The G-Man's Employers

For some reason an idea for a scene in EP2/3 popped into my head last night. It went something like this:
You are in the black void, the g-man enters from the side, but doesn't look in your direction. A Combine Advisor appears. They start arguing over Gordon's contract (but only the g-man's lines can be heard). Suddenly a load of Vortigaunts appear. The g-man and the Combine just turn to them, pissed off, wave their hands (or somesuch gesture, whatever the giant floating slug can do) and the Vortigaunts disappear again, possibly in violent-looking fashon. After a bit more psychic discussion the g-man finally finally says "Agreed". The Advisor disappears again and the g-man walks towards Gordon, gives a little speech or just a sentence and you are thrown back into the game.

Just thought I'd share that.
For some reason an idea for a scene in EP2/3 popped into my head last night. It went something like this:
You are in the black void, the g-man enters from the side, but doesn't look in your direction. A Combine Advisor appears. They start arguing over Gordon's contract (but only the g-man's lines can be heard). Suddenly a load of Vortigaunts appear. The g-man and the Combine just turn to them, pissed off, wave their hands (or somesuch gesture, whatever the giant floating slug can do) and the Vortigaunts disappear again, possibly in violent-looking fashon. After a bit more psychic discussion the g-man finally finally says "Agreed". The Advisor disappears again and the g-man walks towards Gordon, gives a little speech or just a sentence and you are thrown back into the game.

Just thought I'd share that.


Glad I'm not alone.
It actually wasn't a dream. Just something that popped into my head after reading this thread.

I can only ever recall dreaming about a game once, and that was C&C3. Strangly, I dreamt up a cut-scene where a group of CABAL Cyborgs burst into a Nod base and captured it. There was really bright-neon stuff all around the base, a little bit like Tron. (when the Cyborgs took over the base, all the neon went from red to blue)
You say that, yet you cling so tightly to this.

I knew you'd bring that up, but the difference between them is that line was a comment in code the devs saw, vs. something published in a book. You see the difference between the two; one is largely read and known to the general public. The other, I must continually bring up on a regular basis because nobody's heard of it. :p

Although, Valve isn't stupid and they don't believe their audience to be either. They likely knew the comment line would be uncovered, so here's the question: who's being led astray? Although, being a servant of the people doesn't necessarily make one human in the first place. In addition the thought came to me earlier this morning that "the people" might not even be referring to humanity. "The people" might be his employers, and they might not be human either (in fact "interdimensional" implies that they're not).

But I still say that the evidence for him being an alien is, at this point, circumstantial, and were I writing the story I'd keep throwing out little hints like that to keep people guessing.
Dark, I wouldn't read too much into that little line. Some programmer probably stuck it in there as a joke behind Laidlaw's back :p
"Misunderstood servant of the people", IIRC
Maybe it doesn't imply human people, but just people in general, maybe seeking to address a wider audience, such as potential contract partners, purchasing the gman's offers for..getting their homeworld back? ^^
I think we should base our opinions on what he looks like.

He looks like a human, so he is a human.
Interdimensonal to me suggests hes from the future or such like.
I think we should base our opinions on what he looks like.

He looks like a human, so he is a human.
Interdimensonal to me suggests hes from the future or such like.
That's it! Ooh... I just thought of something.
GMan =

:p I know. But nobody'd brought it up so far, so, you know, just putting it out there.

Anyhow... the trouble with the GMan = human-from-future thing is that it doesn't really explain anything. His funky speech, for one thing; his apparently limited power, another. If you can travel in time, how can anything possibly stop you? Vortiguants take your pawn - go back a few minutes before they arrive and stow the pawn elsewhere. That kind of thing.
Time travel, in this case, creates more problems than it solves. It also smells of lazy writing, which is very classic non-Valve.
I think we should base our opinions on what he looks like.

He looks like a human, so he is a human.
He looks like a normal person...wait now. He looks like if you threw a grenade at him, he would die...damn it.

Interdimensonal to me suggests hes from the future or such like.
I hurt my brain trying to figure out the reasoning behind that statement :bonce:

Also, I have made two demonstrations on the g-man that can be found here and here.
WOW, you clearly didnt see me disagreeing that gman was gordon, you know it would be possible for someone from the future to not be gordon, you know?

Also, 'throwing a grenade at him' and killing him would pretty pointless, thats just like saying if gordon died by falling off a ledge, or drowning in water, or shot by the combine he would be dead. End of. No more gordon.
WOW, you clearly didnt see me disagreeing that gman was gordon, you know it would be possible for someone from the future to not be gordon, you know?
The 2 pics weren't directed exclusivly at you. I just felt like throwing them in there. I saw the post where you disagreed with the Gordon Freeman theory.
Could some one please put a bunch of hard work into a post with lots of 'eveidence' of Gordon being the Gman, from ANY time period?

I feel a whole lot of Gordon Cave Man jokes coming on...
No, the only thing that I would ever question the meaning behind is the fact that you can't kill the G-man. And while that was originally just plot armor (in the most literal sense), there was a recent interview where someone, I forget who, said, "If you can't kill him what does that mean about his character?" That's the only curious bit of information I've ever heard that drops my 100% belief that he's human down a few notches.

Hold the phone here! Has it ever been speculated that the comment about G-Man's invulnerability might've pertained to his (possible) status as an ally, rather than as a human/alien/what have you? In the context of Half-Life 1, of course, it wouldn't matter, since you can pretty much go hog wild killing anyone other than the G-man. But if we're talking Half-Life 2, it's a whole different ballgame. Maybe his invelnerability has to do with the friendly fire prohibition...

Of course, if the comment you alluded to was made in reference to HL1, please ignore everything I just said.

It's interesting to see the debate laid out point by point in a thread like this. Personally, I just think the G-man is a cool character and that the element of mystery is a big part of what makes him that way. The only thing that would really bum me out is if the G-man arc (which is likely to continue for the duration of the Half-Life series) ended stupidly--eg. with G-Dawg donning a mech suit for a final duel. But, no, they'd never do that to him. Mystique killing is a veritable blight.

By the by--and excuse this noobish question from a late-comer to the debate--has it ever been suggested that he works for a rogue faction within the Combine?
Interesting thought. He clearly has local teleportation tech, though, which is exactly what the Combine don't have... so unless he's some kind of rogue Combine scientist researcher guy (which is possible), it no quite work.

Maybe his invelnerability has to do with the friendly fire prohibition...
Nothing else can kill him either - no Combine, no aliens. Only way I've ever seen him die is via turrets and vehicle-guns in GMod.
Interesting thought. He clearly has local teleportation tech, though, which is exactly what the Combine don't have... so unless he's some kind of rogue Combine scientist researcher guy (which is possible), it no quite work.

Nothing else can kill him either - no Combine, no aliens. Only way I've ever seen him die is via turrets and vehicle-guns in GMod.

Inaccurate. He simply has a ****ton of health in GMod. Besides, GMod ain't exactly the most accurate of things in terms of HL2 gameplay mechanics.

It's fun watching him bounce around when you spawn a Myrmidont near him though.
I don't actually have any proof to support my theory about the G-Man but here goes.
I think he really is human, but not from the past or the future (Gordon from teh futures!!11:upstare: ). I think he is form another parallel universe very similar to Earth.
To answer the question:" if he is human then why doesn't he do something to help"
I have an interesting answer to that too, what if G-Man is the only survivor from his homeworld after some horrible cataclysm or war (that would explain what the G-Man said in HL1 that Gordon reminded him of himself a "survivor").Therefore sending an army from home to help Earth wouldn't be an option. I think he is on no ones side, he is on his side. However in the end it might turn out that he is one of the "good guys".
Hold the phone here! Has it ever been speculated that the comment about G-Man's invulnerability might've pertained to his (possible) status as an ally, rather than as a human/alien/what have you? In the context of Half-Life 1, of course, it wouldn't matter, since you can pretty much go hog wild killing anyone other than the G-man. But if we're talking Half-Life 2, it's a whole different ballgame. Maybe his invelnerability has to do with the friendly fire prohibition...

Of course, if the comment you alluded to was made in reference to HL1, please ignore everything I just said.
Yes, the quote from the interview was referring to HL1, where shooting him just results in sparks.

The only thing that would really bum me out is if the G-man arc (which is likely to continue for the duration of the Half-Life series) ended stupidly--eg. with G-Dawg donning a mech suit for a final duel.
That's Dr. Breen's schtick. For the final duel with Gordon, the G-man is going to only use his briefcase to pummel you into submission. Half-Life 5: Crowbar vs. Briefcase! Coming in 2015.

Nothing else can kill him either - no Combine, no aliens. Only way I've ever seen him die is via turrets and vehicle-guns in GMod.
You can set him on fire during the intro sequence in HL2. I don't remember the command, but that'll kill him. There's a youtube video of it somewhere.
That's Dr. Breen's schtick. For the final duel with Gordon, the G-man is going to only use his briefcase to pummel you into submission before severly molestring you. Half-Life 5: Crowbar vs. Briefcase! Coming in 2115.
Fixed biatch.
Words cannot express the awesome demonstrated in that picture. This thread must be preserved, that we might show future generations.
bind i "ent_fire !picker ignite"

Much better
Why should he have to die, hes a pretty smart guy, that alone keeps him out of trouble.

Should he get into trouble...well, he just teleports away!