"The Fortress" Series

The Sean Connery impression that the guy in the last vid tries to do is god awful
every freakin time i click on the video they brick up this other random site. the vidoe still plays though.

also this isnt even close to red vs blue's talent
The popups on the links are too infuriating for me to watch any more.
I would like to see litfuse do a series, like combine-nation but with TF2.
The popups on the links are too infuriating for me to watch any more.

Let me spend 10 seconds cleaning up his post, and give you this!

But anyway, I don't like it. The only part I laughed at was the "I PUKED *giggle*" part....otherwise, they were trying way too hard.
<3 Pitz (for being less lazy than I!)


The 'suicide bomber' comment shows either a fundamental misunderstanding of Islam verging on religious prejudice, or it shows that the deadpan risque format of 'The Office' really doesn't transfer well to Machinima. Either way it comes off as... well a bit off.

And the Sean Connery accent is... well let's just say Shrek would be closer to the mark. I'd give it a 6/10 because I can at least see hwere they're trying to go with it.
The Sean Connery impression made me want to vomit out of my ears and eyes.