The game HAS to go gold next week


Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
If they are releasing CS:S on steam next week to Steam customers, VUG will want to release the game ASAP cause they are gonna start losing sales to people who can't wait.

Nice move by Valve :p
Actually they don't, most of the people that buy cs will probably buy HL2. Besides even if the game goes gold next week it will still be a few weeks until the game ships.
Be-vishead said:
Actually they don't, most of the people that buy cs will probably buy HL2. Besides even if the game goes gold next week it will still be a few weeks until the game ships.
Yes, but people who buy CS:S next week have to get it via steam, and HL2 is part of that package.
DrEvil said:
If they are releasing CS:S on steam next week to Steam customers, VUG will want to release the game ASAP cause they are gonna start losing sales to people who can't wait.

Nice move by Valve :p

Check mate Vivendi you are about to be pwned in the ass. :LOL:
woah,. Evil, youre right.

This totally forces VU's hand. People can play CS:S now, and get enough goodies not to care about the disc, by buying through Steam. Lots of people will not wait. VU has no choice but to either release immediatly, or to blow the whole thing!



I thought it was far fetched before, but now an October release seems possible,. definitly before December.
If the game goes gold and they announce a ship date, people who want to buy it in stores will likely hold back. If there is still this uncertainity over when the game is going to go gold, they will lose customers.
Be-vishead said:
Besides even if the game goes gold next week it will still be a few weeks until the game ships.
Yep, but when it does go gold we all know the waits definatly nearly over (unless VU delays :|)
yep that was a really good idea by valve! they ****ed VUG in the ass :E

btw. is valve allowed to release hl2 on steam before VUG sells it on stores?
This may be good for us and getting HL2 in the short term; Valve forcing VU's hand. However I can only imagine what it will do to the long term relationship and the lawsuit. (Valve and VU are having marital problems, lol)
RoyaleWithCheese said:
This VALVe action in combination with the topic poster's name made me laugh :naughty:

Heh good one, I didn't even think of that.
pixartist said:
what would it cost to break that contract?
I've been wondering the same thing.

Any lawyers around who could give some estimations or point us to some precendent cases?
haha .. VU is teh pwned :D

[my lame coding skills]
[/my lame coding skills]
Who the hell told ya'll that CS: S is coming out next week ?? what a load of bs.
Mr-Fusion said:
I've been wondering the same thing.

Any lawyers around who could give some estimations or point us to some precendent cases?
I think it might cost them up to what ever amount of money they gathered from steam ..

just mere speculation

Hallucinogen said:
Who the hell told ya'll that CS: S is coming out next week ?? what a load of bs.
somebody's been living under a rock for .. the past two hours :frog:
hasan said:
somebody's been living under a rck for .. the past two hours

I have a life, I'm not you who sits around here 24 hours a day refreshing the forums. :rolleyes:
well let it be known for you, gabe told hl2fallout css will be released on steam next week to those who buy it. the package includes HL2.
i think Valve must think that there RC should of gone gold by now, and that VU is dragging their feet, so they are forcing them into action.
Hallucinogen said:
I have a life
Interesting. Over 600 posts, and your PC specs in your sig.
Ironic don't you think?
yeah..whats up with that? Is somebody upset about something?
Do you need a hug?
Lol this is just hilarious. Someone said earlier in the thread that it might have whiplash for Valve (lacking a better word). I think they just want to get HL2 to us and deal with VU's bullshit without HL2 being collateral.
SLH said:
Interesting. Over 600 posts, and your PC specs in your sig.
Ironic don't you think?

yea 600 posts with 1 post a day, and I already explained why I have my rig in my sig, and I wont go over it agian, so unless you have a valid argument I suggest you stfu and stop making yourself look like a total idiot
Anyways, dont you have to be up at 7am flipping Egg Muffins at McDonalds ? :LOL:

P.S have you seen how many posts you have ?
Of course; because the contract is only for RETAIL copies of CSS! Hahaha! :D
"yea 600 posts with 1 post a day"

Errr - looking at your join date, not quite 1 post per day, we'll let that one slide shall we?

"I already explained why I have my rig in my sig, and I wont go over it agian"

Ok. :)

"so unless you have a valid argument I suggest you stfu and stop making yourself look like a total idiot"

My argument for you having no life is more valid than yours against hasen (implied).

"Anyways, dont you have to be up at 7am flipping Egg Muffins at McDonalds? :LOL:"

Since it's 8:13am where i am it would seem i'm late - eek!! :LOL:
Also, as i'm at uni i consider a job at McDonalds far below me. :)

"P.S have you seen how many posts you have ?"

Yep, if you post once a day, then it would seem i post just under 2 a day.... :rolleyes:

Have a nice day. :)
Hallucinogen said:
I have a life, I'm not you who sits around here 24 hours a day refreshing the forums. :rolleyes:

You do realise it is possible to have a) a job and b) a life and still browse these forum's don't you?

I mean for F**k's sake I am at work and reading these pages helps keep me partially sane during long night when I am doing overtime (damnit compile you piece of shit!).

Me thinks you might be the socially retarded one.
ElFuhrer said:
Vivendi= owned.

Lol... greed is universial equalizer.

I for one am buying CS:S (as part of the HL-2 package) through Steam the second it's made available (hopefully early next week.)

Vivendi can keep their stinking boxes as far as I'm concerned. I've got two hard-drives in my rig and I simply make a backup of the GCF's as a safe guard and I'm good to go.

If the GOLD package is less than $69.99 I might consider it, but I'm probably going with the SILVER package.
So do we know for certain that valve is actually in the right doing this? I don't want them to get completely decimated if what they are doing is a breach of contract. That would suck. I hope they're right and vivendi actually feels the pressure.
I guess valve has checked out the legalities of what they're doing. :rolleyes: :D
SLH said:
I guess valve has checked out the legalities of what they're doing. :rolleyes: :D

People are known to make mistakes, especially valve. Lots of them. So, i'm just wondering. I'm not an idiot!
Raziaar said:
People are known to make mistakes, especially valve. Lots of them. So, i'm just wondering. I'm not an idiot!
Ok, fair point - although i expect valve would be more carefull when it comes to possibly breaking contracts etc...
Ijust think this is an excelent move on valves part, simply because if I pay through steam ahead of time, I can just load up and go on release day, no faffing around with cc's when I should be playing HL2 :)

Sorry, totally off topic this bit but...

hasan said:
أمل يداعب خاطري و له أدين
الكون ردد صرختي عبر السنين
و الدهر يشهد أنني لن أستكين
لن أستكين ... لن أستكين

If you are wondering what the aboev is saying, click HERE for a translation.
You bastard!!! Got me. ;)