the future has come...first (to my knowledge) genetically engieneered child

This is kinda cool....

Is Dailymail a "TheOnion" type site?
Morons. That isn't genetic engineering, it's just an additional screen during IVF.

pro-life campaigners claim it is morally wrong to weed out imperfect babies and describe the technique, in which unhealthy embryos are left to perish, as a 'tool for search and kill'.
Do these people even know how many fertilized eggs are naturally aborted by the woman's body due to genetic or chromosomal abnormalities?

Goddamn blinkered religious zealots -.-
Morons. That isn't genetic engineering, it's just an additional screen during IVF.


Do these people even know how many fertilized eggs are naturally aborted by the woman's body due to genetic or chromosomal abnormalities?

Goddamn blinkered religious zealots -.-

First thing I thought when I read that. I'd hate to see their faces when they see how many fertilized eggs go down the 'shitter' so to speak.
The sex of the baby is not known.
The BRCA1 gene is on Chromosome 10 so it can be inherited through the male line anyway.

Edit: whoops, Chromosome 10 in rats, 17 in humans. My point stands anyway.
pro-life campaigners claim it is morally wrong to weed out imperfect babies
lulz, it'd be the same baby, just with less of a chance of cancer aka death. Idiots contradict their title "pro-life." Need to be renamed "pro-morons."
Goodbye breast cancer! Hello ovarian cancer!
The ultimate irony is that they claim its some great tragedy if an embryo doesn't survive, as if an un-existing non-person can someone magically defy the laws of physics and lament the fact they never existed.

Its like Raziaar eating some potters clay as he is want to do and lamenting and tearing hair at the fact it'll never become a pot or sculpture.

And what about the eggs that humans love to consume at breakfast so much?.

All those poor un-fertilized sterile eggs will never become lil baby chickens, shit, lets just absolutely wail in anguish at the loss of their non-existence.

Anyway, from my observations of religious fanatics and douchebags, respect for life seems a rather inconsistent hypocritical prospect for them.