The Game Reviews Thread

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Hopefully this will be made a sticky thread :).

The idea is to post a review of a game (NO DISCUSSION PLEASE :P) you have played/completed recently, that you feel passionatly about... keep em reasonably short and concise... no massive rants, and try to sum it all up in one sentence at the end :). Thanks, I'm going to start the ball rolling by talking about two games I have strong opinions on.

Max Payne I will say it straight up: This game is great. But a tad short... which doesn't matter because the intense pace and feel of the game is sustained throught, even during the slightly annoying v-induced trip sections, which are characterful nonetheless and give an insight into the mind of the character you are playing. Although at some points it feels like 'Maximum-Pain-In-The-Ass: Platformer' (aha, a pun :P) the good points make the bad seem insignificant. In short: Max Payne is a beautiful, well-engineered, finely crafted, engrossing slide of non-stop gun-fun.... buy it now, it's cheap too ...... 96%

Devastation This one is going to be short. The physics and graphics are good... yet playing the game hurts your eyes, when you stop playing and look around, the colours of the world rush into your brain and you realise just how drab and monotone this game is.... combined with pitiful AI, stereotyped weapons and more... makes this worth avoiding... if you like fun, don't buy this.... if you like greys and bordom.... buy this.... 33%
Metal gear solid 2 substance- Have you played Metal gear solid 2? Substance adds 5 times more gameplay there is a snake tales mode where u do a few more missions but without a radar with an ending concluding with a boss(there is also a really funny boss in the last "tale") Also there are virtual reality missions where u can do various sneaking and/or killing missions. Great game well worth it even if you have the original.

Ps great thread badger! :)
I have reviewed America's Army Operations for a few sites, so here are my comments.

AA:O is free. That should be enoguh to go out and download it right now, but heres more.
It's an online FPS made by the army. you have an account and you gain qualifications. there is a centralized server syatem that will provide real time stat tracking for everyone. It's graphics are form the Unreal Warfare engine (UT2k3) and it looks great. It is constanly being updaed, with new maps, classes, gamemodes, weapons, and more for the next few years, ensuring that it's really hard to get bored.

It would be a great retail game, but it's free, so it's even better.
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
Metal gear solid 2 substance- Have you played Metal gear solid 2? Substance adds 5 times more gameplay there is a snake tales mode where u do a few more missions but without a radar with an ending concluding with a boss(there is also a really funny boss in the last "tale") Also there are virtual reality missions where u can do various sneaking and/or killing missions. Great game well worth it even if you have the original.

Ps great thread badger! :)

Speaking of MGS2, ive just completed it a second ago :laugh:, its one of the best games EVER!, except for the imense storyline, it really confuses ya :(
I SAID NO DISCUSSION :flame: (I'm serious, please, just reviews)

Breed Beta Demo

Right, I just stopped playing this before setting off to sunny Spain..... my god, aside from some clipping issues (you cna get stuck on laddders going down, and your leg goes through your gun when you look down) and the fact that bullets don't leave decals... this game is near perfect for it's type. It manages to appeal to both the realist and the arcade gamer.... Arcing alien plasma fire crashes on your position, comrades sent flying by the impact, only to pick themselves up later... as I cross a bridge, the grunt runs alongside me, while the Sniper scans ahead and the Gunner covers the whole team.... you truly feel involved in this futuristic war.... for a beta... this looks VERY promising... 94%
I agree with mrBadger about Breed, except for a few little things. The AI is a wee bit dodgy, which sometimes means half your team gets stuck on a slope (try getting out of the lake in the demo - bloody difficult). Also, the Breed don't notice when their teammates have been sniped, and since its based on huge maps, this really shouldn’t' happen.

But otherwise its not bad. Personally I don’t like the movement, especially jumping and trying to run up what seems like an easy slope but may as well be a cliff. Pissed me off that did :flame: But Otherwise its pretty good.

CS 1.6


-built in bots
-more weapons
-different models
-newer maps


-built in bots
-different buy menus
-new and annoying weapons
-new and annoying maps

I really think they should just drop everything after CS 1.6 and proceed working on CS 2 on HL2, make it a worthy game. As far as I can tell, Condition Zero serves no purpose except for singleplayer.
I agree.

BF 1942

This is a great game. It's a fun game because of the so many ways of taking out the enemy! One can drive, fly or take a boat to somewhere to take those flags. The graphics are very good for its time and the audio is so so. The downside is the netcode and the crakced up AI in single player mode. When sniping during multiplayer, it is evident that your friendly neighbourhood awp is absent. You shoot dead on but the player is not dead.. :x The AI in single player is horrible. Seems as if they keep going around in circles... All in all this is a multiplayer game which will keep you entertained until 9/30.
Deus ex- Do I need to review this? They say its a mixture between an RPG and a Shoot em up. But i think this is a mixture between an rpg an shootem up and/or stealth game. Depending on how you play the game depends on how it plays. You can either creep around avoiding people, hack into terminals and turn of the cameras control enemy turrets to attack enemies, lockpick doors, use an electronic device called a multitool to disable electronic devices. All these aspects depends on how high you skill in these aspects are you can improve this by gaining skill points. Also of course you can have hugh fire fights which is in a way easier. You gain augumentations through out that game which enable you to do special tasks such as light up a room, lift heavy crates, regenerate health, scan a enemies stats, silent movement, faster movement etc... these require wot is called bioelectric energy which you can recharge at a "repair bot" or you can recharge 25% of your energy with a bioelectric cell. You can talk to people make choices of wot to say. Also you can determine whether main characters live or die or influence their actions but you cant change the storyline. Note :there is no auto save if you forget to save it you have to start the game from where you last saved it or even from the beginnning if you forgot. Great game highly recommended but not for the impatiant person!
Rise of Nations

One of the best RTS game si have played in awhile. I personally like it more than Warcraft 3, but some might disagree. The game is really a combination of Risk and Age of Empires. It has a grand stragey mode which is like risk, and it has a RTS mode like Age of Empires, but much, much more fun. It spans all of history, and does it well, unlike Empire Earth. Only a few pathfinding bugs mar this game.

Splinter Cell:

Absolutely love the game, im not quite finished with it yet but it will be an unforgettable experience. Im not into stealth games very much but since i started playing this one about a week ago ive just been way to involved. Some of the weapons and gadgets are remarkable and i have never heard of some of them. I would like to compare this game to MGS2 but i havnt played that yet. After i beat splinter cell ill be sure to start that and also eventually by splinter cell pandora tomorrow and MGS snake eater.

Splinter Cell
Gameplay - 8
Sound - 9
Graphics - 9
Tilt - 7
Value - 10

High recommend this game to anyone that owns a pc, xbox, ps2, or gamecube. I also recommend this game to anyone that has never tried a stealth game and atleast rent it to see what you think. The storyline is great btw.
Rise of Nations

This is like a much better version of Age of Empires. Be as that may, it still suffers from problems that made AOE had, such as uniteresting campaigns and a complicated learning curve. Another thing I don't like are timed missions, and there are quite a few of them in RON. It doesn't let you play at your own pace.

Overall, however it is still a good RTS game and if you liked Age of Empires you will like this game as well.

GTA: Vice City

This game has been a huge hit on the PS2 and the PC port apparently lives up to the hype.

Graphics 80/100

The graphics are only a little better then GTA 3. Which is not all that bad actually. My biggest complaint are the butt-ugly texture LOD transitions that appear throughout the game.

Gameplay 100/100

Like the previous games in the GTA series, this one takes the gameplay of it's predecessor and kicks it up a notch or two. There are tons of weapons (I don't even remember how many, but probably around 20-30). Some are not very exciting, while others like the chainsaw and the minigun are just insane. Of course, there are now more police type vehicles, including undercover cops, and SWAT teams that descend from helicopters. And speaking of helicopters, now you can fly one by yourself! It's difficult at first, but once you master it it will be the best way to travel.

Now I would like to take a moment to talk about motorcycles, which are the single best thing in the game. One time I spent over 3 hours just tyring to do stunts. They allow you to do ultra-cool driveby shootings. Driving a motorcycle in the wrong lane at 100 mph really gets your adrenaline going.

The story in the game is not all that spectacular, however it's good enough to keep you interested. Especially fun are the telephone and movie studio missions. And try the Malibu Club ones if you really want a challenge.

P.S. Look for some hilarious cameos from GTA3 characters.

Sound and Music 100/100

The game is set in 80's so I don't there is much more I need to say about the selection of music, do I? It really adds to the atmosphere of the game; the only way to understand how is to play it!

Overall 98/100

There are some minor graphics problems but you'll forget about them 5 seconds after you start playing. The only other complaint I can think of is that Asuka isn't in it :)
May i add to your GTA 3 vice city comments. Once you complete the game to be honest i got bored so my advice, play the game slowly and use all the features. But yea it is a must to buy like Lonederanger basicly said.
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
May i add to your GTA 3 vice city comments. Once you complete the game to be honest i got bored so my advice, play the game slowly and use all the features. But yea it is a must to buy like Lonederanger basicly said.

Yeah there isn't much replay value in it. Also there is no multiplayer, which is really a shame cause it would have been loads of fun (if you remember the multiplayer in GTA1, you know what I mean).