The Gate 2 Needs your help


Jun 25, 2005
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The Gate 2 team is looking for several talented individuals to join the design collective. There are a couple of positions open at present which need to be filled quickly, so we can continue the rapid development of this groundbreaking HL2 modification. The Gate 2 “An epic in the making!”. Your talent is required in these roles:

3D MESH UV UNWRAPPER: You need to proficient in the use of a UV plotting program of your choice with neat and tidy layout, logical positioning and space saving techniques for our Skinner to easily design for and interpret. Be able to work as a team member, with a willingness to produce the work assigned within a reasonable time frame.

HIGH QUALITY MODEL SKINNER/TEXTURE ARTIST: We are looking for someone with a good knowledge of real work texture making, high detail textures within the bounds of a 512, 1024 and 2048 workspace. This includes multiple texture mapping levels which include, main texture maps, specular maps, normal maps, parralex maps, bump maps, environment maps and height maps. All fore-mentioned texture maps will not be used on every model or surface, but a combination of these to achieve the desired end result. Be able to work as a team member, with a willingness to produce the work assigned within a reasonable time frame.

IK/BONE RIGGER: In this area, a person/s is needed to rig organic and inorganic 3D models/meshes including making of bone rigs, assigning vertices's which translated to realistic movement, folding of material and joints of models produced. Assigning hit values to specific area and creating physics rigs. Examples of your work are required, either in actual models in multiple format or color coded point details displayed and grabbed to jpeg format for viewing. Be able to work as a team member, with a willingness to produce the work assigned within a reasonable time frame.

IK/BONE SKELETON ANIMATOR: This position is a secondary position to out lead animator. The amount of work to be produced will be in accordance with the number of original articulated models produced or needed in this modification. This position requires that you be proficients in the areas of organic and inorganic movement, which includes, human, animal and natural and artificial world objects. These would include such things as flora (plants), fauna (animals, fish and birds, which includes an already modeled camel), electronics equipment, weapons, all forms of realistic human movement, vehicles, aircraft flight and more as the need arises. Applicants need to have small movie files or multiple still sequenced images of their work for evaluation. Be able to work as a team member, with a willingness to produce the work assigned within a reasonable time frame.


Age and sex of applicant is open (as long as the quality of work is above average to excellent), although applicants under the age of 15 must have the consent of their parents. This protects the Gate 2 team and associates under the anti predatory laws of most nations regarding the Internet, emails and communication via chat programs.

Example of work or visual resume' is required in the area/s applied for. Applications without a quality resume' will automatically be rejected without explanation. Those who provide the required information and are not chosen to be part of the team will be notified by email or chat program if supplied. You may apply for multiple positions, provided an example of your work in each area is shown, and you believe the tasks in each position will not reduce the quality of your work in any single position.

Please send your application to [email protected] with the name of the position applied for in the subject box. Alternatively, post your application and respective links of the Gate 2 forum: Click Here

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thanks for your time
Stupid posts deleted. Let's try that again, shall we?