he would lure the symbol of human freedom to the citadel. Breen hoped he would capture gordon to save his own worthless hide and stop the combine from threatening to kill him (remember he says the benefactors are getting upset with him when you assault the rooftop in the main square). Gordon has been hired as a dimensional balance to the domination of the combine. No one race can ever be in charge this to me seems Gmans mission.

Gman has foreseen all of these events played out as he is from an omnipotent race that can see the whole of time as an expanse.

As ive said in other threads Gordon will be promoted to Gman status at the end of half life 3. He will then be able to manipulate time to make sure order stays within the universe. Don't you see?

Gman is training his replacement. Gordon Freeman.

Can you imagine a set of games where you can manipulate time to make sure all the other games happen as you the gaming public have played them???
one thing about when the G-Man says "along the course of..well, im not realy at liberty to say..."
Before you start trying to destroy the teleporter, you hear Dr Breen talking to Eli Vance. He was talking about things "Streched across the membrane in universes...." and something, but the reason the G-Man is not saying in the course of time is because, obviously, not time, but Breen also said that, "With words that are too great for your small vocabulary", which leads me to believe that the G-Man is talking about something which you cant, and wouldnt understand at the time. If this has been posted before, then please excuse this post.

Hmm..I obviously didn't read all 12 pages so I don't know if this has been mentioned..Remember how, close to the end, the administrator said something about your history being pre-determined when you were "young and naive?"
i thought this was interesting in my prima strategy guide

it talks about how the gman talks funny and at the end it says

" i he is not comfortable with human speech." :naughty:
Gordon has been hired as a dimensional balance to the domination of the combine.

I think its more likely that Gordon doesn't have much say in the matter. I would guess he's more of a conscript than a mercenary. The more I think about it, the more it seems like the G-man (or whoever he works for) has been holding Gordon in some kind of stasis since the end of the Black Mesa fiasco, hence the "rise and shine, Mr. Freeman" at the beginning, the black guy on the train saying "I didn't see you get on...", and the other various NPC's throughout the game filling Gordon in on the details of what's happened since Black Mesa, such as Eli Vance talking about the seven hours' war when you look at the newspaper clippings on the wall in his lab. The biggest confirmation for me is the very end, when the G-man basically freezes time and leaves you there. Something along the lines of they keep Freeman on retainer until they require someone with his unique "skills."
"The Freeman is the one true free man." It seems everyone around him knows whats going on, except for Freeman of course. The G-man is very interesting he can also teleport whenever he wants to and seems to make all your choices for you. He guides you every where and tell others that your coming but they don't even talk about him at all. The G-man must be the one getting all the high end equipment for the resistance or at least telling them where they can get it. I think Freeman was somehow effected by the experiment at Black Masa and somehow his body has change and he can survive a slow teleport for a long period of time. Freeman is being trained to go after a larger and more powerful force but he can't do all of it alone. Earth has come back under its own control but they have to build an army to strike back but it going to take time. So the next time we see Freeman go back to earth it might be 10-25 years later. :borg:
I think at the end of HL3 the G-Man says all the things Gordon has experienced are not real but he is in a computergame :p

I really want to know what the beginning of HL3 is goig to be. Maybe it's the final assault against the combine
this probably doesnt hold much relevance, but in regards to gordons contract, what do u think the partys involved were bidding with ?

assuming the resistance "won" the contract, what did they bid with, it couldnt have been anything material or technological. Maybe someone else bid on the resistances behalf...

please excuse my ignorace if this has been covered :)
Perhaps the bargain struck was simply that Kliener/Vance/Freeman would agree to fight the Combine, here, on Earth. It could very well be that no one has ever openly resisted the Combine before Freeman (perhaps the other member planets have been dominated too long, or are afraid of what the Combine can do). As Earth begins to draw more attention (and following the events of HL2, it should draw a lot) the Combine should focus more and more of it's attention on this "rogue planet". If G-man does represent some sort of "interdimensional underground" this would allow for other uprisings. The downside of the bargain being that Earth will initially draw the brunt of initial counter-strike from a VAST empire. A poor bargain to be sure, but to a race facing extinction, perhaps a palatable one.

Just a thought.
I believe the only time G-Man has ever been seen actually interacting with anything, besides speech, was the atomic bomb in Op4
on the other end of the tally, he is invincible, appears not to be seen by npcs, disappears, stops time, walks on air, appears from thin air (end of HL2), and, at the beginning of HL2, seems to only appear in gordon's mind
I'd bet that if he is real (tyler durden theories are lame to me), he's some sort of psychic projection

also, the G-Man did not need to have given the hazard suit to the resistance
there are many hazard suits: we see them on corpses in xen and both gina cross and collette green wear them
add that to the fact that the design seems slightly different (was the HEV in hl1 Mk V?)...

oh also,
on the Nihilanth: people seem concerned that he is chained and appears to have had surgery performed on him
also, he seems to speak pretty openly about being 'their' (presumably the combine's) slaves
so yes, while I agree that he may be the Dr. Breen of the vortigaunts consider that domination might be a lot harder on what appears to be a completely psychic/hiveminded speces ('the vortigaunts said you were here' 'we see you still in the nihilanth's chamber' 'every so often a vortigaunt is captured and sends back information' or even the fact that every vort is lou gossett jr.... there is a lot of evidence for this)
because of this, the combine has to insert their domination right into the psychic network, hence the nihilanth/controllers, and perhaps the restraints on the vort slaves

for those who doubt that the antlions are from xen: would you, upon seeing only the pacific northwest, not believe that elephants and giraffes are from earth? add that to the fact that the vorts seem to be the only ones who know how to control them... as I can only assume vorts would have more trouble falconing than a human family that has been raising falcons for centuries

one final thing... the Race X seemed to be enemies of the vort slaves/xen grunts in Op4, and were depicted as almost more sinister because they were purposely invading light of the events of HL2, could they be seen as Xen's equivalent of the resistance?

P.S. someone mentioned that Dr. Breen (or at least the Administrator, since I've read that Dr. Breen was created before Gabe Newell suggest he be the same as the Black Mesa Admin) is seen in PS2 Co-Op (it's called Decay by the by)... I haven't played the ps2 hl (despite my unfounded collette green fandom), and I'd certainly like to hear more about this

For those who don't want to read everything I wrote, here's the short version:
Lots of colons (and parentheses)
it would seem my ultra-creative speculation on race x has been posted before :{
I've read all posts.Good theories.
I have some questions
1-How can survivor scientists come east europe from new mexico(black mesa)
2-How can our H.E.V suit come to hands of kleiner?(I said our because klainer says "your suit still fits you like a glove")I think it is difficult to get one suit from black mesa to new lab.
3-This one is a theory.I think g-man started a competition with resonance cascade.Guys in h.e.v suits in xen in hl1 are guys like us maybe huh? OR they are the scientists who visits xen before resonace cascade ?
4-We see women named gina in xen.who's she?
5-We say combine produce the super xenian soldier(alien grunts) from vorti.But we saw grunts in hl1 in tubes in a facility(where we found tau cannon) how can this be?
5-which barney is the real barney :) (I didn't play Blue Shift)
6-I think g-man name is come from goverment man first.Suit and brief case.Seems like goverment man.But I think valve planned a new complicated g-man)
7-Where are the armies of xen that we saw in the end of hl 1? Did they come to world during 7-hour-war?
Finally i realised a thing today.Breen speaks with true combine slug when he saw us

more questions to ask ....
hey people, I'm new here, but nevertheless, here are some quick thoughts:

The Combine is some kind of intergalactic interdimensional Uber-Empire of evilness. There have been plans to overthrow them by a certain rebellion, who also have gained lots of funds, tech etc. They are of course non-human and are sending G-men everywhere to bring the Combine down gradually and step-by-step. Our G-man is just one of many, and he has been chosen to perform the task of liberating Xen and Earth (and who knows what more?) So he assumes a human form, finds himself a good-lookin' hunka man who he will then help to liberate a couple of planets. Lots of G-men doing the same everywhere, result: the Combine's conquered areas are no longer under their control and the rebellion is spreading to other races. Maybe we will assume control of Gordon in sequels to either, liberate some more civilisations and be awarded a medal by the G-man's bosses, or be chosen out of all the G-man-stimulated-liberators to actually be the one who destroys the Combines homeplanet.

The Big Thought: when Supreme Evil comes to reign, all races will unite to destroy them. Albeit the G-men were the ones who thought it up. So they're the best. And they assume control. And we can start over.

Just guessing of course.

qdave said:
isnt there some anouncement which says that it found unrecognized weapon or something? try playing that part again and listen what women says when all your weapons dissapear.

As far as i understand, the containment field-thingy destroys all your weapons. However the gravity gun contains a singularity

singularity: a point or region of infinite mass density at which space and time are infinitely distorted by gravitational forces and which is held to be the final state of matter falling into a black hole

So it instead of getting destroyed by the containment field the singularity sucks the field inside itself, only getting more energy.
That's why you get a super-gravity gun :D
it wouldn't actually work, but this is scifi, so you may be right .. sounds good :)
Sparkcaster said:
5-which barney is the real barney :) (I didn't play Blue Shift)

He's the one knocking on the door to your left in the train ride at the very beginning. You (Gordon) never see him after that.
jimmyjam said:
also, the G-Man did not need to have given the hazard suit to the resistance
there are many hazard suits: we see them on corpses in xen and both gina cross and collette green wear them
add that to the fact that the design seems slightly different (was the HEV in hl1 Mk V?)...

Every indication is that the HEV in HL2 is Gordon's from HL...just modified. Kleiner makes the statement, "Your hazard suit still fits you like a least, the GLOVES do." His wording makes me believe that it definitely is YOUR hazard suit, not just another HEV scavenged from Black Mesa.

And, to answer your question, the hazard suit in HL is the HEV Mk IV, not Mk V. Kleiner acts as if he modifed the hazard suit himself...which may also mean that he's had it for quite some time. Hmmm...just how long has the rebellion been waiting for the reappearance of Gordon Freeman?
Sparkcaster said:
I've read all posts.Good theories.
I have some questions
1-How can survivor scientists come east europe from new mexico(black mesa)
2-How can our H.E.V suit come to hands of kleiner?(I said our because klainer says "your suit still fits you like a glove")I think it is difficult to get one suit from black mesa to new lab.
3-This one is a theory.I think g-man started a competition with resonance cascade.Guys in h.e.v suits in xen in hl1 are guys like us maybe huh? OR they are the scientists who visits xen before resonace cascade ?
4-We see women named gina in xen.who's she?
5-We say combine produce the super xenian soldier(alien grunts) from vorti.But we saw grunts in hl1 in tubes in a facility(where we found tau cannon) how can this be?

1. The Combine are moving people around. It seems City 17 is largely American (Grigori isn't, he could be a pre-war local) so I figure they're purposely moving whole groups of people to different parts of the world so that they are as unfamiliar, or moreso, than the combine is with the environment. A lot of successful resistances (Indochina war, American revolution) have hinged on the victors knowing the locale.

2. I maintain that it isn't your HEV suit. The only reason it's referred to as 'your' is because it's so iconic. You are a near-messianic figure to the resistance, and as Christ is generally depicted on the cross with a stomach would and a crown of thorns, the Free Man is generally depicted in his HEV armour with a crowbar. You'll note that the Mk V has a manual (which Kleiner reads from), and I don't see hardscrabble resistance fighters taking the time to print up detailed documentation for their modifications to the Mk IV.

3. They are both? Remember that guys like you ARE scientists.

4. Dr. Gina Cross works at Black Mesa. It can be assumed that she has something to do with the creation of the HEV too, since she is used in training holograms.

5. Samples collected from Xen by Black Mesa researchers. If Breen was working with the Combine already I admit it seems unlikely that he'd be storing Combine troops in tubes, but I'm sure you could explain it away.
Bing_Oh said:
Every indication is that the HEV in HL2 is Gordon's from HL...just modified. Kleiner makes the statement, "Your hazard suit still fits you like a least, the GLOVES do." His wording makes me believe that it definitely is YOUR hazard suit, not just another HEV scavenged from Black Mesa.

And, to answer your question, the hazard suit in HL is the HEV Mk IV, not Mk V. Kleiner acts as if he modifed the hazard suit himself...which may also mean that he's had it for quite some time. Hmmm...just how long has the rebellion been waiting for the reappearance of Gordon Freeman?

seems to me like the ONLY indication that the HEV in HL2 is the one from HL is that statement.
So, if it isn't "your" HEV, then that begs the question, what happened to Gordon's hazard suit from HL? The G-Man clearly tells gordon at the end of HL as he's confiscating all of his equipment, "As for the hazard suit, I think you've earned it."

There's minimal information regarding the HEV in HL2 and its origins, but the information available does point to it being Gordon's from HL upgraded by Kleiner from the Mk IV to the Mk V. In the absense of contradictory information, I think this is a safe assumption.
G-Man is an apparently all powerful being
I'm pretty sure he could take a suit off, especially when he needs you to blend in with the citizenry
general griffin said:
Man this thread just gets better and better.

Gman is training his replacement. Gordon Freeman.

I agree about the thread. As for the g-man training Gordon, I wouldn't be so sure, but it's a possibility.
I think all the events of HL2 are a farse. When you meet the first Vort, the Vort and a Human are watching a tv with G-man on it, and when they notice you, they quickly turn it off and act all surprised like "Hey there you are!" G-man is communicating with everyone in the game, he is the conductor of this orchestra. All the other people involved are just actors in this huge conspiracy. Odessa Cubbage? He was speaking with G-man before you get the rocket launcher. It was like you weren't supposed to notice them talking. Everything seems like an epic dream. Who knows what the reality is.
Bing_Oh said:
So, if it isn't "your" HEV, then that begs the question, what happened to Gordon's hazard suit from HL? The G-Man clearly tells gordon at the end of HL as he's confiscating all of his equipment, "As for the hazard suit, I think you've earned it."

There's minimal information regarding the HEV in HL2 and its origins, but the information available does point to it being Gordon's from HL upgraded by Kleiner from the Mk IV to the Mk V. In the absense of contradictory information, I think this is a safe assumption.

I wonder how Barney got a hold of Gordon's crowbar though...Because when you first get the crowbar in hl2 he says, "Hey, I think you left this back at Black Mesa" but yet Gordon had it when the GMan took it away, when the gman confiscates them because they are "government property"

<m_k> said:
The Combine is some kind of intergalactic interdimensional Uber-Empire of evilness. There have been plans to overthrow them by a certain rebellion, who also have gained lots of funds, tech etc. They are of course non-human and are sending G-men everywhere to bring the Combine down gradually and step-by-step. Our G-man is just one of many, and he has been chosen to perform the task of liberating Xen and Earth (and who knows what more?) So he assumes a human form, finds himself a good-lookin' hunka man who he will then help to liberate a couple of planets. Lots of G-men doing the same everywhere, result: the Combine's conquered areas are no longer under their control and the rebellion is spreading to other races. Maybe we will assume control of Gordon in sequels to either, liberate some more civilisations and be awarded a medal by the G-man's bosses, or be chosen out of all the G-man-stimulated-liberators to actually be the one who destroys the Combines homeplanet.

Why does he have his hand in the events of Black Mesa then? That originally led to the fall of Earth I thought.
I don't think they meant the crowbar was supposed to be the same one Gordon used in Black Mesa..I think it was just kind of a joke. how many other games have you fighting aliens with a crowbar?
BigBabyJones said:
I think all the events of HL2 are a farse. When you meet the first Vort, the Vort and a Human are watching a tv with G-man on it, and when they notice you, they quickly turn it off and act all surprised like "Hey there you are!" G-man is communicating with everyone in the game, he is the conductor of this orchestra. All the other people involved are just actors in this huge conspiracy. Odessa Cubbage? He was speaking with G-man before you get the rocket launcher. It was like you weren't supposed to notice them talking. Everything seems like an epic dream. Who knows what the reality is.

Wow nice. That's a really good way of putting into words the general feeling that the game puts off. Everything so perfectly orchestrated... Which really does go back to the theory that G-man is training you as a replacement. WHO KNOWS what kind of amazing things he has to do to keep the universe afloat..

Originally Posted by general griffin
Man this thread just gets better and better.

Gman is training his replacement. Gordon Freeman.

I agree about the thread. As for the g-man training Gordon, I wouldn't be so sure, but it's a possibility

Thanks. I'm really happy that this thread has taken off like it has :E

Heres Gman with a crow on his shoulder.
He's on a boat somewhere in the void. He flahses in and out of existence only to appear when you are at critical points along the mission. Of course we all know this right?

There does seem to be a link with him and crows appearing which has been explored in other threads. Gordon is most definitely a rare survivalist, as is sheperd and Barney, Gman needs him as his interdimesional replacement, the question is where will Gman ascend to afterwards?? Does his quantum signature melt in the vortal planes to begin learning from scratch again??? I hope valve steal this and create HL3 showing how all quantum energy is the same and all races share a common bond. no one quantum energy may dominate (combine), therefore it must be eliminated.

I sincerely hope we get some expansion (good story filled ones) packs from this masterpice of a game. Maybe exploring more of the story of Barney and maybe telling it from a combine soldiers point of view.

An ideal plot would be where Gman puts sheperd into the combine overwatch and guides him by helping Gordon into nova prospect and leading a revolutionary push as the dark matter reactor collapses. Valve have so so many plot holes in this game they are begging to be filled by crossover and parallel storylines.

If any valve members are reading this DO NOT lose this opportunity to create a massive opus to this expertly weaved storyline. Too many PC games don't create good yarns these days.
I think valve may give us control over time in HL3 (as Gman allows gordon to prove himself as an ascendant)
jimmyjam said:
I believe the only time G-Man has ever been seen actually interacting with anything, besides speech, was the atomic bomb in Op4
Does he actually affect that?

Also, he is seen opening the door out of the flooding chamber thats getting flooded with radioactive waste

And He closes the door that would have let shepherd evacuate

jimmyjam said:
on the other end of the tally, he is invincible, appears not to be seen by npcs, disappears, stops time, walks on air, appears from thin air (end of HL2), and, at the beginning of HL2, seems to only appear in gordon's mind
I'd bet that if he is real (tyler durden theories are lame to me), he's some sort of psychic projection
That does seem likely

jimmyjam said:
also, the G-Man did not need to have given the hazard suit to the resistance
there are many hazard suits: we see them on corpses in xen and both gina cross and collette green wear them
add that to the fact that the design seems slightly different (was the HEV in hl1 Mk V?)...
It was mark 4 IIRC after the upgrades for HL2 it was renamed the Mk V

jimmyjam said:
for those who doubt that the antlions are from xen: would you, upon seeing only the pacific northwest, not believe that elephants and giraffes are from earth? add that to the fact that the vorts seem to be the only ones who know how to control them... as I can only assume vorts would have more trouble falconing than a human family that has been raising falcons for centuries

one final thing... the Race X seemed to be enemies of the vort slaves/xen grunts in Op4, and were depicted as almost more sinister because they were purposely invading light of the events of HL2, could they be seen as Xen's equivalent of the resistance?
Personally I'd say they weren't from Xen, and theres no chance of them being the resistance (the resistance would have encouraged the destruction of Xen forces, waiting until they were freed to bother about the Humans)
Well. First off this is truly the best explanation yet-The Story
Second, is there anything that gman said during opfor that is relevant to the story so far that we might be missing? I assume gman was watching both Adrian and Gordon at the same time during the Black Mesa incident and followed Adrian but was not satisfyed with his work but since gman had spoken to Adrian gman would not allow him to leave-thus leaving him in the chopper. To gman it was Gordon or Adrain-since I dont remember the speech gman gave him-I need to look it up.
(also-PLEASE go to the sounds folder in HL2/HL1/OPFOR and listen to EVERYTHING people say... listen to Breen, G-Man, the Vorts, Civvies EVERYONE so you can hear anything you may have missed and so you can review things people may have said w/o starting HL2 every time.)
This is what i think:
G-Man, he looks so incredibly different to everyone else in the game, his clean suit, the briefcase (More on that in a secone) and his face.

His face looks old and worn, with saggy, dark eyes. His voice and breathing is laboured and his sentences are too well constructed.
anyways, i believe that G-Man has been employed by a Universal rebellion against the Combine and that when he found out about black mesa and Gordon, he became interested as Gordon could fight off the combine, who were controlling the vortigaunts in HL1. So thats possibly what G-Man could be talking about whenhe says "His Employers".

Obviously in Half life 2 Gordon was employed by the rebellion forces against the combine. a screenshot of the G-Man talking to the rebels is here:

this indicates that he has some affiliation with them. Plus, from the beginning of the game you have NO CHOICE but to fight for the rebels. This is possibly what G-Man is talking about when he says "..I'll simply make your choices for you" at the end of HL2.

His briefcase? I believe, seeing as it has a Black Mesa logo on it, and Black Mesa is the birthplace of teleportation technologies, The briecase is a one man mobile, local teleporter which can transport him instantly to an area on the same planet. This allows him to monitor Gordon.

As for Time distortion, maybe it didnt really exsist? It is possible that Gordon was IMMEDIATELY thrown into a slow/Fast time warp and he could still see the explosion happening (it fades out)

Im still unsure about his ability to just walk in and out of the environment from nothing, without the whole lights extravagazna that normally occurs during teleportation.

Note: In Kleiners lab, the Doctor fixes a picture of the BMRF team to open the retina scanner. I looked at the picture and there was Gordon, Eli and Walter, but also, on the very far right was a unknown man who has the similar hair and eyes (black patches) as the G-Man does. I dont have a screenshot sorry, but check it out for yourself. Maybe if it is him it could mean that he was a researcher at BMRF and he invented the briefcase teleporter? Then he got employed by the rebellion as a representative for Earth or sumthing? tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading guys
P.S if ive gone over what anyone else had said im sorry, but i couldnt read everyones i was in a rush.
This is just a reply to the questions posed by SPARKCASTER on the 5-12-2004 at 5:31am.

1.-How can survivor scientists come east europe from new mexico(black mesa)?

Remember on the way down to Vances lab, Mossman is going on about entanglement and using XEN as an interdimentioanl slingshot and yada yada, well, presuming that city 17 is in East Europe as most seem to suspect from the arcitecture, then either the scientists teleported themselves there somehow from black mesa (You dont need a receiving teleporter as shown in Blue Shift when Barney and Dr Rosenberg escape from the facility to the car park)

Either that, or they were simply transported there by trains like the rest of the population was. It doesnt seem likely though as the scanners would have found them and Breen would be interested in their capture.

2. How can our H.E.V suit come to hands of kleiner?(I said our because klainer says "your suit still fits you like a glove")I think it is difficult to get one suit from black mesa to new lab.

Thats a damn good question. Im not sure myself but ill have a go.
I would think that when G-Man employs you he takes your suit away (Im not sure if he actually says "You wont be needing it now..") and that he may have discarded it back at Black Mesa or most probably given it to Dr Kliener once he had arrived in City 17. Remember that the G-Man wants you to succeed in your task so he will help you out when you require assisstance, this being a prime example.

3-This one is a theory.I think g-man started a competition with resonance cascade.Guys in h.e.v suits in xen in hl1 are guys like us maybe huh? OR they are the scientists who visits xen before resonace cascade ?

Scientists were visting Xen before the resonance Cascade. This is known because the sample that causes the resonance cascade is from Xen, but at the time this is not known by Gordon. Remember that Teleportation technologies have been in development by Black Mesa for a while before you arrived. As for G-Man starting the resonance cascade. Very doubtful, as the cascade created the portal storms that allowed the combine to come to earth. G-Man is the one that called the military in HL1 to stop the Alien incursion from growing larger.

The best way to understand this is to remember that back in the Test Chamer, the scientists make a number of references to the administrator who is Dr. Breen.

"I have assured the administrator that we will get a conclusive analysis from the sample. I gather they went to some lengths to get it"

"We will be deviating from standard procedure today Gordon..."

This clearly points out that the administrator was in league with the combine at this stage, as the 'sample' was merely a means to open a portal with xen in which the enslaved vortigaunts under the control of the combine could invade black mesa and later the earth.

The administrator allowed this because the combine had promised him that humans would benefit from assimilation with combine technology and we would enjoy a quality of life never before seen. So the deviated procedure and sample made the cascade eventually allowing the combine to invade earth.

4-We see women named gina in xen.who's she

Gina is the girl that PS2 users can play half life with. shes simply a female equivelent of Gordon. There are many HEV suits and those found at XEN arent Gina. they are scientists killed by the vortigaunts.

-We say combine produce the super xenian soldier(alien grunts) from vorti.But we saw grunts in hl1 in tubes in a facility(where we found tau cannon) how can this be?

ummmm HUh? Grunts and vortigaunts are different. The grunts were under orders from G-Man to stop the alien invasion. The alien slaves or vortigaunts are under the control of nilhanth and the combine.

-which barney is the real barney (I didn't play Blue Shift)

this is the same as which dr albert einstein is the real one?? (in HL1.)
there were too many people which had to be walking around and not enough unique models to base them on (remember this was a quake 2 engine) so valve simply cloned them all. Barney is Barney. There should only be one but in HL1 there were many to represent different security guards which served the same purpose.

6-I think g-man name is come from goverment man first.Suit and brief case.Seems like goverment man.But I think valve planned a new complicated g-man)

read my post just above.

7-Where are the armies of xen that we saw in the end of hl 1? Did they come to world during 7-hour-war?

They were what you might think of as a landing party. he he. ONly the vortigaunts were meant to be transported to earth to fight the initial resistance and soften up the place for the combine to arrive. but headcrabs and other things hitched a ride on the portals as well so they came too.
bboymatty's made me ask myself a pretty interesting question here, cos i thought Dr Breen was the admin of BMRF, and Gman was working for Dr Breen, mediating between Breen and the RF. So i'm asking myself now, how come Gman's suddenly gone rogue and is no longer working for Breen?

Something else I'd like to point out just incase no one else has done, Nihilanth was the ruler or Xen, but then the Combine came over and turned him into their slave. Notice how Nihilanth and those dudes in the end level of HL2 both appear to have had their legs removed. Though Nihilanth was a slave of the combine, he was given the task/function of controlling the vortigaunt on Xen.

Another thing.. i think the headcrabs are a Combine weapon and arent originally from Xen. It's either that or simply that the combine found the headcrabs on Xen and decided to use them to their advantage. The latter thought would work nicely with the story of the Combine employing certain aspects of different worlds/species that they encounter.

Finally, something about the ending of hl2...
Recall Nova Prospekt, when things were blowing up around you and alyx as you both stood in the portal... when you finally were teleported, you were teleported in slow mo.
Now, lets go forward to the ending of hl2, where the portal is exploding/ something to do with the portal is exploding...

Maybe the cause of the slowmotion was the exploding portal thing, rather than gman working his magic. I know it's a very very very long shot since gman appeared and it was only you who was able to move in slowmo, but i just thought i'd mention it.