The "game quote thread"

Grey Fox said:
How do you mean partially. It is is said in
Hostile water:Antheus Rising

No shit. I meant Beerdude's post, directly above me, and above your quote indicating that I wasn't talking to you at that particular juncture.


Oh yeah game quote. More Hostile Waters!


"There are things moving on those islands that should not even be alive. Everything has changed. The rules have been rewritten and nobody's told you."
"As you can see, Ive taken the liberty, of removing you, of youre weapons, as most of them, are government property.......
that's not even ****ing right!

damn commies
So hard...
ríomhaire said:
So hard...

Is it Barbie's Shopping Adventure? It does sound familiar...
ríomhaire said:
bah*click click click* BOOM!
Warcraft. (<3 those exploding sheep :D)

really easy: "Dibs on the suit!"
easy: "Look at you hacker, a p-patetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors..."
medium: "Try turning the safety off!"
hard: "watch this! *charging up sound* what the? *BOOM*"
impossible (hint: its from a mod...):"EEEEWWW un-hand me you ruffian, who knows where those filthy paws have been!"
Half-Life 1/2???
System Shock 1/2
Unreal Tournament bot taunt
Possibly HL1 with the Gauss Gun
Sulkdodds said:
Half-Life 1/2???
System Shock 1/2
Unreal Tournament bot taunt
Possibly HL1 with the Gauss Gun
first 3 are right. (half-life 2 and system shock 2) The fourth one happens during a specific event with a specific weapon when the player does something stupid. Good luck lol. :P
"Is that a copyright infringement I see?'
"And in that act of seeing, I am reborn"

"Great things will happen here, just you wait"
nutcrackr said:
"And in that act of seeing, I am reborn"

"Great things will happen here, just you wait"

No idea on the first one, but the second one is from Doom 3.

The next quote is from the funniest game I've ever played in my entire time gaming.

"I'm just an old man, and me balls are all saggy." (rather thick scottish accent).

Edit: Oh I can't believe I didn't get that Max Payne 2 one. Damn.
BeaverMon said:
Duke3D, Level 2 Boss?
Nope, last level end boss, it was at a stadium.

a new one:
Normally: Oh noo! *pop*
But if you did it just right:
Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* *pop*pop*pop*pop*pop*pop*pop**pop*pop*pop*pop*pop*pop* etc.

"And in that act of seeing, I am reborn"
*starts crying*
Max Payne 2 D: D: D:

Normally: Oh noo! *pop*
But if you did it just right:
Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* Oh noo! *pop* *pop*pop*pop*pop*pop*pop*pop**pop*pop*pop*pop*pop*pop* etc.
Lemmings ^-^
I'm out of energy
Not enough energy
I'm out of energy
Not enough energy
I'm out of energy
Not enough energy
if is in fact Hoo - Yah then it's Operation Flashpoint or alternatively any game realistically portraying US navy SEALs
mkay, noone answered my ealier one, so ill post it again, along with another new one.

"Taste the hands of Surfuron!"
"The price of Curiocity" (spelling?)
''Its so small''-character 1
''It gets the job done'' :P-character 2
sexual innuendoes :O

dude your sig is 9 lines long!!!
I wonder if anyone can get this one-

"*Gasp* Kill...*gasp*"

john3571000 said:
sexual innuendoes :O

dude your sig is 9 lines long!!!
i know gimme a new one

offtopic wtf is up with the library in uni, cant get a seat anywhere :( , so many late essays :x
too many nerds on campus:(
havent been since they firewalled the net there

just find a nice warm empty classroom upstairs in arts - works for me
thank the gods i've no essays to do ever - just loads of study :x
how many exams you got next week?
john3571000 said:
too many nerds on campus:(
havent been since they firewalled the net there

just find a nice warm empty classroom upstairs in arts - works for me
thank the gods i've no essays to do ever - just loads of study :x
how many exams you got next week?
too many nerds, nah too many wasters like me who didnt get off their ass all year to do their work :( , i had my history last thursday & friday in smurfit, went fine, next exams are next thrusday & friday again, then im finished WOOTAGE!!!!!
"Dont worry about me, Infinate ammo" /wink
Krynn72 said:
"Dont worry about me, Infinate ammo" /wink
*points to bandana*
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (alternativly Metal Gear Solid 2: Subtance)
Beerdude26 said:
Who says it in the original C&C ??? :|
The "commando" unit. Says it when he puts C4 on buildings. He's the type of unit Red Alert's Tanya is as well as the guy in Renegade, thus the same quote :E

Okay, here's another one probably no one will get (heard in attract mode SO many times in my arcade life!)

"And remember ... MUSIC is the weapon!"
MuToiD_MaN said:
The "commando" unit. Says it when he puts C4 on buildings. He's the type of unit Red Alert's Tanya is as well as the guy in Renegade, thus the same quote :E
I must have forgotten :|

Been a few years since I've played the game :p
Ive got a couple. you probably need to be at least 27 years old to know these old NES quotes. (that was your hint)

challenge 1. "UH OH, THE TRUCK HAVE STARTED TO MOVE." -this one is a quote from a game that has become very popular and still has a series by the same name.

challenge 2. "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US" - uh.. i doubt you have heard of this :rolleyes: maybe you actually remember the name of the game becuase I don't.
Hmm... the second one is... Zero Wing...

No idea what the first one is...

Anyway, Challenge: "Little C4, knocking at your door".

Also, "Do you know what a sub-dermal neurophone is?"
Jintor said:
Anyway, Challenge: "Little C4, knocking at your door".

Also, "Do you know what a sub-dermal neurophone is?"
1: C&C (original or RA2?)
2: GTA: SA

"<name>, can I er...have your magasine colection?"
Name moved to not make it obvious.