The G20 videos the media wont show

Stupid college kids don't even know what they're "protesting". I will thoroughly enjoy more videos of them getting their asses handed to them. I also hope that the cops go after the ones crying, saying "oh mai gohd", "we're just college students", "this is a peaceful protest" and, last but not least, anyone who uses the word fascist.

So what you are saying is that people who dont have the same beliefs you do should have their rights of the first amendment taken away from them? You are American, why dont you let your fellow Americans excess their right that you yourself have. Why should they be stripped of their rights, while you dont? Just because you disagree with their purpose?

Everyone has the right to protest, even the retarded idiot conservatives at 9/12. Yes they are complete idiots, but its their RIGHT, as described in the first amendment, and rights arent rights if you can take them away.
I agree with you Sparta.

Every time the G20 meets there are protests and those protests always turns into riots. Do you think that the government will let you protest close to the meeting when every time there is a G20 meeting there is a riot? no. Do you think there won't be heaps of police when everytime there is a G20 meeting people riot?

If the protests were always peaceful when the G20 met, there would be less police, less police being strict and agreessive, heck they would most likely let you protest outside of the building where they are meeting.

This isn't the case is it? this is why there is tons of police.

Anyway, the G20 meeting doesn't really matter to Australia, even though our prime minister attended. We were the only developed country in the world to not have a recession. That being said, the meeting is very important to poor nations.
This isn't the case is it? this is why there is tons of police.

It's a rather interesting situation. There's a massive police presence to protect world leader's, and the police presence aggravates the radical element of the crowd. Since the radical element overreacts to the police presence with violence and vandalism, the police now crackdown on everyone at the protest for the smallest of reasons and treat them all the same for it.
Stupid college kids don't even know what they're "protesting". I will thoroughly enjoy more videos of them getting their asses handed to them. I also hope that the cops go after the ones crying, saying "oh mai gohd", "we're just college students", "this is a peaceful protest" and, last but not least, anyone who uses the word fascist.

Man, republicans be crazy yo.
This thread suddenly went from SRS BSNS to LOLWAT
On a complete side note, imagine hundreds on angry protesters calling you a Nazi and there only like 20 of your fellow cops. Remember folks what they are trying to achieve. They aren't trying to overthrow a government like in Iran, this is "youtube quality" videos and drama they're trying to achieve.

Either would i, throwing bottles at police, damaging property, wheeling bins down the street into police is not rioting is it? no not at all lol. I suppose by your standards thats a peaceful protest?

First off, they're allowed to call you a Nazi. You're allowed to burn a flag. You're allowed to call Obama a fascist. They're allowed to burn flags right in front of their faces. The only thing they aren't allowed to do is make death threats.

Second, you've gone backwards; by charging, they created the "youtube drama". Seriously, they aren't going to be hurt by carts and bottles; they have shields and body armor. The only thing more infuriating to the "protestors/rioters" would be for the police to sit there and ignore them.

and, last but not least, anyone who uses the word fascist.

"I disagree strongly with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
These protesters were given a certain space to protest, but they chose not to be in the space and protest else where, so the police moved in on them.

also the protest were not peaceful, there is tons of videos of protestors throwing shit.

What do you guys expect? there are 20 leaders from the 20 richest countries int he world, do you think the police are going to let protesters get close? When they are just going to riot, like they already have been doing?

Anyway there protest is stupid, there protesting against a meeting, how stupid.


Yeh, there students are not doing anything wrong lol. They are just standing in the street, blocking the street in there hundreds, some throwing bottles, hurling abuse.

If you pull that kind of shit, of course the police will come, they will consider it another protest/riot.

If you got a thousand people and stood in a middle of a street, do you think the police will come? of course they will, and they will come in riot gear.

The Iranian people are probably breaking dodgey laws to protest, doesn't change the fact that the right to assemlby and protest is a human right that no law can take away no matter how of a hard on you get for riot gear and totalitarianism.

I might not agree with what they are protesting, but I fully agree with their right to protest. All the police are required to do is to protect the meeting and stop riots, not march about the city with emo black riot gear and 1984 thought crime enforcement trucks beating up its people and acting as if they have any rights whatsoever to ignore the constitution and impose martial law.

if the government refused space to protest that's when you protest illegally.

Flawed logic, no such thing as an illegal protest, if protesting was entirely up to governments whims then it would defeat the whole purpose of protesting.

Protesting is a human right people undertake when official channels to solve their grievances/have them heard fail.

Don't be such a tool.

I went down there to eat dinner, and there are like 4-5 riot police on every corner, and those big black vehicles that have giant speakers on them driving up and down Forbes. It's kind of like city 17.

Exactly. I kinda feel nostalgic for all that news footage of protests and riots in Britain in the 1980's when police looked like police and didn't need to stomp about looking like the Combine Overwatch.

I'm really creeped out by how far police fetish up the whole totalitarianism thing.

In this country all they seem to do now is brutalise protesters and enforce fines and taxes and other government charges but happily ignore actual crime that effects the people on the streets like theft and assault.