The Freaky Gordon is in the house

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Hello everyone.First off,I have to say that I am not entirely new to this forums,just been browsing around for some time but never really bothered to register until now.I really like the wiki on the mainpage,it was very.....informative.And by the way,anyone here who is into Team Fortress 2?
Gee, Im gonna put my money towards everyone who has bought the Orange Box...
Suffragette City?

Also, welcome to the forums, newbie! Yes, you've lurked for some time, but I still get to call you newbie! Ha-HA! Newbie.

Ok, I'm done. Welcome to the forum. Drink the water, it's good for you. We put something in it, to make it taste better.
I don't even remember when I got here...

Edit - Oh, there it is.
A lot of people here love TF2. Check out the subforum for everything TF2 related!
Welcome. Everybody is into TF2. Prepare to be buttseched you freaky bastard.
We need a newbie forum again.. His thread will simply get lost in all the rest of the crap and religous debates that give absolutely no benefit in the mortal world.

Welcum 2 teh forumz, neewnenwbooobobobob
Religious debates give lots of benefits newb. Thats right, im considering you a newb again Ace. Now go make a introduction thread so we can spam it.
They give no benefits, They simply make us hate each other.
/makes new thread
I dont know about you guys, but ive never liked someone less because one of the debates, and I have learned a lot from them. Even if nobody in the debate changes their mind or learns anything, there are many lurkers who read them.

brb, goin to spam your thread!
Yeah,there used to be a Newbie Central here before,was finding for it before I posted here.Why take it off?And I don't take water from strangers :bounce:,especially when they claim theres something special in it :P.

So youre from the city eh?

Youll find the bed in your dorm and a fresh change of clotes every three days.

Oh and welcome