The G-Man's Employers ....


Apr 30, 2004
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.... could be the Illuminati.

Think about it, the Illuminati have supposedly started wars on purpose. We all assume that the G-Man had something to do with the Resonance Cascade which pre-empted the Xen invasion. Looking at both HL2 videos and screenshots, the world seems not to have benifited from it.

Quite the opposite actually ...... it was planned. With the world's governments and people in a dis-organised state , the Illuminati could sieze power, with the help of the combine, and Dr Breen. It has been said that the G-Man makes decisions on a whim, and that could be his source of entertainment.

What do you think ?
Whre has it been said that the G-Man makes decisions on a whim?

I suppose the Illuminati could be his employers... How about the supposed "Shadow Government" of the USA? Or one of the many theories along those lines...

Interesting theory...

Hmmm... what if the Illuminati control/are the Combine?
I don't think valve or Marc Laidlaw would want to bring such a tired cliche into the storyline (I know there are plenty of cliches in HL, but they're not at all as specific as the Illuminati). Besides, as I remember it, the Illuminati were pretty significant in Deus'd just get very boring if they were significant in HL as well. I reckon (in HL1 at least) the conspiracy goes no higher than the US government.
It could just as easily be the smoking man, in his quest to create an alien/human hybrid. I truly hope that Valve haven't ripped of the X-Files...
Somehow I really doubt Valve would utilize a plot device that's been done to death in Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War. That said, I too am eager to find out just who pays the G-Man's bills. :) EDIT: Beaten by Thomas. D'oh.
I think he's just a rather smart fellow who's gotten himself into a position of power. I reckon he ostensibly obeys his "Employers", but is really in it to further some personal agenda. He seems the sneaky sort who's probably left himself an escape clause somewhere if things go bad...

Still reminds me of Lord Vetinari...
Illuminati are overused. Matt Laidlaw won't use it for sure.

The G-man's employers are most probably the Shadow Gov., something like X-files behind the scenes World control organization.
Illuminati? Doubtful. He quite obviously works for the government, imo.
Sulkdodds said:
Illuminati? Doubtful. He quite obviously works for the government, imo.

well the government creates fake crises on purpose in order to start wars or create a fake threat.....*cough*sinking their own ships*cough*, *cough*letting civilians be left behind to be torchered by the japanese and used as propaganda*cough*, *cough*crashing jets into wtc to push the patriot act through*cough*, *cough*burning the reichstag to push through the reichstagsbrandverordnung*cough*.....
Plain, old, simple, high-ranking ultra-secret government official in charge of a world-altering multidimensional teleportation experiment. They're everywhere.

At least the theory about his employers being the Xen aliens has died. That one never made any sense to me.
didn't play Deus Ex and havn't read enough Sci Fi to pick up what illuminati are.

Fill in an uneducated member of the masses? :D
And I don't think Bush is insane enough (though he is questionable in TONS of things) to purposely kill thousands of Americans so civil liberties can be suspended for a relatively small amount of people.
Well, whoever he worked for, he must also have at least appeared to work for the U.S. Government. That pretty much means one of 3 things.

1. He works for a secret agency working for the Government.

2. He works for a shadow group that controls the Government.

3. He is a spy who infiltrated the U.S. Government.

For some reason I like the first answer. Maybe he is amoral but actually on Gordon's side. He may not have planned for things to turn out the way they did or may have seen everthing coming to a head and thought this was the best way out. Come to think of it, since he couldn't be working for Xen, he pretty much has to be working for a human faction of some kind.
Illuminati? According to Tomb Raider (the film ;)) it means the people of the light. According to everybody else, a secret society who are not part of any government in particular but are obsessed with the dream of total control and attempt to achieve this dream both by influencing governments through moles and secretly orchestrating world events. For example, one theory is that they arranged the assassination of Kennedy in order to stir upt he American public into action...etc.
I can just hear the X-Files theme playing...

*Dubbity-dubbity-dubbity-dubitty... duh-duh-duh-duhwooooOOOOooooOOOOooooooooo...*
Actually, the Illuminati are the "Illuminated Ones," an ancient secret order of families that have access to and control the greatest secrets of mankind. They are, supposedly, the people that control ALL world government from the shadows (and have since the Middle Ages) in an attempt to "illuminate" mankind into a better age...under their control, of course.\

Conspiracy theorists unite.
Fair enough.

"wooooOOOOOOoooooOOOO" sounds more like a WW2 air raid siren to me...
Xtasy0 said:
well the government creates fake crises on purpose in order to start wars or create a fake threat.....*cough*sinking their own ships*cough*, *cough*letting civilians be left behind to be torchered by the japanese and used as propaganda*cough*, *cough*crashing jets into wtc to push the patriot act through*cough*, *cough*burning the reichstag to push through the reichstagsbrandverordnung*cough*.....

This works wonders for me...Come back and see me in a weeks time

I reckon the Gman could be in control from the middle so to speak, but im not sure. It just seems like perhaps he, like a mayor or something seems all powerful but actually there is a guy at the top who is really in control.
This might be slightly off-topic (and wrong), but I like the idea that he's a middle-man of sorts, but (after just playing/clocking Opposing Force for the first time) I have some doubts over the G-Man's humanity. My shaky reasoning is the way he talks, and the way that whenever he's talking to you, your location is always changing, be it in Xen or outer-space.

ps: sorry if that's been disproved
I think he's a little idiosyncratic, but the teleportation could just be because he has access to a somewhat more highly developed teleportation technology than the scientists at Black Mesa... something like the Displacer from OP4...
Probably was reading a little too deeply there :) I suppose it's the little quirks that make characters memorable on the other hand.