The Gaming War with Exclusives

Aug 26, 2004
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If the Playstation 3 lost its exclusives, like Metal Gear Solid 4 and GTA IV, and the Xbox 360 got a piece of the action as well, would you still invest in a Playstation 3?

I read about that fact Sony may have lost their exclusive deals with Assassins creed from Ubisoft and Rockstars GTA IV.;title;0

If PS3 lost its exclusives like GTA IV, would you still invest in one, or strive in the direction of an Xbox 360? Is it all about games to you, the future of the system or how loyal you are to your current gaming machine?
I will seriously consider a personal financial investment in your time machine.
Assassin's Creed was never an exclusive deal.

And of course it's all about the games. That's all it ever should be about. That's exactly why exclusives are so important to a system...good exclusives make the system more attractive than a console that has exactly the same games as its competitors. No one's going to go out and buy a PS3 if they can get the same game on an X-Box they already own, even if it does lack any graphical improvements or other bells and whistles.
I wouldnt even if they didnt loose them. Assassin's Creed was pretty much always coming to PC also. I think most games end up on PC anyways, so thats where I am gunna stay.
I thought GTA IV is being released on xbox 360 as well? Better ****ing be. I am not buying a god damn PS3 just to play GTA IV.
GTAs always come out on PC anyway but it is SO much more enjoyable with a gamepad.
Lack of exclusives is the reason i'm not getting a PS3 at launch.

GTA is coming to the 360 btw.
I hate exclusives. They make me buy more systems.

If there were no exculsives, performance and price would then be the deciding factors.
If the Playstation 3 lost its exclusives, like Metal Gear Solid 4 and GTA IV, and the Xbox 360 got a piece of the action as well, would you still invest in a Playstation 3?

I read about that fact Sony may have lost their exclusive deals with Assassins creed from Ubisoft and Rockstars GTA IV.;title;0

If PS3 lost its exclusives like GTA IV, would you still invest in one, or strive in the direction of an Xbox 360? Is it all about games to you, the future of the system or how loyal you are to your current gaming machine?
Ummm... GTA4 is already going to be on 360

All that's left is the rumor of MGS4 possibly being developed for the 360.
If the console lost all its' exclusives then I would probably get a 360 (just because it's cheaper), but that's not going to happen. Most of the development teams that make exclusive games are either owned or are published by Sony. The teams behind God of War, The Getaway, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, Jak series, Ratchet and Clank, Gran Turismo, and the good deal of others I forgot have a nearly 0% chance of ever switching to another console. There are also many third parties that for whatever reason release their games almost exclusively on Sony consoles, namely Kojima Team, Square, and Rockstar (GTA may be going multiplatform, but Manhunt, Bully, and possibly the Warriors were PS2 exclusives, at least at first). Then there's the great third party games like Timesplitters and GTA that go to all the platforms.

Nintendo comes in second. They have great 1st party development with a few great franchises. They are their best in their field, and a lot of people really take to these kinds of games.

Microsoft, however, is a distant third. As far as development teams, they have Rare and Bungie, neither of which I particularly care about. I would count Bioware on this list, by far MS's greatest console asset, except that to date all their X-BOX games have found their way to PC, and in better form I may add. This is systematic of the X-BOX as a whole, whatever exclusives they have that aren't available on other consoles are almost always available on PC. It's pointless to own both a good PC and a 360.
GTA4 is going for a 360 release at the exact same time as the PS3 version, so that's in no way, shape or form an exclusive.:)
Dead Rising
Saints Rows
Gears of War (yeah its coming, but people are playing it right now)

Are all good reasons to get a 360 even if you have a good PC

on the flipside

Company of Heros
Medieval Total War 2
Guildwars/WoW/Whatever MMO you like are all reasons to have a PC.

360 =/= PC,
Dead Rising
Saints Rows
Gears of War (yeah its coming, but people are playing it right now)

Are all good reasons to get a 360 even if you have a good PC

on the flipside

Company of Heros
Medieval Total War 2
Guildwars/WoW/Whatever MMO you like are all reasons to have a PC.

360 =/= PC,

Wasn't there a thread or something about Gears of War being ported to the PC sometime in the future? Anyway, at least for the xbox, most of the big titles either got ported to the PC or became multi-console. We'll see whether that holds true for the 360...

edit: Doh I missed your parenthesis part, my bad.
except that to date all their X-BOX games have found their way to PC, and in better form I may add.

I agree with much of your post, except this bit. Most Xbox games i've played that were ported to the pc were superior on the Xbox. KOTOR, PoP, Riddick etc etc

It's true that the pc and 360 share alot of titles, which, depending on how you look at things, is good and bad. I see little reason to upgrade my current pc - the only games I want (bar Quake Wars) are coming out on the 360. Of these, most look suited to a pad and big tv/sofa. If you have a cutting edge pc (a beefy dual core system, 2 gig ram, and a something along the lines of a X1900xt) the 360 may not be the wisest choice. If not, then getting a 360 is pretty much a no brainer and amazing value for money.

When looked at as a single format the 360 has an unmatched lineup: Bioshock, Mass Effect, Gears of War, HL2, Lost Planet, Assasins Creed, GTA, Resident Evil 5, Alan Wake etc etc. Does it bother me that many of these will arrive on the pc? Seeing as my current A64 X800xt system would melt at the thought of running these titles and that upgrading it to a level that could match the 360 would cost around £1000, not at all. If anything it's a relief - freed from the burden and poor value of pc upgrading.

Then there's Xbox Live - the 360s trump card. If the PS3 delivers an online service that can match Live (something I highly doubt), i'd buy it in a second. Online gaming has come to consoles, and a decent service is more important that a handful of exclusives. Now, back to GoW :)
I'm in the same boat as Warbie. Besides, the only games that run at pretty much top settings on my PC are Half-life 2 and Episode 1, which is pretty fantastic, but I still can't squeeze out full HDR and a couple of other things. Episode 2, which is set to look absolutely ****ing amazing is coming to 360, which to be honest, is great.

The games I want are headed to 360, and there's not a single PC title I'm interested in. I only use it for the likes of...well, old games. Like Deus ex, or Starcraft. :p

And besides, when I'm playing the 360 I can sit back and put my feet up.
I don't like your boat Samon.

it scares me :(
I have a good pc, can play like 90% of all popular games that come out on console since thats how many will be on PC also. Theres not a single console game I am interested that isnt also coming out of PC. A nd I can put my feet up on my subwoofer and lean back in my comfy chair.
Yeah, autoaim ftw ^.^

Edit - Also, I'm with Warbie/Samon.

It's not just about auto-aim. The game was designed for a joypad in mind. Using free aim all the time takes a huge portion of the difficulty out of the game and makes the guns much less different from each other (accuracy is barely an issue and lock-on range is completely removed). That's not even the main reason ... the game just flows better with the standard lock-on with optional manual aim of the console versions. Not to mention all the vehicles control immensely better, especially the aerial vehicles.

In response to Warbie, yeah I agree with you 100%. If you don't have a PC capable of playing the games that are being released for both then the 360 is a great deal. I was just saying that owning both is a bit redundant ... and personally I'd rather have a PS3/PC combo and get two completely different sets of games than a PS3/360 combo and have a ton of overlap. Also, while the PC gets almost all the good 360 games, the 360 doesn't get all the good PC games.
I don't think it's as clear cut as that.

the PS is significantly more expensive than the 360, and the combination of a PS3 + a HD tv + a good PC is about a 3rd of my gross annual income. I know I'm just a poor old student, but its a lot of money.

In addition PS3/360 has a lot of overlap, with really only a select few games being PS3 only (DMC, God of War, MGS etc etc).

With the battlelines still being drawn for Blu-ray/HD-DVD it's hard to swing one way or another.

And to top it off for the price of a PS3 + additional controllers + a few games at £50 a pop + a HD-TV I can build a top line PC and still afford a Wii (Which isn't HD and wouldn't need an upgrade)

this is all theoretical as I already took the plunge for a HD-TV and co-own a 360 with a housemate.
Also, while the PC gets almost all the good 360 games, the 360 doesn't get all the good PC games.

We'll see. Experience suggests the opposite to me. I guess it comes down to what games you want.

Either way, it's nice that us gamers have so much choice these days. So many great looking games are coming out now and over the next year - exciting times :)