The G20 videos the media wont show


Nov 1, 2004
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This looks like something out of a movie. I mean for ****s sake, go to 8:05 on the first video. All these demonstrations are peacefull, they have constitutional right to do this. However, the police force is violating the constitution and is oppressing their own people that they swore to serve and protect.

This last video is very interesting, showing what looks like army men dragging a person into a car and driving away. If you ask me, the claim that hes a vandal is total bullshit.
" The individuals involved in the 9/24/2009 arrest which has appeared online are law enforcement officers from a multi-agency tactical response team assigned to the security operations for the G20.
It is not unusual for tactical team members to wear camouflaged fatigues. The type of fatigues the officers wear designates their unit affiliation. Prior to the arrest, the officers observed this subject vandalizing a local business. Due to the hostile nature of the crowd, officer safety and the safety of the person under arrest, the subject was immediately removed from the area."
I am in school in Pittsburgh right now. There is some crazy shit going on. There are police all over campus. There are people with megaphones walking around. We're required to have our ID's on us at all times or risk arrest. There are guards standing outside the administration building with guns.

EDIT: the stuff in that second and third video happened last night, literally 200-300 yards from me. It was really loud last night. I could hear the guy talking on the megaphone about how it was an "illegal assembly" and to "disperse immediately."
Is it bad I cracked a huge smile around 2:50 on the first video? It seems like the introduction to a dance music video.

Edit: Does anyone know exactly what the protest was, or any other context?

I am wondering if all those people were blocking the streets.

I could be wrong, but that video looks really, really fake.

-Why are they all wearing different colored uniforms? No riot protection? No weapons?

-What's up with the regular car with no lights?

-Why are they getting in the back seat of the car with him, not how arrests usually work. Plus, hypothetically, the kid could have a weapon on him, so they wouldn't risk getting in the back with him.

-Why aren't his hands bound?

-Most importantly, if this IS some form of arrest, they would have removed and confiscated his backback for sure, both safety and enforcement reasons.

-Lastly, what makes this individual so very important that he deserves his very own covert arrest?
From what I have heard it that they did not have a permit from the city to protest and were causing traffic congestion. But other than that they were peaceful and non aggressive. There were even apologizing to motorists as they passed them, saying they were sorry for the delay. They were protesting a medley of things. Lots of "the companies are out to get us" people, some Anarchists, people both sides of some issues.

Sigh... government doesn't change much. They change faces and slogans but at the core nothing has changed.
These protesters were given a certain space to protest, but they chose not to be in the space and protest else where, so the police moved in on them.

also the protest were not peaceful, there is tons of videos of protestors throwing shit.

What do you guys expect? there are 20 leaders from the 20 richest countries int he world, do you think the police are going to let protesters get close? When they are just going to riot, like they already have been doing?

Anyway there protest is stupid, there protesting against a meeting, how stupid.


Yeh, there students are not doing anything wrong lol. They are just standing in the street, blocking the street in there hundreds, some throwing bottles, hurling abuse.

If you pull that kind of shit, of course the police will come, they will consider it another protest/riot.

If you got a thousand people and stood in a middle of a street, do you think the police will come? of course they will, and they will come in riot gear.
Sonic Weapons used on people rioting!!!!! that's not right!! They are doing nothing wrong! just rioting!

The police have the right to dispurse people who are having an unlawful gathering, it's called the riot act. If they want to protest they go through the normal channels and apply for a space to protest, if the government refused space to protest thats when you protest illegally.
These protesters were given a certain space to protest, but they chose not to be in the space and protest else where, so the police moved in on them.

also the protest were not peaceful, there is tons of videos of protestors throwing shit.

What do you guys expect? there are 20 leaders from the 20 richest countries int he world, do you think the police are going to let protesters get close? When they are just going to riot, like they already have been doing?

Anyway there protest is stupid, there protesting against a meeting, how stupid.


Yeh, there students are not doing anything wrong lol. They are just standing in the street, blocking the street in there hundreds, some throwing bottles, hurling abuse.

If you pull that kind of shit, of course the police will come, they will consider it another protest/riot.

If you got a thousand people and stood in a middle of a street, do you think the police will come? of course they will, and they will come in riot gear.

i'm sure if there were 1,000 people walking through you're streets you'd simply sit in your house playing video games all day not interested in the world around you. most of those people in that one video were watching from a balcony and were simply watching the protesters from afar and still were effected. imo yes they are stupid for wondering why the police acted the way they did, and bottom line is don't stick you're head where it shouldn't be
i'm sure if there were 1,000 people walking through you're streets you'd simply sit in your house playing video games all day not interested in the world around you. most of those people in that one video were watching from a balcony and were simply watching the protesters from afar and still were effected. imo yes they are stupid for wondering why the police acted the way they did, and bottom line is don't stick you're head where it shouldn't be

if there were 1,000 people in my street just walking down the street with masks over there face, i would be on the phone to the police and grabing my gun, because those people are obviously going to riot.
if there were 1,000 people in my street just walking down the street with masks over there face, i would be on the phone to the police and grabing my gun, because those people are obviously going to riot.

smart move, if you want to be a douche bag for life
smart move, if you want to be a douche bag for life

Only douche bags call the police when thousands of people are illegally protesting and rioting for no good reason except just wanting to cause trouble.

I certainly don't want to be a douche bag do i? next time there is a riot i'll join in, injuring people, destroying property, and breaking heaps of other laws.

Lol what an idiot, that was the most stupid thing i have seen today "smart move, if you want to be a douche bag for life"

It's the other way around, your a douche bag in life if your riot and cause trouble.
Only douche bags call the police when thousands of people are illegally protesting and rioting for no good reason except just wanting to cause trouble.

I certainly don't want to be a douche bag do i? next time there is a riot i'll join in, injuring people, destroying property, and breaking heaps of other laws.

Lol what an idiot, that was the most stupid thing i have seen today "smart move, if you want to be a douche bag for life"

It's the other way around, your a douche bag in life if your riot and cause trouble.

both groups would be douchbags...the Narc and the protesters. I dislike both of them right now for the way they act. but you have to at least admit you'd watch what went down. when i found out a plane crashed just 1000 yards from my house, do you think i just sat on my hands?? no i went down to see what happened and how my neighborhood got torn apart
also the protest were not peaceful, there is tons of videos of protestors throwing shit.

I only saw that happening after the police started forcing them out. And whats the point of a protest if the ones in power determine where you can do it? HMM I WONDER IF THEY'RE GOING TO PUT THEM AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE

Also, the protests were happening right by a college, and the police went after students who were clearly not participating as well.
From what I have heard it that they did not have a permit from the city to protest and were causing traffic congestion. But other than that they were peaceful and non aggressive. There were even apologizing to motorists as they passed them, saying they were sorry for the delay. They were protesting a medley of things. Lots of "the companies are out to get us" people, some Anarchists, people both sides of some issues.

Sigh... government doesn't change much. They change faces and slogans but at the core nothing has changed.

Initially it was 4-5 protesters with signs at Schenley plaza. Upitt students got into the mood, and used it as an excuse to riot. They were smashing windows. A couple of windows on campus were smashed, and so were the windows at the police kiosk at UPitt. Police got word of this going on, and sent riot police.

Its absolutely insane today. I went down there to eat dinner, and there are like 4-5 riot police on every corner, and those big black vehicles that have giant speakers on them driving up and down Forbes. It's kind of like city 17. A police officer asked me who I was and where I lived, and he's like "You better get back there, or I'm going to have to give you a citation!"
I only saw that happening after the police started forcing them out. And whats the point of a protest if the ones in power determine where you can do it? HMM I WONDER IF THEY'RE GOING TO PUT THEM AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE

Also, the protests were happening right by a college, and the police went after students who were clearly not participating as well.

You apply for a place to protest (you chose the place), the government has to let you protest unless it has a good enough reason to not allow you to have a lawful protest.

Like if you wanted to protest on the lawn of the white house, you would apply and they would turn you down for obvious reasons.

In australia, millions of people were allowed to protest against work place laws. They were allowed to walk down streets in the middle of the city. They applied to do that, and because there isn't a good enough reason for the government to turn them down, they let it happen. The protest was peaceful and there was no trouble. That's how it goes.

Now with these protests, they are not very well oraganized protests. I bet no one applied for a place to protest they just came out on the street, hence why it's an unlawful gathering/protest. What are they protesting about? pretty much nothing, they are protesting a meeting of leaders which happens all the time. They are stupid, there riot, i won't even call it a protest is stupid. You get these idiots who automatically start shit when there is a protest because they want to get on the news, it's stupid.
I heard a lot of it was Greenpeace.

The specific riot at UPitt was not greenpeace. Yesterday morning Greenpeace did hold a demonstration on the bridge outside Carnegie Mellon, and they hung up a sign on the bridge, and blocked traffic. Police dispersed them and closed off the bridge. When I tried to cross, they told me to go around and take another bridge.

It's mostly just completely random people. There were protesters descending on the campus two days ago talking about "commercialization of education" and yelling on megaphones. They sent riot police to protect the administration building. There was also some random religious guy in a white suit yelling about consumerism. Protesters set up a fake shanty-town in the middle of campus that was supposed to represent third world oppression or something.
I could be wrong, but that video looks really, really fake.

-Why are they all wearing different colored uniforms? No riot protection? No weapons?

-What's up with the regular car with no lights?

-Why are they getting in the back seat of the car with him, not how arrests usually work. Plus, hypothetically, the kid could have a weapon on him, so they wouldn't risk getting in the back with him.

-Why aren't his hands bound?

-Most importantly, if this IS some form of arrest, they would have removed and confiscated his backback for sure, both safety and enforcement reasons.

-Lastly, what makes this individual so very important that he deserves his very own covert arrest?

I thought the exact same thing. The whole thing screams "stunt".
I thought the exact same thing. The whole thing screams "stunt".

Maybe it's not. As the guy gets dragged into the car, on the left side of the film you can see a riot police officer telling a protester saying "what the ****" to back off. If it was a stunt the officer would of come up and said what the **** are u doing.
Did anyone even read what was written?
Il quote again:
"The individuals involved in the 9/24/2009 arrest which has appeared online are law enforcement officers from a multi-agency tactical response team assigned to the security operations for the G20.
It is not unusual for tactical team members to wear camouflaged fatigues. The type of fatigues the officers wear designates their unit affiliation. Prior to the arrest, the officers observed this subject vandalizing a local business. Due to the hostile nature of the crowd, officer safety and the safety of the person under arrest, the subject was immediately removed from the area."

Heres a pic of them:

Is that riot gear available publicly? I ****ing want me some of that.
Xdrive you have to realize 99% of people on this forum have a really obscured vision of the law and generally act like hippies. They don't know why the "don't taze me bro" guy was tazered, they don't think that Louis Gates was in the wrong and the Cambridge Police Department the victim, and generally think our government is bad.

What is bad is when you have these protests in Iraq and they have these huge stampedes killing people or starving Africans getting randomly shot. Just imagine Louis Gates pull the "your arresting me because I'm black" in Morocco. Police will beat you up, not read your rights, not give you a fair trial, and will throw you in a prison cell the size of a porta-potty with 5 other guys.

It's funny too because 99% of people on this forum think that the protesters have rights as well just because they are in America. Sure they have rights after smashing cars and acting like an angry mob. :rolleyes:
xdrive, you are a complete and utter dipshit. You think it is ridiculous to protest "a meeting?" You don't have the first clue about what the G20 means for the world's developing nations. I guess it would have been silly to protest against unfair wages for miners in the early 1900s? After all, its just a paycheck--a piece of paper--they are protesting. What about the unhealthy and dangerous working conditions? Its like you are protesting air! Slave-ownership too would have been silly to protest against as well as that was just a deed? Why protest a legal document? Why protest a lock on a door for the garment workers in New York in 1911? Its only a lock! (A lock that trapped and killed 146 workers in a fire. They either burned to death or jumped out of the windows to their deaths.) Why protest Shell or Coca-Cola bringing factories into your country? It's just dirt and grass and space that you are protesting, right?

Here is a great site with lots of news and video footage of what has been happening:

And if any of you want to know about your rights as a protester (in Pennsylvania anyway), look here:

Many of the kids on the quad or on the dorm stairs at Pitt were not doing ANYTHING illegal but were nevertheless somehow adversely affected DIRECTLY by police actions. The state spent $16 million to turn Pittsburgh into a police-state. This is money that could have prevented the need for the ridiculous Arts tax that is being proposed in the latest state budget. Read about that here:
Xdrive you have to realize 99% of people on this forum have a really obscured vision of the law and generally act like hippies.

It's funny too because 99% of people on this forum think that the protesters have rights as well just because they are in America. Sure they have rights after smashing cars and acting like an angry mob. :rolleyes:

My thoughts exactly.

xdrive, you are a complete and utter dipshit.

Are you unable to have a discussion without swearing and insulting someone? kids these days.

You think it is ridiculous to protest "a meeting?"


You don't have the first clue about what the G20 means for the world's developing nations.

I actually do, but this is not on top of the agenda in this meeting.
I guess it would have been silly to protest against unfair wages for miners in the early 1900s

No, that's a pretty good reason to protest. Most people protesting the G20 meeting don't have a clue what they are protesting for, they just turn up to cause trouble and to riot. Anyway, why protest the G20 meeting? When you think about it, the protesters are protesting the meeting, not what is being discussed, just the meeting. I am pretty sure a meeting is less important then unfair wages lol.

After all, its just a paycheck--a piece of paper--they are protesting. What about the unhealthy and dangerous working conditions? Its like you are protesting air! Slave-ownership too would have been silly to protest against as well as that was just a deed? Why protest a legal document? Why protest a lock on a door for the garment workers in New York in 1911? Its only a lock! (A lock that trapped and killed 146 workers in a fire. They either burned to death or jumped out of the windows to their deaths.) Why protest Shell or Coca-Cola bringing factories into your country? It's just dirt and grass and space that you are protesting, right?

Read up the top what i said. You are stupid if compare protesting a meeting of leaders to protests about fair pay etc.
The state spent $16 million to turn Pittsburgh into a police-state. This is money that could have prevented the need for the ridiculous Arts tax that is being proposed in the latest state budget. Read about that here:

Ok let's just say the state didn't spend 16 million dollars on security, what would happen then? Everything would be ten times worse, the illegal protesters would have taken there rioting right to where the leaders were, people would be rioting everywhere. Are you that stupid that you think if 16 million dollars wasnt spent there would be no rioting lol, that's what you implied.

We have clowns like you in Australia. When there is a protest they think they can start a riot and cause trouble and if anything is done to them they can scream "WE ARE PROTESTING, YOU ARE INFRINGING ON OUR RIGHTS"

There is a difference between a lawful peaceful protest, and a unlawful gathering of thousands of people, rioting who call it a "protest"
xdrive and hool, do you guys think all protesters are rioters?
xdrive and hool, do you guys think all protesters are rioters?

no need for a reply, you all ready know the answer to this one "kid"

apparently everyone on are kids which is a big news flash to me

did you know people insult other people with swear words when they act like a kid??
A bunch of my friends in Pittsburgh attended the protest, but they weren't part of the riots. Honestly, that looks crazy, and I can't believe it's happening an hour away from me. I want to be down there just to hear how loud that sonic truck is. ****ing nuts.
I actually do, but this is not on top of the agenda in this meeting.
If you believe that, you are worse off than I thought. That is EXACTLY what this meeting is about.

No, that's a pretty good reason to protest. Most people protesting the G20 meeting don't have a clue what they are protesting for, they just turn up to cause trouble and to riot. Anyway, why protest the G20 meeting? When you think about it, the protesters are protesting the meeting, not what is being discussed, just the meeting. I am pretty sure a meeting is less important then unfair wages lol.
Again, if you actually believe any of this, you are much worse off than I thought. They are remarkably well-organized, esp. the Black Bloc fellows. And no, they are not protesting a meeting. They are protesting the very existence of this body and they decisions it makes. One only has to look at the major US financial crises of the last 150 years to see how little our governing bodies care to do about the exceedingly disparate relationship between the rich and the poor.

Ok let's just say the state didn't spend 16 million dollars on security, what would happen then? Everything would be ten times worse, the illegal protesters would have taken there rioting right to where the leaders were, people would be rioting everywhere. Are you that stupid that you think if 16 million dollars wasn't spent there would be no rioting lol, that's what you implied.
Apparently I am. I think that the protests would have gone on just fine without the 3,200 extra police brought in from across the state. Their very presence is threatening and the government knows this. How many times have just such groups been brought in to situations like this only to make matters worse? I'll let you research that yourself.

We have clowns like you in Australia. When there is a protest they think they can start a riot and cause trouble and if anything is done to them they can scream "WE ARE PROTESTING, YOU ARE INFRINGING ON OUR RIGHTS"

There is a difference between a lawful peaceful protest, and a unlawful gathering of thousands of people, rioting who call it a "protest"
Clowns like me, eh? Fine, have your fun. I did. However, I would hesitate to call anything that went on in Pittsburgh a riot. I have not even seen the mainstream media call it that. The vast majority of the protesters are doing exactly what our laws let us do which is voice our views. People who actually care about the betterment of society do this. Unselfish, motivated, compassionate, and hopeful people do this. The others don't care to because either they are too lazy and think that protesting can't solve anything or they are in a position that is in line with the status quo and they will continue to profit by the system as it stands. I can tell by your arguments into which group you fall.

Seriously, wake up to reality PLEASE and realize that the interests of the American people are the interests of the people of Australia and the EU and the rest of the world. Racism, classism, sexism, speciesism, and all of the other forms of oppression in this hierarchy of domination in which we all live matter to EVERYONE and if EVERYONE does not work to eliminate this sort of behavior, there will be no one left to dominate.
Omg guys we were protesting and they tear gassed us. All we were doing was saying "Down the Capitalism", "**** Obama", and expressing the first amendment. Don't touch me because I'll sue you and especially don't touch my non-Caucasian friend or I'll call you racist.

Cry more pussies IMO. What did you expect by going to a protest? To take a cruddy video with your cell phone and upload it to youtube to show how America is communist? Try this in China. They don't even allow their protests to be put in the media and people get killed.

On a complete side note, imagine hundreds on angry protesters calling you a Nazi and there only like 20 of your fellow cops. Remember folks what they are trying to achieve. They aren't trying to overthrow a government like in Iran, this is "youtube quality" videos and drama they're trying to achieve.

*They are all hippy sounding college students too.
xdrive and hool, do you guys think all protesters are rioters?

No, i never once implied that. As you can see in my writing i said there is a difference between a lawful, peaceful protest and a unlawful gathering of people who riot and call it a protest.
Apparently I am. I think that the protests would have gone on just fine without the 3,200 extra police brought in from across the state. Their very presence is threatening and the government knows this. How many times have just such groups been brought in to situations like this only to make matters worse? I'll let you research that yourself.

Basically what your saying is that because extra police were brought in, everyone start rioting. lol that's pretty funny. If extra police were not brought in, i could only Imagen how further the riot would have gone.

Clowns like me, eh? Fine, have your fun. I did. However, I would hesitate to call anything that went on in Pittsburgh a riot.

Either would i, throwing bottles at police, damaging property, wheeling bins down the street into police is not rioting is it? no not at all lol. I suppose by your standards thats a peaceful protest?

There plenty of videos mate, go watch them riot.

Seriously, wake up to reality PLEASE and realize that the interests of the American people are the interests of the people of Australia and the EU and the rest of the world. Racism, classism, sexism, speciesism, and all of the other forms of oppression in this hierarchy of domination in which we all live matter to EVERYONE and if EVERYONE does not work to eliminate this sort of behavior, there will be no one left to dominate.

I couldn't agree more with part of what you said there. What happens in america matters all around the world. Now you are all protesting a meeting of world leaders. They are meeting to discuss the world finiacial crisis and how to fix it etc, your trying to disrupt that. That's going to impact on the rest of the world. Also you guys rioting won't help the rest of the world either.

All your doing is protesting a meeting, for no good reason. The meeting is a good thing because they are trying to get the world economy back on track, why disrupt that? That's what i don't understand.
All your doing is protesting a meeting, for no good reason. The meeting is a good thing because they are trying to get the world economy back on track, why disrupt that? That's what i don't understand.

I'm almost positive you haven't taken a macro economics class in your life! Obama plans on putting up more tariffs which over time will compound and lead to trade wars because history is bound to repeat itself. On other topics another trillion dollar health care bill which has not gotten wide support from the people (excluding gov't of course) and a hole bunch of lies about what he was planning on doing when getting into the Oval Office. Recently I'm even more embarrassed by the way my gov't has handled itself with the economy...buying businesses left and right and picking favorites. And lets not even get into the fact that China is supplying one third of Iran's oil supply now.

It might be safe to assume you still have a job and a roof over you're head but its pretty sad they even corralled the homeless out of Pittsburg for this "amazing" meeting. And also explain to me what can't be done in the UN building which has to be done in Pittsburgh instead.
they are trying to get the world economy back on track, why disrupt that? That's what i don't understand.

By "trying to get the world economy back on track" you mean "trying to figure out more ways to let the corporate business interest coupled with the banking system to maximize their profits and gain more power over governmental institutions while forcing the media to portray to the public that everything is ok and its for the better good to minimize their rights for the sake of national security" then you would understand why people are protesting. Also please notice that this has nothing to do with left-right wing ideology, its not Pro or Anti obama, bush, democrat, republican whatever. Its about the banking system coupled with the corporate entities that are controlling the media and the government.
Basically what your saying is that because extra police were brought in, everyone start rioting. lol that's pretty funny. If extra police were not brought in, i could only [imagine] how further the riot would have gone.

Either would i, throwing bottles at police, damaging property, wheeling bins down the street into police is not rioting is it? no not at all lol. I suppose by your standards thats a peaceful protest?


I'm gonna let you figure out this one on your own. Protests for most part usually are quiet peaceful, its the just a few random dickheads that take it too far by assaulting the police. The problem with you and hool10, is you two think every protester falls into that category therefore; f*ck them.

On other topics another trillion dollar health care bill which has not gotten wide support from the people (excluding gov't of course) and a hole bunch of lies about what he was planning on doing when getting into the Oval Office.
That's not true, he's done a decent job so far, the problem is people don't pay attention. Have a look for yourself.

8 months into his presidency, he's doing an alright job of sticking to and trying to come through with his promises. It's too early to tell whether or not he'll be an overall "success" or not, but I think a lot of the disappointment coming from the left comes from over-expectation.
Stupid college kids don't even know what they're "protesting". I will thoroughly enjoy more videos of them getting their asses handed to them. I also hope that the cops go after the ones crying, saying "oh mai gohd", "we're just college students", "this is a peaceful protest" and, last but not least, anyone who uses the word fascist.