The Forum War to end all Country-Bashing Wars!

Alig said:
You know that "illegal" means they are breaking the law, our law, the british law, the one the british government made up. They are'nt supposed to be in our country for a start and that says enough about why they should'nt be in britain and should be put in jail and sent back to there own country. I could'nt care less if they was legally allowed to move into my country, but there not.

I could make a list as long as my arm about why they are twats but this isn't the place.

Okeydoke: So you are only against illegal immigrants, eh? Well, to paraphrase PvtRyan, I don't think those are the ones building the mosques that so tick you off.

They may well be hanging around speaking their own language. There probably isn't a hell of a lot else to do when you aren't legally allowed to find a job, don't speak the language, and don't want to go home for fear of being brutally murdered.
Everyone in my country is scared stupid.... Literally.
Our economy is sucking fast.
Our jobs are leaving, and the ones that stay pay less and less.
Our government lies.
Our government also lies about our jobs and economy.
Our government is to powerfull.
Our government gets us into to many useless conflicts.
Our government taxes us to much, but doesn't appropriate it correctly.
Our government supports dictators and terrorists, then goes to war with them.
Our government wants to police the globe.
Our government doesn't care about our enviroment.
Our cities are dirty.
Our people work to much.
Our people are to far in debt
Our government won't help.
Our government likes us to be in debt, it keeps us occupied, and ignorant.
Our government uses scare tactics on us to get their way.
Our government violates human rights
Our government builds concentration camps
Our government bullies smaller countries and terrorises their people.
Our government promises and doesn't dilever
Our society is brainwashed.
Our society is desensitized to violence.
We have gans guns and violence
Our society is fat lazy and selflish
We claim Jesus/God are on our side, mostly when be carpet bomb cities during war and kill children/women whole families.
Our society is full of intolerant redneck assholes, gop calls them nascar dads, or aka. their base.
Its boring.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
yeah, I reported that. I don't take those jokes lightly.

thank you ...I was starting to think I was the only one who was insulted ...thx Recoil and RoyaleWithCheese (heheh love that name)

Old people are extremely narrowminded and racist towards everything but what's in their own backyard. Of course they don't show this as every swede hides what he really thinks, no matter if it's a kid trying to look tough or an old person trying to look less hateful.

We are a weak imitation of everything else in the world. We got swedish rappers and hiphoppers, swedish popsingers and etc which do nothing but imitate the real deal.
Swedish rap sucks ass, and here's why: (it's the complete truth)

The immigrants around here hate sweden and swedes, and are incredibly racist towards us, but a swede can barely even call them arabs or immigrants without getting his ass kicked by some kiddo who brings his entire family of 200-300 members.

Swedes are completely coldhearted. They're made out of ice and stone.
They don't speak to anyone but their closest friends and even then they're cold.

We got this thing called the "jante law" which is an unwritten law that says "Why should you be credited or appreciated for anything you've done, don't think you're better than anyone else."
If you do something bad, you sure as hell get to know it. If you do something good or work hard on something, don't expect anyone to give a rats ass about it.
I never knew ice-cold Swedes are the reason Vivendi took HL2 hostage :O

But seriously... Not all Swedes are like that. Both my Mum and Aunt have spent a considerable amount of time living in Sweden and have only praise for their Swedish friends.
im gonna have to say that i 100% agree with Alig here.
if you go to Berry Park in Luton, a town near me, all the road signs are in some crazy arabian/indian language and not in enlgish! i mean what the fu*k is up with that! its just rediculous!
CptStern said:
thank you ...I was starting to think I was the only one who was insulted ...thx Recoil and RoyaleWithCheese (heheh love that name)

This has been on going since yesterday.

Its a long and retarded story. First read up on the Fox News Thread that has been closed and then read a thread started by Shadowlands that has been closed as well. Post back if you have any questions.
blahblahblah said:
This has been on going since yesterday.

Its a long and retarded story. First read up on the Fox News Thread that has been closed and then read a thread started by Shadowlands that has been closed as well. Post back if you have any questions.

I've been too busy to visit. Thanks I'll read those posts ...still it seems childish to me
and about Portugal.

We are in the tail of Europe, in every sense.

90% puts football on their top 3 of most important things in life.

Only about 10% of the populace really votes (and I mean "voting", not writing the name of who you like more in the ballot, "voting") when it's time

ISPs basically stopped competing and hold an illegal basis of zero competition.
CrazyHarij said:

We are a weak imitation of everything else in the world. We got swedish rappers and hiphoppers, swedish popsingers and etc which do nothing but imitate the real deal.
Swedish rap sucks ass, and here's why: (it's the complete truth)

We got this thing called the "jante law" which is an unwritten law that says "Why should you be credited or appreciated for anything you've done, don't think you're better than anyone else."
If you do something bad, you sure as hell get to know it. If you do something good or work hard on something, don't expect anyone to give a rats ass about it.

Jante law? Jesus, where do you ****ing live? I've never even heard of it. Maybe stockholm is a friendlier place than the rest of the country.

And Dude, all that shit written about swedish rap fits just perfectly into all other swedish music categories as well.

We're being run by an inept government, supported by an inept population. I seriously hope the socal democrates are kicked out of government next election, and that the Environmental Party are kicked out of the Riksdag (parliament). I could count up all the wrongdoings they are responsible for, but I don't want to bore you. The thing that scares me more though is that they keep winning the elections.

Meh, bollocks to this. I'll leave this sinking ship if things dont turn around soon.
NeLi said:
Jante law? Jesus, where do you ****ing live? I've never even heard of it. Maybe stockholm is a friendlier place than the rest of the country.

And Dude, all that shit written about swedish rap fits just perfectly into all other swedish music categories as well.

LOL!? Never heard about Jante lagen? Well your from Stockholm so that figures :P...
I've never encountered Jantelagen either :|

Anyways, here goes:
1. Sweden is packed full of racist old people (60>). It's disgusting.
2. Sweden is full of old people, who are racist.
3. In Sweden, there are loads of 60+ people who are, in fact, racist.
Sprafa said:
and about Portugal.

We are in the tail of Europe, in every sense.

90% puts football on their top 3 of most important things in life.

Only about 10% of the populace really votes (and I mean "voting", not writing the name of who you like more in the ballot, "voting") when it's time

ISPs basically stopped competing and hold an illegal basis of zero competition.

Thought you were talking about the UK there.

Nobody cares about each other.
There's no community.

Everyone is afraid to show weakness.

Busy body ****ers with too much time on their hands seem st to ruin everything we enjoy as individuals not seen as the norm by the brainwashed majority.

Racism is tolerated in the form of political parties, yet the slightest error in speech is consider a horrible crime.

Youths who bully others, have no real intellectual power, yet still pass a basic exam.

People can't look past their illusion of nationalism to get something done and bond with our neighbours.

Religion crops up far too often.

My country has become overrun with patriotic zealots who think the US is superior to everything out there. Anyone who criticizes the government is called unpatriotic, anti-American, or a "pussy liberal" (special name given to me by some of these brilliant people). It is lead by a group of stubborn fools who will never admit wrongdoing on their part. And why should they? After all God put them into office, they're infallible
, just like the pope.
Our leader is a redneck from the backwoods of Texas; a typical hick with some lucky connections. He lets Jesus lead him instead of that silly, liberal invention called logic. Most of us do that anyways. If there is a problem that needs fixing, we've got just the answer; more guns, or more Jesus! What the heck, use the guns in the name of Jesus if you want! Most of us believe in all-powerful invisible man who watches our every move and will burn us for eternity if we're bad little sheep. But he loves us of course, and is certainly on our side. Because we aren't like those evil terrorists are we? We would never, ever harm innocent men, women and children, we would never, ever suppress our own people. We are moral, brave Americans, and we're ready to spread out freedom across the globe. So get ready, because you're getting liberation, even if we need to shove it down your throat while holding you at gunpoint.
Varg|Hund said:
I've never encountered Jantelagen either :|

Anyways, here goes:
1. Sweden is packed full of racist old people (60>). It's disgusting.
2. Sweden is full of old people, who are racist.
3. In Sweden, there are loads of 60+ people who are, in fact, racist.

Hmm racist? I dont notice that. I think swedes are to most tolerant people against imigrants in the world. Our goverment takes so good care of the imigrants its almost ridicilous imo. I didint get a job cuz the prioritize foreginers. I dont get any wellfare money, my total income is around $12 a month (i still live at home). But my foreign friend gets wellfare but i dont..its pretty unfair..and no dont call me racist please i have lots of foreinng friends..they are nice people. Im just saying that some of the imigrants exploit the swedish prosperity..
I don't feel like reading right now, but I'm sure a lot of bad points about the US were already pointed out!

But I have to add: Both of our Presidential Canidates are ugly.

One looks like a monkey and acts like an idiot.

The other looks like a.... male genital and acts as if he has a log jammed up his ass all the way to his neck all the time. And damn he has a long face.
Erestheux said:
I don't feel like reading right now, but I'm sure a lot of bad points about the US were already pointed out!

But I have to add: Both of our Presidential Canidates are ugly.

One looks like a monkey and acts like an idiot.

The other looks like a.... male genital and acts as if he has a log jammed up his ass all the way to his neck all the time. And damn he has a long face.

What does their look have to do with anything. Thats just ignorant.

Beuty is in the eyes of the beholder...

All our politicians are stupid and retarded (especially mine cause i live in Alberta. He never even finished grade 8!!)

Our heathcare is good in Canada but not in Alberta!! In Alberta our stupid preimer wants to go to a 2 tier heathcare system (which means if you don't don't get medical help.)

Our prime minister still is telling the same old lies as before like "I'll get rid of the GST. (Goods and services tax) but did he...of course not.

Our dollar sucks

Our military sucks (like we need a military anyway)

Our cities could have a lot more money spent on them.

People in Canada don't respect the natives (who have been here for about 500 years.)

Our flag is a leaf.

I'm done.
Interesting that there is such sentiment about illegal immigrants in the UK. The same feeling generally exists around here.
they just need to fu*k off in my opinion. its tough but its fair.
i generally have no problem with the ones who come over legally and have decent jobs and contribute to society, but as a wise man once said:
immagrants, they either live a life of riches, or they live a life of shit.
America was built and still is on the hard work and sacrafice of immigrants.

I live in a state that has people sneaking into the country from Mexico everyday and we have setup Water fountains in the desert so they don't die while they are "sneaking" in hehe. Do I care they are sneaking in... nope. They are taking jobs I am not willing to do myself and if they are determined to leave their home country to come here I admire that. I hate my government but I WILL not flee America for any other country. Well Maybe Germany :D :D
Maybe they are jobs you are not willing to do, but surely somebody else in America would be. The fact is, we shouldn't be giving our jobs away to illegal immigrants, no matter what the job is.

Now if they come here legally and do everything that all other legal immigrants do, then I am happy for them and they should shoot for the stars.
ShadowFox said:
Maybe they are jobs you are not willing to do, but surely somebody else in America would be. The fact is, we shouldn't be giving our jobs away to illegal immigrants, no matter what the job is.

Now if they come here legally and do everything that all other legal immigrants do, then I am happy for them and they should shoot for the stars.

If an American... born basically into Luxary is complaining about a mexican taking his toliet scrubbing job he deserves it. Jesus Americans have it better than anyone.. aim a little higher then a custodian.

We have wayyy to much imigrants
Imigrants are more favored than the French
To much old people
To expensive
People are to stupid sometimes.
yes, this is what any half intelligent people should always do, question our way of life, question our leader's , question their authority alway's, question their validity in the decision's they make, question the things that havnt been solved yet, question everything... question reality.

The worst thing any human can do is to sit idlely by and say, 'this is good I dont have any complaint's, I hope it stays like this forever' because it can alway's be better.

and Mr blair , if your passion for HL2 leads you here and by some daft chance you read this.... pull out of Iraq you daft twit, let the American's have the oil, do the right thing.
Edge said:
America was built and still is on the hard work and sacrafice of immigrants.

I live in a state that has people sneaking into the country from Mexico everyday and we have setup Water fountains in the desert so they don't die while they are "sneaking" in hehe. Do I care they are sneaking in... nope. They are taking jobs I am not willing to do myself and if they are determined to leave their home country to come here I admire that. I hate my government but I WILL not flee America for any other country. Well Maybe Germany :D :D

While i feel for ShadowFox and i'm not saying its right either but, america is a much bigger country than britain and we take more immigrants than any other country in the world, yet we are one of the smallest country's in the world with a mere 60million people. I think i heard it was at something like 2 - 4% = illegal immigrants, that is alot of damn people who ain't welcome in my country through my eyes or most of the general public accross the entire country. Some states equal england in size (or was it the entire britain?!! can't remember) and there's 52. (?)

Like ShadowFox said, legal immigrant's dont bother me...they come to my country, they work for my country and they pay there way including our extremely taking the piss taxes on everything including our pensions. Fine by me, but when they come into my country illegally on the back of a truck (which the driver can be jailed for if they get caught :angry: ) and take the money i pay to our government when i get payed then it starts to effect us and then guess what? because they live in my country they are legally allowed to bring the entire family over and further exploit our government, which i hate everything they say but still..they take the piss out us, BECAUSE THEY CAN. (no offense but in general the family's are ****ing massive of these iraq's or whatever and whereever they come from)

I could see myself migrating to USA one day when i grow up (legally of course ;) ), its so much more appealing to me and this country's getting worse by the year. The plumber that was installing a shower the other day was telling me how his '76 year old, disabled, un-able to walk or leave the house mum' pays TAX on her pension that she earned over the years you work in your life time, upto 65. Roughly. Surely that's not right?.

Infact my mum and step dad are just in the process of buying a house in Cyprus and ill be off like the ****ing wind living it up.
clarky003 said:
let the American's have the oil, do the right thing.

Just an FYI most Americans don't support that war either. Bush and his empire want that oil... not Americans. I am certain that is not what you meant.. just a clarification.
Edge said:
Just an FYI most Americans don't support that war either. Bush and his empire want that oil... not Americans. I am certain that is not what you meant.. just a clarification.

yeh im sorry should of rephrased that, you know how it is, I most definately am not refering to the american general public.
clarky003 said:
yeh im sorry should of refraised that, you know how it is, I most definately am not refering to american general public.

No no no... no offense taken or anything. Just cutting off the other posts that follow before someone misunderstands and runs with it :angel:
What else could be said about the U.S. thats hasn't been said already?

Most immigrants here look for work and for a better opportunity for a life for them and their family. It's a complex issue.
Alig said:
Some states equal england in size (or was it the entire britain?!! can't remember) and there's 52. (?)
Just to clarify, there are fifty states. There is also the District of Columbia and various territories including Puerto Rico.
Sorry for just now jumping in here, but I find the first post in this thread to be absolutely ridiculous. If you can't take a little criticism about our country from others than don't read it. No one is forcing you to.

Everyone has a right to have an opinion about anything they wish, including other countries. Maybe a hundred years ago a viewpoint like yours would have made sense, but in todays world we have a much greater international climate where many countries affect other countries. This is especially true for the US as we are one of the most powerful countries in the world right now. So to tell other people that they don't have any right or reason to criticize the US or it's policies is completely unreasonable.

Not to even mention the fact that this is a public forum where you can't tell someone they can't have an opinion on something just because they aren't from a certain country.
I'm not gona post much here... I am sure people have complained about the UK a fair amount by now. But I will post a few things for emphasis...

I HATE the media in this country. As my brother said a whlie ago... half the crap they write is simply: "lightly veiled racism" and it makes me sick. Very very sick...

I hate the right wing movements supported by the ignorant and down right idiotic. For example the "UK independance party"... I just find it terrifying that so many people support them when in effect its just a bunch of racist, angry people led by a minor British celebrity who is blatently racist and far too power hungry for his own good.... and everyone elses...

I despise the way many people in this country vote out of habit instead of for the party that has their values in mind... (In their minds.. if they were not so blind..) I am talking mainly about old people... but its limited to them..

I hate the way far too many people vote for a party because of the biased media... papers like the sun, and daily mail for example..... They seriously make me sick those papers... In fact i should have mentioned them earlier talking about the media before....

I hate the way people simply believe EVERYTHING they read in the paper.... because they can't be arsed to find a better source of information

I hate the way the war is brought up again and again.... just to get votes. I wouldn't really mind if they brought up valid new points or actually intended to solve anything.... but they all do it just for publicity... or rather to make Tony Blair look even worse.
I mean... I can not believe Tony Blair is a bad person... I think he could very well of made a very bad mistake... but he does not deserve the crap he recieves on the same subject every single day...

I hate the way political parties insult each other in an attempt to get votes from the electorate... I wish they would actually make good points about how they would make things better instead...

I hate the way that the blame culture is now here in Britain and growing... Teachers are now too afraid of being sued by parrents to actually take students on any kind of school trips.. They can't do anything without express permision from parents.

I hate the way the general public has no respect for authoity in anyway. They believe their children over their teachers implicitly... they believe the police is their to hinder rather than help. They think that the health service is full of people who are in it for the money... or dont want to help and even worse full of imigrants who steal all the good jobs..

I hate many god damn things... too many to list here...

But all said:

:thumbs: I LOVE MY COUNTRY! :thumbs:

Wow..... I said I didnt have time to post alot... I guess I got carried away here...
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I'm not gona post much here... I am sure people have complained about the UK a fair amount by now. But I will post a few things for emphasis...

I HATE the media in this country. As my brother said a whlie ago... half the crap they write is simply: "lightly veiled racism" and it makes me sick. Very very sick...

I hate the right wing movements supported by the ignorant and down right idiotic. For example the "UK independance party"... I just find it terrifying that so many people support them when in effect its just a bunch of racist, angry people led by a minor British celebrity who is blatently racist and far too power hungry for his own good.... and everyone elses...

I despise the way many people in this country vote out of habit instead of for the party that has their values in mind... (In their minds.. if they were not so blind..) I am talking mainly about old people... but its limited to them..

I hate the way far too many people vote for a party because of the biased media... papers like the sun, and daily mail for example..... They seriously make me sick those papers... In fact i should have mentioned them earlier talking about the media before....

I hate the way people simply believe EVERYTHING they read in the paper.... because they can't be arsed to find a better source of information

I hate the way the war is brought up again and again.... just to get votes. I wouldn't really mind if they brought up valid new points or actually intended to solve anything.... but they all do it just for publicity... or rather to make Tony Blair look even worse.
I mean... I can not believe Tony Blair is a bad person... I think he could very well of made a very bad mistake... but he does not deserve the crap he recieves on the same subject every single day...

I hate the way political parties insult each other in an attempt to get votes from the electorate... I wish they would actually make good points about how they would make things better instead...

I hate the way that the blame culture is now here in Britain and growing... Teachers are now too afraid of being sued by parrents to actually take students on any kind of school trips.. They can't do anything without express permision from parents.

I hate the way the general public has no respect for authoity in anyway. They believe their children over their teachers implicitly... they believe the police is their to hinder rather than help. They think that the health service is full of people who are in it for the money... or dont want to help and even worse full of imigrants who steal all the good jobs..

I hate many god damn things... too many to list here...
Damn that sounds almost exactly like the US right now :)