The Fall


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
I guess this is by the same guy who made The Cell, I have not seen The Cell though. I hear it is visually stunning but the story lacks greatly.

A lot of people are guessing in will be the same for The Fall.
I was gonna do some sorta hate filled post, but that actually looks pretty damn cooool.
A very stunning and artistic film.

*Adds to must-see list*
WTF, Charles Darwin?

Looks pretty awesome anyway, reminds me a lot of Pans Labyrinth.
Looks weird as ****.

I like it.

Also, The Cell was awesome imo... a trip for the eyes, decent crime movie too.
Yeah, I need to watch The Cell, from what I've seen I'll think I'll like it. I've heard some good reviews overall, from the story, to the directing - apparently one of most refreshing original movies to come out in a while.
There was some article in Entertainment Weekly where a critic was bashing it before even seeing it just based on what the trailer looks like. :rolleyes:
Heres a great quote from Tarsem about funding the movie himself:

Tarsem insists he has no regrets about the millions he may never see again. "It's like the old clich?, 'Easy come, easy go.'" he says, noting that with two homes and an Aston-Martin, he's not exactly starving. "Money makes accountants happy. But I didn't want to end up an old guy, sitting around talking about the movie I never got to make."

I'm glad Fincher/Jonze are presenting the movie, that should help give it a distribution boost.
Cyber, I think that's more the trailer than the movie that's random
The Cell was flawed, but it was certainly beautifully shot. This looks the same, weird that they kind of give the entire plot away in the trailer. Drug addicted dude uses child to secure him drugs, and tells her drug addled stories as a result.
I just saw it.

It was lovely. Wonderfully shot. Beautiful cinematography, and with a moving and emotional soundtrack. The acting was very good as well. I loved their portrayal of the little girl. Too often in movies, children are given lines to read and memorize without mistakes, which generally makes them look stupid and forced. The little girl in this movie acted convincingly, running on, babbling nonsense, and with a striking naiivete which really made her character believable.

However, the story rarely made sense (the one he was telling) and it was obviously a deep allegory which you get some hint of at the end. The main story though, is brilliant, because the little girl knows so little that it leaves a great deal of room for dramatic irony. The dramatic irony is so intense, and so tragic, that it often made me feel like crying.

It was a beautiful movie, but it was also a strange movie which often made little sense and seemed a bit melodramatic, but a beautiful movie nonetheless.
I'm attempting to learn the theme of the movie, Beethoven's #7.

It's such a beautiful theme, especially at the intro to the movie, where it is played behind epic black and white slow-motion cinematography of an old 1800's train pulling a dead horse out of a river.
What is Charles Darwin's role in that movie? When I saw trailer it was quite interesting...
What is Charles Darwin's role in that movie? When I saw trailer it was quite interesting...

Extremely minor. In fact, all of the charachters in the story he tells are cardboard cutouts with no depth, and only one or two lines. Charle's Darwin's only lines in the movie are the latin name of a butterfly, "I have an idea! Elephants!", "Noooo!" , "Shoot me you animals, they will pay you well for the hide of Darwin!", and "Wallce? Is that you Wallace?"

All of the charachters in the movie are little more than allegorical references to people in the "real world". It's very confusing, and the story rarely makes any sense.
I really really liked the Cell, and this has my interest perked.
I just saw it.

It was lovely. Wonderfully shot. Beautiful cinematography, and with a moving and emotional soundtrack. The acting was very good as well. I loved their portrayal of the little girl. Too often in movies, children are given lines to read and memorize without mistakes, which generally makes them look stupid and forced. The little girl in this movie acted convincingly, running on, babbling nonsense, and with a striking naiivete which really made her character believable.

However, the story rarely made sense (the one he was telling) and it was obviously a deep allegory which you get some hint of at the end. The main story though, is brilliant, because the little girl knows so little that it leaves a great deal of room for dramatic irony. The dramatic irony is so intense, and so tragic, that it often made me feel like crying.

It was a beautiful movie, but it was also a strange movie which often made little sense and seemed a bit melodramatic, but a beautiful movie nonetheless.

So it's basically a movie that someone would go see while under the influence of psychedelics?
Anyone know if this is out in the UK, on DVD, or even downloadable?