The European Union is a threat to this world order.

:upstare: alright, I'll bite what are you referring to? let me guess, poutine gives us gas?

here let me try ....shouldnt you be killing babies while they sleep peacefully in their mothers arms ..ok that's not really funny ..shouldnt you be torturing people suspected of being not white? ..nah that's not all that funny ..shouldnt you be bombing the living shit out every single civilian and then blame terrorists for it ..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

that's freakin hilarious


...Moonbat? I was referring to Terrance and Phillip. Jeez, what a way to come out of the closet.
The European Union... a threat? Numbers, don't forget, we include the French.. ;) :P
The EU a treat to the world? thats insane BS.

I don't like a few things on the EU but in general i think it is a good thing. 100 years ago it would have been impossible to even think of that countrys like france, germany, poland, italy, england etc. all life peacefull under one roof and work together. Actualy the EU is a huge peace factor.
The only way you can beat the EU, Numbers, is to join a pan-Asianic alliance, including North Korea.
The next step of EU towards a superpower would be having a same constitution, and for every country to have a same currency.
As for military agression, i very much doubt that Europeans are keen to have unnescesarry military conflicts. Sure, some formal support for us in Iraq...
I think that the EU should have stayed as the EEC and not moved into politics. But then again, I'm no political or economical expert.
This discussion is really pointless as we all know Canada is going to take over the world.


Nah, the only reason we have Alaska is to have Canada surrounded if they decide to start any shit. :laugh:
Yes, and for starters, Britain should invade the US, claiming it wants its "colony back" :P that would be so awesome.

Sweden shall reclaim Finland and Norway by 2010! And just to show that we can be fair, Denmark are more than welcome to take back Skane. We don't want, we don't need it, and if possible, we'd dig a ditch until the ****in thing seperated from the rest of our country.
*checks his family tree out of curiosity*
Oh crap... I'm gonna have to move to Denmark...

(Kindly note sarcasm.)
hehe, well I'm preparing our invasion to retake Belgium. its ours!!! :P
well,, except for the French part Wallonie, we'll give that to France ;)
My next thread shall be about freedom, liberty, and whatever sounds good/bad.
If you do not cease and desist in this course I will be forced to take military action.
Shamelessy disregarding all posts bar the first - Numbers, what the feck are you on about? D:
I have moments where I want to rant. :p
Sweden shall reclaim Finland and Norway by 2010! And just to show that we can be fair, Denmark are more than welcome to take back Skane. We don't want, we don't need it, and if possible, we'd dig a ditch until the ****in thing seperated from the rest of our country.
*checks his family tree out of curiosity*
Oh crap... I'm gonna have to move to Denmark...

(Kindly note sarcasm.)

Sweden would be a third world country without Scania, you bastard!

In all seriousness, it would be awesome if Scandinavian united into one country. And Estonia, since it belonged to Sweden in the good ol' days.
Bleh, Sweden wrecked half of europe only later to name itself neutral :D . It's like i'd bully 5 people and then got away with it by making myself a...priest, for example. Still, a sneaky way to get away.
Bleh, Sweden wrecked half of europe only later to name itself neutral :D . It's like i'd bully 5 people and then got away with it by making myself a...priest, for example. Still, a sneaky way to get away.
DO you refer to our wars against Denmark or something?
I think he's refering to wars in the future, where Sweden went back in time to save the present from the Elvanians.
But that already happened!
