The Final Fate of Andrew Ryan?


Apr 29, 2004
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I just want to see, out of all of you, how many of you think that Andrew Ryan is actually dead. The story does definitely insinuate strongly that he is no more, but the following things occurred to me after a play-through or two:

1: The first and most important detail to note is that for Jack to have been able to use the rejuvenation chambers at all, he had to have a close genetic match to Andrew Ryan.
2: Nevertheless, Jack was NOT the one for whom these chambers were built and intended.
3: Andrew Ryan does not seem the kind of man to mildly see his doom coming to him and not have a plan in motion to save himself.
4: While the offline rejuvenation chamber within Andrew Ryan's office exists as the main evidence towards the case that Andrew Ryan is indeed dead, consider this. If indeed Ryan's intentions were to use the rejuvenation chambers to escape from Jack, why would he use the one that Jack was just about to walk up to after having killed him. The only probable course of action given this scenario would be to shut off that chamber, and upon the moment of his death, be reborn BEHIND Jack's linear path through Rapture, and from there make his escape.
5: Why would Ryan die, when he could just as easily live? This is what the technology of the rejuvenation chambers was all about in the continuity!

It is my firm belief that Andrew Ryan is alive, and will make his return to Rapture in one way or another, or rebuild elsewhere. In any event, I do not think we have seen the last of Andrew Ryan.
Well if Andrew Ryan does return, that would be..... very stupid.

Ryan's death wasn't just "oh, I killed boss guy", you have to look at it through a narrative perspective.

The whole reason and idea behind Ryan's death was not to go "Ohoh, I am a villain, I am going to trick you into thinking that I am dead...", the whole idea was that Ryan was trying to make a statement with his death, not only by pointing out Jack's "slavery", but also the "slavery" mankind endures on the surface world. A huge ideology of Ryan's Rapture was to break free from these chains of society.

And with that, Ryan knew there was nothing he could do, and would have rather died and destroyed Rapture itself, than see it succumb to "the parasite"(Fontaine) like other societies of the world.
Ryan knew that ordering Jack to kill him was the only possible way for Jack to reject Atlas and mentally break free of his control. This was Ryan's only chance to be a father to his son; to teach him to be a man, not a slave.

Ryan knew that if this didn't work (which it didn't) he would still be the victor, because it would convince Jack to seek another way to get rid of the mind control.

By deactivating the Vita-chamber, he was demonstrating that he would rather die by his own terms than live as a slave to Atlas.
Well, Andrew Ryan did take a brutal beating via his own golf club. Unless he somehow cloned himself before death, (purely the whim of the writers)
I doubt he's coming back, and like others have said, it would be pretty stupid if he did.

I thought that scene was pretty funny tbh though:

Andrew Ryan:Would you kindly?

Andrew Ryan:

Andrew Ryan:BuT...YoUr...a MAN...not..a slAve..
Jack: Bap!

Andrew Ryan: PLeaSe...kindly... arrgh! *fart*
Jack: Bap!
I think it's safe to say that his death was probably meant to be permanent at the time, but the rejuv chambers give the writers an escape if they want to bring him back in a sequel.
Part of me also thought that he really just wanted to die - his city was in ruins, lonely in his high fortress, I like to think it was more an assisted suicide.
Andrew Ryan may be dead, but Randian politics are unfortunately still very much alive. ;)