The enemies don't move or take cover!?

Sorry Sandman, but you're wrong. The ground is more dense than the human body. Of course your bones will shatter on impact, but, your muscles and other non-bone parts don't. Your body will bounce, trust me. I too have seen a disturbing video of a man plummeting to his death and bouncing about 2-3 feet of the ground after impact. It's not pretty, but it's absolutely true. What happened in HL2 is pretty much what happens in life. If you fall from a great height, you will bounce. You will be dead, but you will bounce. I highly suggest not watching the videos, they're very disturbing (I watched not knowing what it was a video of), but if you really must, then by all means, look one up and you'll see.
Yeah, I figured if anything was going to bounce, it'd be the muscle. But yeah. Retracted statement. I am a believer!!! haha :)
People do bounce, open up any gore site and look for videos of people falling from great hights. I would link some but there may be youngins afoot :eek:
Youngins , Id call them sane people. I for one dont watch people die in my spare time. But if you want to watch videos and think death is cool , then by all means be my guest.
haha... you know the topic is bout stupid enemies, not bouncing bodies.

I think the AI will be fixed by the time HL2 is released. It has to AT LEAST be as good as HL and Halo's now, or else everyone will make fun of valve :D.

BTW I'm also wondering what happens to and lions and headcrabs when they fall from great heights. I think the headcrab will just die (possibly crack open?), and the antlion possibly has a chance of landing on it's feed and surviving. After all, i've seen all kinds of insects survive impossibly long falls. I guess that's just what an exoskelly does for ya.
Insects are very tough, humans are fragile. Thats why misquitos can be hit with your hand very hard and bounce right back and start flying around.
I think they wanted to make short scenes of the game, demonstrating the physics and graphics. But if the AI is to smart it's hard to show something without being forced to do other stuff (shot an alien running against you), so they probably mixed witht the AI to make sure that wouldn't happen, so the video was nice and demonstrating...
Originally posted by $niper
As far as I know, there is a "stayput" flag enabled on specific monsters in the E3 demo.

aye indeed, even HL1 had some nice AI that took cover, etc
The E3 demos were specifically designed to show off certain things. As such, they wanted to show simulated combat but also wanted a controlled, repeatable environment in which to record the demo. As such, enemies were probably situated in such a way to get the desired result but were rooted into to place so the developer didn't have to go hunting for enemies in order to record his demo.

And keep in mind, it was just a demo, and early build of the game put together just before E3, so it's not representative of the final product.
Originally posted by Alau
After all, i've seen all kinds of insects survive impossibly long falls. I guess that's just what an exoskelly does for ya.
Thats more because insects are so small....if you scaled up the same insects to a certain point they'd splat because of the way gravity works. I'm pretty certain that a goodsize drop will result in an Ant Lion paste, or at least rag doll. :b

Originally posted by reever2
Plus when the grenade blew up it like shot them 100 ft into the air which isn't very realistic

How many people have you seen get blown up by a grenade in real life? How would you know?

Originally posted by Sandman
I have never seen a man *bounce* when hitting a solid concrete surface from a high place...

How many men have you seeen hit a solid concrete surface from a high place?


Anyway as for the AI of the combine soldiers, how can you say it's not realistic. At the scene you're talking about it seemed as though they were guarding something and most of them were at a vantage point anyway so I reckon that was just their tactic in that scene.

But if you think back to the part of the demo where they show you specifically the AI capabilities... You may remember a soldier starting to fire on Gordon, so Gordon runs off into the building, shuts the door and pushes a table against the wall. The combine soldier tries to get in, but can't so runs to the window and starts shooting Gordon through there. This isn't a scripted sequence, it's the soldier's AI thinking independantly a solution to the problem. That's pretty clever shit.
That is true, the combine soldier kicking the door and all that is pretty cool. But when you are actually shooting at them. They just stand there and shoot back. Even while reloading, they just stand right in front of you and get shot and die. They don't take evasive manouvers.
if a gian insect fell from a high place i dont expect that it would splatter etc. More likely its exoskeleton would crack open an shatter. Someone go get a lump of chitin and drop it from the empire state building and well all know for sure

btw Reaper, you really need to work on upper body strength: "Thats why misquitos can be hit with your hand very hard and bounce right back and start flying around."
Originally posted by Reaper978
Insects are very tough, humans are fragile. Thats why misquitos can be hit with your hand very hard and bounce right back and start flying around.

Uhh, no. When you hit an insect its usually with an open hand, and when you hit something so small with an open hand youre not effectively hitting it, just pushing it along. And you would need a very large insect for it to splater when it hits the ground, the laws of physics prevent things lke insects from falling very fast, tiny things like insects of even pennies and quarters just glide in the air
mm yes, its all physics and gravity kids. If you scaled an ant to human size *eww* and dropped it just 20 feet, you would hear a LOUD satisfiing crunch, just like a human.

Ever throw an ant or just let it drop threw the air? Ever notice that it never seems to fall very fast? (you probably don't notice, lol but anyways) That's because the small mass of the ant can only reach a certain speed, same way with humans, if we were scaled down to that size, we wouldn't die from a fall either.

Such as with very large objects like building when they collapse. It just looks like its falling slower because it's gaining velocity and with bigger objects, it takes longer to reach it's full potentional velocity.

I may be talking out of my ass...I don't know
Thats terminal velocity for you. Force = mass x acceleration.

THe smaller the mass, the less the force so, it does not hit as hard. The bigger the mass, the greater the force.. so splat.

Also, if an ant was human size, it would collapse under its own weight. They are not built for that size. The legs are too small to hold it up.
I dont throw ants, but i can see what you're getting at csmighty ;).

I've only learned introductory physics so far, so you'll have to forigve my lack of knowledge.
There were about 3 posts related to my original question. The rest are all on a different topic lol
Ants are cool.
And it's true that if an explosion went off under your feet it would throw you a fair distance - it's what explosions do.
You might not be entirely intact, but that's another matter altogether...