The Fountain+40% RT rating=:(


Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
I still really want to see it, but man, it's a shame that not a lot of people seem to like it.
I've heard a lot of comparisons to 2001 for some reason.

2001, when first released, was given mostly negative reviews. It took time for people to appreciate it. And now it's regarded as one of the best and culturally significant movies of its time.

I'm going to ignore initial bad press and give it a shot with my own two eyes. History has a way of sorting the wheat from the chaff.
Its probably low because there aren't that many reviews out.

And all the reviews I've read have praised it.
Really? I've read a few and they all seemed to like it.

Meh. Means nothing.
I'll see it regardless. Just like I'll see Southland Tales, regardless.
I've heard a lot of comparisons to 2001 for some reason.

2001, when first released, was given mostly negative reviews. It took time for people to appreciate it. And now it's regarded as one of the best and culturally significant movies of its time.

I'm going to ignore initial bad press and give it a shot with my own two eyes. History has a way of sorting the wheat from the chaff.

I've heard the 2001 comparions too, but meh, other than the fact that it's apparently stunning visually, I don't see why it's being compared to it in the first place.

Like I said though, I'm still on pins and needles to see it, it kind of sucks that I'm in Florida right now and there's no theater in the city that I'm in showing it, so I'll have to wait till I get back to Raleigh. Oh well.
I still will go see this cause i know it will totally be some good mind-f***ing entertainment like 2001: Space Odyssey.

Dont let the critics hold you down!!
SPOILERS AHEAD...........(MAYBE)...........

I saw it like 30 minutes ago and I have no idea wtf happened. I guess I'm an idiot, but it was like 3 different people in three different times, and they all end pretty horribly then a dude drinks cum from a tree and another dude turns into a flower bed, and the third dude gets killed by an exploding star and then it ended.
I'm gonna go see it probably Friday
xcellerate, this is because darren aronofsky is the worst director on the planet.

pretentious assholes who plaster their walls with requiem for a dream posters sure like to talk about how interesting and deep and powerful his work is - when really it's a discombobulated mess of student film 101 techniques. Ooh! Nice time lapsed clouds! What a great push/pull shot, how innovative! Not to mention the repetitive sequence when someone gets high. Thanks for spoon feeding your idiocy to us, mr. aronofsky.

I guess people are FINALLY realizing what a lunatic he is. Thank god.
It was a great artistic movie. The story was good as well. Just saw it.

My friend called me last night, basically stuttering and crying telling me it's the best movie he's seen in three years (note: he sees just about every movie that comes out), and that it's on his top 10 movie list now. He also says that Aronofsky is the best living director now, better than Scorsese.

I now really really want to see it.
xcellerate, this is because darren aronofsky is the worst director on the planet.

pretentious assholes who plaster their walls with requiem for a dream posters sure like to talk about how interesting and deep and powerful his work is - when really it's a discombobulated mess of student film 101 techniques. Ooh! Nice time lapsed clouds! What a great push/pull shot, how innovative! Not to mention the repetitive sequence when someone gets high. Thanks for spoon feeding your idiocy to us, mr. aronofsky.

I guess people are FINALLY realizing what a lunatic he is. Thank god.

Me thinks you're wrong.
It looks too artsy for its own good, bordering on pretentious. I'll reserve my proper judgment until I've actually seen it though.
xcellerate, this is because darren aronofsky is the worst director on the planet.

pretentious assholes who plaster their walls with requiem for a dream posters sure like to talk about how interesting and deep and powerful his work is - when really it's a discombobulated mess of student film 101 techniques. Ooh! Nice time lapsed clouds! What a great push/pull shot, how innovative! Not to mention the repetitive sequence when someone gets high. Thanks for spoon feeding your idiocy to us, mr. aronofsky.

I guess people are FINALLY realizing what a lunatic he is. Thank god.

I thought requim for a dream was one of the most beautifully shot/edited films ive ever seen. Guess I'm a pretentious asshole.
xcellerate, this is because darren aronofsky is the worst director on the planet.

pretentious assholes who plaster their walls with requiem for a dream posters sure like to talk about how interesting and deep and powerful his work is - when really it's a discombobulated mess of student film 101 techniques. Ooh! Nice time lapsed clouds! What a great push/pull shot, how innovative! Not to mention the repetitive sequence when someone gets high. Thanks for spoon feeding your idiocy to us, mr. aronofsky.

I guess people are FINALLY realizing what a lunatic he is. Thank god.

You're lame, Requiem for a Dream was great.
Glo-Boy, you complain too much about everything. As a matter of fact, my entire repertoire of memories involving you is your overbearing criticism of everything and anything, sometimes borderline trolling. Oh well. I guess all the negativity is concealing something, right?

I saw The Fountain yesterday, and I'm not sure what to make of it. The film itself I didn't like too much, but some of the imagery was amazing, and the movie really did a number on my mind.
I just watched it. I think its a great movie... but It really confuses the crap outta me. I think if I read more about it/ discuss it and what some of the stuff means and why things happened that way... I will love it.

And like Ennui said... Imagery was amazing, and it can get you thinking. I also was almost hurting at certain parts because of some of the emotion.
I bought tickets to see this because the girl I was with was not 17 yet. We then went to see Tenacious D and the pick of destiny.
Just saw it. I liked it ok, but man, I've never seen a more resisitent theater reaction ever, people were going to the front and asking for refunds. I can see why people hate it, but eh, it was well-made, and it kept my interest, so I'll give it that.
Glo-Boy is so predictable.

That said, this doesn't really look that interesting to me (though I sort of liked Pi). D:
Just saw it. I liked it ok, but man, I've never seen a more resisitent theater reaction ever, people were going to the front and asking for refunds. I can see why people hate it, but eh, it was well-made, and it kept my interest, so I'll give it that.
A few people left the theater while it was going on, and there were only about fifteen people in there total to start with. I can understand why; it's more of an art movie than a big movie theater release film, even if I think it deserved being watched through to the end. Also, it was like below freezing in the theater, and several people left to get jackets - so when we were leaving, I heard an amusing snippet of conversation from the two big black guys behind me:

"That movie didn't make any damn sense."
"Catch a goddamn cold up in there."

It's funnier to hear, really :D
A few people left the theater while it was going on, and there were only about fifteen people in there total to start with. I can understand why; it's more of an art movie than a big movie theater release film, even if I think it deserved being watched through to the end. Also, it was like below freezing in the theater, and several people left to get jackets - so when we were leaving, I heard an amusing snippet of conversation from the two big black guys behind me:

"That movie didn't make any damn sense."
"Catch a goddamn cold up in there."

It's funnier to hear, really :D

Yeah, I don't see why people would leave, it wasn't poorly directed or boring at all.

Also, this movie TANKED at the box office. I figured it'd lose to Deja Vu, but man, TENTH place, even Deck the Halls beat it.
I loved it. Don't let critics tell you what you should and shouldn't see, much less what you should and shouldn't like.
Yeah, although its probably enough to make you think twice when going to the theater. I'd expect much better DVD sales though.
I bought tickets to see this because the girl I was with was not 17 yet. We then went to see Tenacious D and the pick of destiny.

you fail

I would die before seeing that stupid ass movie. How anyone can find Jack Black anything but annoying as hell is beyond me. The only movie he didnt ruin was Saving Silverman.
I complain about stuff that sucks, because it sucks, and I am the be all end all. I know everything and am the greatest person on Earth. What the hell do I need to compensate for? Man, I rock.

(I can't wait for Ennui to come waddling in and act like I really mean all that. Which I kind of do, but so do you. Shut up.)

Requiem for a Dream was absolutely disgusting, discombobulated, and flat out shitty as hell. Darren Aronofsky should have been shot in the f-cking face for making that piece of trash.

But I'm glad he wasn't, as he has totally redeemed himself with the Fountain. This time around, he has switched his priorities, and made The Fountain appealing towards people who truly enjoy cinema, films, and asking big questions. This is the opposite of Requiem which seemed to cater to asshole kids in high school and college who like to think they know a lot about movies, but end up studying communications or business (insert :jackoff: emoticon) instead, and watch football on TV.

Unfortunately this board doesn't have spoiler tags, but if anyone wants to engage in an intelligent and lively conversation about the movie, feel free to PM. I analyzed this movie down to almost every theory I could possibly come up with. I've also talked to a few film professors at my school, who have also reached some conclusions about it, and there is still so much more to learn and reveal. I still think it's a bit pretentious, what with the tai chi scene and whatnot, but no movie is perfect. It definitely secures a spot on my top 10, and that is a tough list to get onto.
Yes, I did. It contained:

- Arrogance!
- Hostility!
- Hyperbolic criticism!
- References to a group of 'kids' that you hate- in this case college kids and pseudo-intellectuals (see also: metal fans, anime geeks, Absinthe?) where you place them into some kind of strange social class that is fit only to be despised!
- Contemptuous attitude to technical babble and those who would use it!
- Use of technical babble and references to your education!
- Assurance that when you're not busy ranting about 'kids' that you hate, with their posters and snotty hair, and when you're not calling people cock suckers, and when you're not venerating yourself and your expert education while criticising those who think they know everything because they went to whatever-school, you would be happy to have an intelligent and civil conversation (while your general forum behaviour and cockish demeanor appears to completely bely this). The about-turn from 'vitriol' to 'reason' is almost comic.

This is a fairly quintessential Glo-Boy post, displaying an impressive collection of the various features we've come to know and expect.

So, yeah, business as usual.
I'm interested in this movie. Probably gonna rent it though since it's not even in theaters up here...

Also, I didn't like Requiem for a Dream, some of the directing was kinda cool but other than that I have no desire to see it again. I still do joke about "Shooter" going, "JUICE! JUICE! JUICE BY YOU!" though.
really the movie sucked I thought. It was slow and depressing, when I left the theatre I felt worse than when I entered, and that's not why I go to see movies.
I just saw it tonight by myself. It seemed like that type of film. I was the only one in the theater. It was cool for my first experience seeing a movie alone.

I thought it was great in the beginning. At first I thought it was about getting the fountain of youth in the medival times and working itself from there. But no, instead it went another direction with the 3 seperate stories in the movie. For the most part its a tragic love story about losing someone special and trying to stop it by any means possible to stop fate. Kinda like Click, but artsy. The visuals were great, really helped you escape from reality. THen the whole lonely, quiet journey in space parts were totally 2001 related - loved it. The ending was just plain freaky. I say it was a great attempt on making a film about the unanswerable stuff like: life, forever, love, and death. You can only end a movie like that in a predictable, corny way. So yeah...


Spoilers Discussion:

Did anyone else not care about the Zen and meditation stuff? I thought it looked hella funny when he was in the meditation pose heading to the dying star. I would of directed him just gliding up while his face is looking at the dying star above.
Wait - Globoy liked something?

Wait - Globoy liked something?


I'm still confused as to why he saw it in the first place if he "hates" the director so much.

Also, I hope his oh-so-clever response earlier got him an infraction.
I wanna see the movie very badly. I don't really give a damn if its artsy. As PR said, this is the kind of movie you watch alone by yourself.
Thought i'd bring this thread back from the dead.

The Fountain is basically a movie about love, death and how to reconcile when the two meet. It's probably the most tender and affecting movie i've seen. Very much a love/hate affair, I definately fall into the group that loves it.

My take:


The Fountain is broken into 3 stories, each linked in theme, with only the present day story of Tommy (as the doctor) and Izzi (his wife with brain cancer) being grounded in reality. It's here we see the actual events that took place.

The book Izzi writes (also called The Fountain), while partly her attempt at coming to terms with her views of life, death and her own mortaility (which she achieves, eventually finding comfort and 'fullness'), is an offering to her husband to help him find some understanding and ease. It's in Tommy's reading of the book that we see the conquistador story - the conquistador being a representation of his denial and desperate attempts to save his wife (queen, country, his everything).

The last chapter Izzi leaves blank for Tommy to finish after she has died, something he can only achieve after accepting the inevitable truth and acknowledging the peace his wife has found. Eventually he discovers this realisation and completes the book - the conquistador finds the tree of life (the answer, the cure for cancer) and gorges on its sap. However, instead of being the answer he had so desperately searched for, the sap kills him. In killing this fictional representation of himself Tommy acknowledges how futile and self destructive his efforts had been. His wife didn't need a husband in denial or false hope, she needed someone to understand and be with her when she died.

While the conquistador story was Tommy's search for the truth and understanding of his wife's acceptance of death, the journey through space to Shibalba (death, rebirth) is an extended metaphor for his own coming to terms with love and mortality. The tree he so loving cares for (Izzi), despite his best efforts, slowly withers away and dies, yet his/their love remains. It's here Tommy realises that death can seperate them, accepts that he will die, but they will always be togther.

2nd take (the first rings truer to me, but I find this take quite interesting)

Izzi dies leaving Tommy in turmoil. Without peace or understanding, a wrecked man continuing to look for an answer - 'Death is a disease'. By continuing to research the regenerative properties of the tree root he stumbled across while trying to find a cure for his wife's cancer, he eventually discovers a way to prevent aging. Hundreds of years later he sets off on a journey through space to the nebula his wife showed him so long ago with the tree he planted above her grave towards the end of the film. Whether he believes her spirit lives on in the tree (as Izzi mentioned in the museum), or whether this is a final tribute to their love, I don't know (I like not to).

It's on this journey that Tommy finds the answers he needs, finishes the book, and eventually arrives at Shibalba.