The G-Man!!!!

madog u made this thread so u can spam and get alot of posts!
ban him :p
and then i will use the manipulator to pick him up and smash his ugly face into the brick walls and make the zombies eat his flesh
I think he sort of deflects all damage..... as he's sooo powerful.... like his mind manipulates the bullets...........

Or.... if we try to shoot him... he attacks us and we die...???

G-man = "G"ordon - free"man" <-- only kidding......
G-mna was invunreble so you didn't screw up the game by killing him when he was talking.

If you killed the G-man at the end, everything eill still happen but with no G-man...
well the Gman definately isnt gordon from the future - cos we arent allowed to see gordon or hear him speak now are we? huh? huh?
fantasiser said:
well the Gman definately isnt gordon from the future - cos we arent allowed to see gordon or hear him speak now are we? huh? huh?

or maybe the reason we cant hear him speak is because he may have the same voice as the g-man and talks exactly like him :p

"wake up mr.freeman"
Well, maybe not Gordon, but G-man would surely own MasterChief :afro: :afro:
Wat r u talkin about he owns every1, Hes invulnerable remember (for those plotting how to kill him). If you tried to kill him he could use his probably incredible pistol in his briefcase and kill you with 1 shot
madog said:
Wat r u talkin about he owns every1, Hes invulnerable remember (for those plotting how to kill him). If you tried to kill him he could use his probably incredible pistol in his briefcase and kill you with 1 shot

not if i have god-mode on
i kno if both Gordon and Gman r invulnerable who can win?
Alientank said:
You have 1024 gigs of memory?

Yes I do. SORRY, I made a mistake lol, don't have to have a fit about it. :p
czrsink said:
There is no HL without the G-Man.
there is no Half-life without the "g-man"

actually.. you do not know how right you are.
She said:
there is no Half-life without the "g-man"

actually.. you do not know how right you are.

Why did you qoute him, then repeat what he said again only written slightly differently?

And whats the second bit of your post about? You say it as if you know something that others dont.
hmmmmmmmm interesting do u have inside info on the mysterious one himself? if so feel free to post but put a spoiler warning if its a spoiler
By the way if Gordon is using God mode and Gman is using his invulnerability who do you think would win?