The future of Half-Life 2

Will we ever see you again?

  • I'm new here

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Once I've finished HL2, I'm done

    Votes: 7 9.3%
  • I'm going to stick a bit longer and gently fade away

    Votes: 15 20.0%
  • I'll come back from time to time for mods/etc

    Votes: 22 29.3%
  • I'm going to be right here until

    Votes: 30 40.0%

  • Total voters


Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
This is a turning point for
As discussion turns from speculation to knowledge, the HL2 community will shift. Already we have a huge influx of new users in the past couple days. We can also expect that alot of the familiar faces will disapear.

I have been talking here for months. Some have been talking here for over a year. Now that HL2 is coming out, well,. what do we do now?

Its fair to say that I come here for a reason that has gone beyond my interest in HL2. And thanks to the Off Topic forum, the scope of this community goes beyond interest in HL2 as well.

There is something very distinct about HL2 that really does set the bar. It follows that HL2 sites have the most savvy gamer community. has been my choosen community. I have enjoyed talking and connecting with many of you.

However, once I'm done with HL2, will I still bother? What would be keeping me here? My vague bonds to you guys, or a continued devotion to HL2? Either is possible, really, but I am not sure.

I mean,. HL2 is going to be the best game ever.
(no matter what She says!)

When I cant get HL2 off my mind, eats up my time. I've spend way more time here then I really should, and I am looking forward to taking a break from all this looking forward. (I think a lot of you know what I mean). HL2 may be the best game ever, but there is more to life then games.

I think odds are I will stick around for a while and then gently fade away. Maybe I'll come back from time to time. It has been a pleasure, guys, it really has.

And I will be here when goes online. :thumbs:


If HL2 is Half the game it seems to be, it will still be the Best Game Ever.
I always had faith in you, Valve. Ever since HL1.
Thank you for taking the time to do it right. is my home on the internet. i dont think i will leave the forums. and there will be a reason to stay here...waiting for the xpacks :D

I will play HL2, probably continue to come here every now and again, but I've already promised myself I would never buy another Valve product after this fiasco. You certainly won't see me around the HL3 forums.
Although I have only been here a short while, Much of what I have seen has intrigued me. I will be sticking around after HL2 is launched because im sure there will be much to discuss.

As for Valve. You guys have literally been apart of my life since I was 13 years old. From the Incredible sense of Awe I had as I rode the tram into Black Mesa, To the satisfaction of having a 5:1 Kill/Death ratio in Counter-Strike. The anticipation of Opposing Force and BlueShift that would continue my Fascination with Gordon Freeman and the Gman, to the grudging acceptance of Steam and the letting go of WON.

Not only have you guys provided me with countless hours of fun, you have even gone so far as to bring me the drama that was the making of HL2. I can't say there werent times of Anguish, but in the end, I would wait my entire life-time If I had too, to play HL2.

Thanks Valve, and especially you Gabe, for being the most Community Conscious CEO ever.
^^^agreed. its like second nature for me to visit this site when i get home from work or school.

one thing does stick in my mind that, some of us, will be let down by hl2 in some way...not sure how obviously but, something is just nagging me. like a voice inside my head or something.
but yeah, we have become devoted to hl2 as it should be the best game ever, and the reviews prove that it is. yeah i contradicted myself there, but i cant feel fine until i play it tomorrow.

now not to be offensive or start a flame war like i was last night, but f|uke is right...there is so much more to life than and hl2 guys. yeah theyre something to fall back on when your stressed or whatever, but people are so obsessive that they are willing to sleep during the day to play a game during the night when its released. now im soz if i offend you but...that just seems to me like youre either extremely desperate or extremely addicted to gaming.

but anyway, f|uke i salute you. perfectly written mate :E
Well it's been over a year since I joined.
Haven't posted that much ,having not much to say but I have enjoyed reading alot of the posts and all the drama contained within(who could forget September last year).
I will still be lurking around after the release to see what exciting mods and other games using the source engine will emerge...
Pureball said:
one thing does stick in my mind that, some of us, will be let down by hl2 in some way...

Probably no one will like me saying this, because for some reason people on this site portray me as Mr Negative, but some people will definately be let down by HL2. Not becaue there is anything wong with the game, but because some people have expectations of it that simply can't be met. Just my opinion.
iamaelephant said:
some people will definately be let down by HL2. Not becaue there is anything wong with the game, but because some people have expectations of it that simply can't be met. Just my opinion.
I agree competely. Throw out your mental checklist of what HL2 should be. Depending on if they're met, expectations will only either stop you from being amazed, or let you down.

For best results, forget what you know, and just play.
Well, this is my first time posting here in over a year! Once I get the game I'll be staying away from HL2 sites as I don't want to risk seeing any spoilers (I've done a good job of keeping myself in the dark). Once I've palyed it through I'll get into the mapping side of things and I'll be checking out sites for advanced mapping tutorials, textures and new mods to play.
Once I finish the game and get on GameFAQ's and get all the easter eggs, I'll be back on here, lurking as usual.
You guys are stuck with me until Half-Life 3.

Aha. Suckers. I'm a rhymin' machine.
I was here since last year, however I somehow lost the email address for my old account

I will most likely fade away, might come back for mods
I'm new here. I haven't played Half-Life apart from the demo. Meaning, I'll be here until I finish HL2, HL: Source, and until I find every last easter egg. I'll be here until HL3, et cetera.
Although I might be occupied with Half-Life for quite awhile...hehe.
I'll probably take a hike and go barbeque somewhere else.
I'm just a sucker for game-in-development forums, but when UT2004 was on my pc I stopped visiting that forum.
After games are released forums change from a group of people joking around to pass the time, to a free support site.

"HELP me I got no sound"
"Cant get past dr.Breen help pls!"

I dont play games enough to answer any of these questions, so unless I have a question myself, I dont think you'll ever see my ass around here anymore.
Pureball said:
there is so much more to life than and hl2 [...] people are so obsessive that they are willing to sleep during the day to play a game during the night when its released. now im soz if i offend you but...that just seems to me like youre either extremely desperate or extremely addicted to gaming.
Having a universal release time is a new thing. In about 12 hours, the most hardcore HL2 fans will all be taking that train ride and stepping out into the world of HL2 together. I wont be staying up late because I cant, but I will be playing for the first hour, because I want to be a part of that.
Forums are crazy today. Guess theres not much hope of keeping this up right now.
I've given Swift about 10 hand jobs in the past week.

I am here till whether you noobs like it. :)

-Manga :dork: