The flu


Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
It's evil

i am currently [i just sneezed] suffering from it. the flu isnt [i just sneezed here] going to prevent me from [i sneezed] having perfect attendence in school.

tell us your experiences with the flu.
lol sorry but i couldn't help laughing how you wrote that including the sneezes haha :D
well, i only sneezed while writing that post, those were the ONLY sneezes of the day. that's probally a bad omen. Or its only just 9 AM.

I took a hot bath at 2 AM and 6 AM and i want to take another bath :(
I hate the flu. It's so just can't move..your hold body aches, and you just feel so weak and drained :(
lol, i was shaking in my sleep... err... lack of sleep.

My brain feels like it is being tapdanced on by an obese elephant

damn, i just sneezed and blood came out, but i corrected that already
I had flu a few weeks ago. Totally bent me over. If you want me advise get a kettle in your room with some beechams flu plus, tea, oxo cubes and a whole load of sweets, soups, and oranges. Get all the LOTR extended editions and a few series of futurama or Simpsons and just brew up the beechams when you're feeling bad, have a cuppa tea now and again, and an oxo cube in a cup of hot water works a treat sometime too.
Oranges are godly when you've got the flu, and chicken soup is a must.
Good thing about the flu is that once it peaks (at about the second or third day) you keep getting better after. Thing is, it takes at least two weeks to get better.

Dam influenza. Get well soon buddy
i had flu like symptoms but only for about 2 days...i still don't feel perfect today but i feel quite a bit better. i threw up friday morning anyhow which was the most amazing experience of my balls
Why do you want want perfect atendence? I had it last year and all I got was a stupid pen. :flame:
Doppelgofer said:
i had flu like symptoms but only for about 2 days...i still don't feel perfect today but i feel quite a bit better. i threw up friday morning anyhow which was the most amazing experience of my balls

Won't have been flu. Lucky bugger.
i jus sneezed loads cos you lot were talking about it .. :/

i hope i aint gettin a cold now.
Doppelgofer said:
i had flu like symptoms but only for about 2 days...i still don't feel perfect today but i feel quite a bit better. i threw up friday morning anyhow which was the most amazing experience of my balls

Me too. Luckily I didn't get the flu
I've had the flu like once or none. I don't remember having it at all...

I'm invincible...?
I've had it once.. horrible, all I did for days was sleep. I felt too weak to do anything else

Hope you feel better soon :)

And we don't get anything for perfect attendance at my school, just a certificate or something.
the worst illness i rember having is a cold lol

I had pava s.p virus when i was ickle tho
Im a healthy bugger :P
Get well soon all of you who are sick :)

And shippi, you've only ever had the flu once!? :O
:| The Flu is HORRID! Man, energy drencher, makes you feel like complete crap. I always have to vomit atleast once when having it, mines usually lasts for like one week or so though. Right now I have a cold, god I hate being sick.