The Future is here!!! Man shot by robot


May 5, 2004
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An 81-year-old Australian man has shot himself dead with an elaborate suicide robot built using plans he downloaded from the Internet.

who knew the internets could be used for evil?

beneath the snappy headline the story is actually quite sad:

The Gold Coast man, who lived alone, left notes of his plans and thoughts as he struggled to come to terms with demands by interstate relatives that he move out his home and into care.

and scary:

The machine was attached to a .22 semi-automatic pistol loaded with four bullets.

It was able to fire multiple shots into the man's head after he activated it.

goddam it that robot didnt take any chances,2933,339213,00.html

Pretty sweet suicide method, I have to admit.
Would it be sick to ask if there are pictures? Not because of any perverted means, just to find out whether by robot they mean robot or just some elaborate Rude Goldberg device. Like the one in Family Guy that shoots Peter.

Still, if you wanna go, this is the way to do it.
then in that case is not exactly a robot unless it do things like make sounds saying "do you feel lucky?"

I'd like to see you try and start the EMP!

WALL-E!! <3 <3 <3 <3 ^________^ Look at him Wall-E would never hurt anyone. ;_____; he just wants to explore! I can't wait to see that movie. ^_^
The "robot wars" are not really 'on' until a robot is also killed by a human. But yes, the process has begun.
"...and so the leaders of Man were quick to order the destruction of [...] and all of its kind..."
He was too afraid to do it himself, so he had to make a robot do it. Imagine if they convict the robot or something..

And I don't want to kill a chain..
Shit, the Gold Coast.
Who knew the old inhabitants of that place were so cool.

I mean scary.

BL, that picture is already posted thar soulslicer.
Sounds like he built a remotely-activated suicide mechanism more than a robot if you ask me...