The Gangrel flaw.


Oct 6, 2004
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So, how should this work?
In the pen and paper game(what a horrible term that is) it is ruled that whenever a member of clan Gangrel goed into frenzy he could get animalistic features. Like tuffed ears, fur, a tail, that kind of shit. But how are they going to portray this in the game?
Hey cool. But what's with the die rolling?
Thanks for the link!

EDIT: Hey cool, you get a free ST with the game!!

"Advantage: Lunatic's Insight. Once per story, the Malkavian may make a Mental roll (difficulty 4); if she succeeds, she may ask the Storyteller one yes-or-no question about the current situation, which must be answered truthfully. "

Beats the hell out of HL's gold edition where you just get a cap ;)
Forau said:
Hey cool. But what's with the die rolling?
Thanks for the link!

EDIT: Hey cool, you get a free ST with the game!!

"Advantage: Lunatic's Insight. Once per story, the Malkavian may make a Mental roll (difficulty 4); if she succeeds, she may ask the Storyteller one yes-or-no question about the current situation, which must be answered truthfully. "

Beats the hell out of HL's gold edition where you just get a cap ;)

What's a ST?
ST = storyteller. The link referred to some gameplay mechanics from the pen & paper game.
Storyteller is the guy that sits next to your fellow players and explains the situation and asks you what to do. Like the DM(I believe?) -Dungeon master in Dungeons and Dragons games.

EDIT: And you get one free with the game!! :bounce:
The gangrel can turn into a bat-like thingy, like you can see in the new vids and read here. There was a wolf creature that wasn't the pc in some screenshots though, so it may be a summon kind of thing. I'm not big on World of Darkness lore though so I have no idea if something like that would fit.
theGreenBunny said:
The gangrel can turn into a bat-like thingy, like you can see in the new vids and read here. There was a wolf creature that wasn't the pc in some screenshots though, so it may be a summon kind of thing. I'm not big on World of Darkness lore though so I have no idea if something like that would fit.

Yes, the changing is possible trough the protean discipline. The infamous fight of flight form. ;)
But it has little to do with the Gangrel flaw. It's like this;
Clan Gangrel is verry close to the beast within, the predator so to say. So whenever they enter a frenzylike state they have a chance of growing an animal like 'something'.
Like feathers, tuffed ears, animalistic eyes, even a tail.

Thus, changing in an animal is ok, you can turn back when you turn off protean. But doing so trough frenzy is a little less ok, you can not change it back.
What's a gangrel?

I thought this was a vampire who doesn't belong to a clan, and is closer to death than a vampire that's been embraced? No?

Don't you start off in the game as a Gangrel, and then join one of the seven clans of your own choosing?
WabeWalker said:
What's a gangrel?

I thought this was a vampire who doesn't belong to a clan, and is closer to death than a vampire that's been embraced? No?

Don't you start off in the game as a Gangrel, and then join one of the seven clans of your own choosing?

Gangrel shape shift into animals.
WabeWalker said:
What's a gangrel?

I thought this was a vampire who doesn't belong to a clan, and is closer to death than a vampire that's been embraced? No?

Don't you start off in the game as a Gangrel, and then join one of the seven clans of your own choosing?

no gangrels are another clan :| maybe ure refereing to catiff vampires which r weak in blood but still u got it wrong hehe
WabeWalker said:
What's a gangrel?

I thought this was a vampire who doesn't belong to a clan, and is closer to death than a vampire that's been embraced? No?

Don't you start off in the game as a Gangrel, and then join one of the seven clans of your own choosing?

No Caitiff are the ones with weak blood. Clan Gangrel is the one clan who rejected the Camarilla and now hunt for their own.
And you can not be embraced as gangrel and later on choose some other clan. You are, and forever will be, the clan in which you where embraced.

Oh, and for the shape shifting idea, when you step onto the streets, do not expect to change into a wolf! It is a high discipline to master and will take a while(and a lot of experience).
Nicer to me is the idea of protean 2, grow long talons from your hands and do aggravated damage(worst damage type, hold your "I find all damage aggravating damit" ;)).
I really can't wait to play this.

Watching them use the WW Character creation sheet in the vids gave me goose bumps.

I really hope this does well, maybe Troika will bless us with a Garou (Werewolf) Game. reply to WabeWalker : "Don't you start off in the game as a Gangrel, and then join one of the seven clans of your own choosing?"

You might have got this idea because in the hands-on previews that troika did, letting journalists play the game for a few hours they gave them a pre-generated character to use, who was a member of the Gangrel clan. That's why all previews that describe the start of the game do so from that perspective.