the giant firethrowing 'thing'

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Speaking of fire throwing things, Gordon should have a flamethrower.
yes. it would be fun but have really low fps or graphics
half lunatic said:
Is it me or do Gargs expand for a split second before they explode?

Gargs should also spew like 100 chunks of meat. They only do like 5 or 6 :(

I think they expand because all the water in them is getting superheated and then they burst! wheeeeeee
They do expand, they're coded to.

Flamethrowers wouldn't lag Source. Well, no more than the jets of steam that you see in the game, the fire effects, and any form of beam weapon.

-Angry Lawyer
SnowBall said:
A gonarch is merely a fully grown headcrab. They just rarely live to that stage. At least thats what rasining the bar said.
Did they also mention whether the Gargantua was a fully-grown Snark? It's hard to imagine a snark becoming anything but an exploded pile of slime after a few seconds. Which brings me to the snark life cycle...just how does the species even sustain itself??
bees die soon after they attack so its not really that much of a stretch. and look at bees, they're doing just fine
MuToiD_MaN said:
Did they also mention whether the Gargantua was a fully-grown Snark? It's hard to imagine a snark becoming anything but an exploded pile of slime after a few seconds. Which brings me to the snark life cycle...just how does the species even sustain itself??

But do gargantua's spew out baby snarks?
I think they are seperate creatures. They're too different.

And everyone knows that the Snark mothers are the little sack things you pick them up in. They have walk animations, you know.

-Angry Lawyer