The Future

the release is the beginning, not the end of the site. we will no longer be in informational limbo like those guys at the dnf forums (man, we think we are running out of topics, seriously!) will become a great fan site, a hub for the mod community and a big advertisemnet for the game
Logic: That thread made me all sad. Damn you for making my saturday start off like this !! :p I hope the community won't disappear. It obviously won't, but I hope the old-timers stick around. One positive aspect to the release (besides actually being able to play the game) is that the speculating will be gone. I'm getting quite tired of speculation..
Ecthe|ioN said:
Logic: That thread made me all sad. Damn you for making my saturday start off like this !! :p I hope the community won't disappear. It obviously won't, but I hope the old-timers stick around. One positive aspect to the release (besides actually being able to play the game) is that the speculating will be gone. I'm getting quite tired of speculation..
When I made the thread, I basically just presented all the aspects of the community I dislike (the feeling that Valve owe us something, anger about delays, flaming, complaining, repetitive speculation etc), from the opposite point of view people would expect. It's definately true that there will be great change, and that many of the things that have become routine here will suddenly disappear, but that's nothing but a good thing. The angle I took in the first post was simply for the purpose of making fun of the community as it is now. Rest assured, the good times aren't coming to an end... they are only just beginning.
Very well said Logic.

It's so amazing how HL2 became something that seemed so distant, that it would never happen, like a dream. Like we could only imagine having it in our hands.
Like imagining you had super powers... And this forum would be all about discussing how cool it would be... That's exactly what has happened here. HL2 became exactly that.

And before anyone realized it, waiting for the game was just as important as playing it. It was half the fun.

But times have already changed. Changed not too long ago. The RC is at Vivendi. The game is coming out. The date isn't exact but it is set, but we know it is no more than 2 months away.

So now the game has returned to the status of any other game that is coming out. No more delays. No more release date speculation. Reviews and media are starting to pop up. (And have been lately) This forum will never be the same. Not atleast, until HL3. (Which I hope will be an entirely new forum, leaving still active) But HL3 might not go through the same delayful pre-release scenario. We may never again have this wonderful experiencing of Worshipping a game that we dream about.

Well.. I didn't plan on a long post, but you inspired me, Logic. :)
vegeta897 said:
It's so amazing how HL2 became something that seemed so distant, that it would never happen, like a dream. Like we could only imagine having it in our hands.
Like imagining you had super powers... And this forum would be all about discussing how cool it would be... That's exactly what has happened here. HL2 became exactly that.
That's a very, very good way to put it. So good, I can't really think of anything to add. :cheese:

I just wonder about the DNF community... it must be so much more distant to them than HL2 ever was to us.. does the game itself even matter to them anymore? Will they even want to play it? Many people who were in highschool when DNF was announced have since completed their education, and entered the workforce. I find it quite interesting that the mere concept of a game can create a community, regardless of whether or not the game will ever be played.
Logic said:
...the mere concept of a game can create a community, regardless of whether or not the game will ever be played.
Yes! Well said! It's not just a game!
I dont envision this forum becoming any less busy/vital than it is at present to be honest!!

There will just be NEW stuff to talk about in the form of helping each other out when were stuck, finding easter eggs and sharing new cool ways to play the game and make cool stuff happen with the games dynamic nature!

Just my two Euros worth!!

I love all you guys no matter how bad you flamed me or how mad we got a hoaxs, we were always there for each other, weither to dic each others computers or give a little info about HL2.
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! :cheers:

Now we must speculate about HL3!!!! :bounce:
Wow Thats just beautiful but I don't think the community will die I think all the boo valve or the valve hurt my feelings or I think we should protest threads will go away with those people will post My bad I was wrong threads and admit they were wrong. Of course we will talk of mods and easter eggs and all that good stuff.
maybe when it comes out everyone will be happppppyy???? hopefully the game will be fun ........ :bounce: :bounce: <--- fun like that guy :cheers: :cheers: