The G-Man is....

Private Snafu

May 28, 2003
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an Android! My reasoning? In Opfor (assuming it fits into Half-Life 2's plot), the scientist explicitly said that the Air Barnacle will only attach to organic matter. Fast forward to the scene at the damn where the G-Man is straightening his tie. Use the air barnacle and suprise, suprise, it doesn't work. This must mean that the G-Man is inorganic, ie a robot of some kind.
Originally posted by Private Snafu
an Android! My reasoning? In Opfor (assuming it fits into Half-Life 2's plot), the scientist explicitly said that the Air Barnacle will only attach to organic matter. Fast forward to the scene at the damn where the G-Man is straightening his tie. Use the air barnacle and suprise, suprise, it doesn't work. This must mean that the G-Man is inorganic, ie a robot of some kind.
i also threw countless grenades at the gman, snarks, and hundreds of bullets.. yet he still stood there and only sparked. i think it's just part of the game.. i mean.. how would they explain the ending talks if you had killed gman repeatedly earlier in the game?
I think if you hit him with the crowbar it made the same sound as when you hit the inside of an air vent. I can't remember if I've done this myself (ages since I played it), I know I've heard it elsewhere though.
it does that because you're not supposed to kill the G-man. I guess they put that metallic property into him so it sounds like he's invincible too.
The reason the barnicle dosn't work on him is cuz, pretty much all the guns don't work. He's supposed to be invincible. Except, if u shoot him, the bullets deflect and make a metal sound.:eek:
i agree, hes an adroid. Now all you have to do is find the on/off switch.
Also notice he speaks in a very strange way .. especially in OpForce.

"Personal Holocaust" - the way he says it is hilarious :)
if you think about it, he could be an alien. he seems to have a bit of trouble speaking english, listen to him in the e3 video at the start. and he somehow got that tram car to float around in space at the end of hl1 (I think)...
I never heard it in the game, but it is one of the things he says if you decline his offer. Basically it's a longer version of the "No regrets .." message.
LMAO! PErsonAL HOLOCAUST!... ToTAL ANiHIlation... the way he says that is funny too.
THe whole metal thing was to prevent the character from actually killing the G-Man early on or by mistkae. There are several points in the HL game where careful inspection of your surroundings reveals his presence, and a few points where you could just as easily take him out. But if you did, where would the game go? In reality the G-man is more than likely something organic, human or alien or both.
Nihilant was said: "You are man, he is not a man."
Touche. I think someone should make a HL script (movie kind -- not game) full of all the exact dialogue. That way people interested in disecting the HL storyline can do so in a semi organized manner.
A robot seems wierd though, I mean, it seems like the Xen creatures wouldn't be able to psychically read CPU's. :P I think Nihilanth knew of this because of his obviously psychic powers, so maybe he read his mind. Then again that could be wrong.

My guess is that he is alien, but not from Xen. Perhaps something.... greater. I mean it's obvious that the Xen creatures weren't actually invading, but trying to protect themselves. I mean most of them were either slaves or animals, or at the most what seemed more like "cops" (The Grunts).
Originally posted by upbeat27
The G-man is....

a man! hence the name.
Delivered the fact in an assholic-way, I like that! :cheers: !
ok everyone, why can't you kill him? Because he's a robot. The fact that you need him later on is purely coincidental.
In the end sequence of hl the gman mentions his...erm...employers. I think that his employers have some sort of deal with the aliens. Perhaps they are part of the alien/human combine. Not really sure though.

Does the fact that you now work for the gman mean that he will instruct you on any missions throughout the game?? Perhap gordon realises during the game what the gman's story is, and attempts to escape his clutches or something. Now i've just strayed waaaayyy off course, so i will get back to my imagination now.

I remember playing a mod where you got to kill him... was so fantastic... being they said that if you shoot key characters they will shoot back etc, they didn't say they will die though.. and in accordance with the they won't let you break a bridge critical to the game type of theory, I'm wondering if you shoot the g-man this time around if he will use super robot/alien laser beams and beat the mess out of you, would be fun... yay.
the g-man is not robot, i mean wtf :/..... besides the aliens dint get sucked up so he cud just as easily be alien

using on screen keyboard dont hate me :'(
I think that he´s a child in a mans body, just trying to be loved and to love others. :D
A Robot? That is possibly one of the most shortest thought out possibilites in the history of man. O.o

You coudlent kill him purely becasue it would **** up the end - as many of the previous posters before me have pointed out.

If you talked to a person with certain pronounciations like the G-Mans or such in life, would you say to them: OMG!!! YOUR AN ALIEN/ROBOT ARENT YOU !?!
He is a robot! Don't believe me? Look here:

Anyway, you know why you couldn't kill him? Well, if you did kill him in the beginning, then what? He magically reappears at the end?
it could be like a clone or something :P

no, really i do believe that the G-man is in league with another Alien race, possibly the combine, but beleive he is human, although he could be being controlled by aliens...there fore the pale and deathly complextion, the errie tones and the speach... :P
Originally posted by Stone
it could be like a clone or something :P

no, really i do believe that the G-man is in league with another Alien race, possibly the combine, but beleive he is human, although he could be being controlled by aliens...there fore the pale and deathly complextion, the errie tones and the speach... :P

I rekon the stuff he sees, and does would turn him nice and pale with a nice stutter of tone in his voice. Well, it would to me.
Not unless your that crazy liquid dood from Terminator 2! ;)
The G-Man cannot be killed with conventional weapons because he is not a physical being.
G-Man stands for Good Manager, which is why Gordon is working for him, because hes a good manager, somebody who keeps you properly motivated, and inspires you to do your job well, dont you think?
The G-Man is actually your father, who turned to the dark...oh, wait, wrong storyline
Originally posted by .:KrusT:.
The G-Man is actually your father, who turned to the dark...oh, wait, wrong storyline
"nobody can be told what the matrix is freeman, shit shit wait i mean xen shit err.. " -gman.