the gloglebags

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Your pathetic and puny armies are no match for the Flafflelonians.

That's right, I made up something too. Now pay tribute to your King!
*takes out PhallusM8*
*dropkicks Lil'Timmy, lands, and starts a run towards Mahghnaffarmy HQ*
Lil' Timmy said:
Ikerous, you want to double cross the corrupt gloglebag army? i'll give you my newly free love :naughty:

p.s. it'd be a secret double cross, so don't respond just nod yes or no, thx! ^_^

Thing, come join us.. join grey side! i am your father! (the adoption papers are in the mail).

Like a dagger in my heart Timmy! ;(

This means war :flame:
CB | Para said:
Your pathetic and puny armies are no match for the Flafflelonians.

That's right, I made up something too. Now pay tribute to your King!

/me steals tribute

Your security also stinks.

The Gloglebag militia will stand and watch from a distance.
I say the only way
To settle this is with
A nice game of CSS.
Muahahaahahaha! Veni, Vedi, Vecci, buggers!!!!!!!
*takes down Thing with a round of icarus milk enriched phallus grenades*
memo: flaffelonians
to: gloglebag army
from:cheif guy, 1st order, mahgnaffarmy

My vainglorious gloglebaged enemy. The erstwhile usurpers, the perfidious flaffelonians have once again risen. In this hour of great need, let us set aside our differences and join arms to crush this scourge of lactating swine!

lemme know, thx! ^_^
MFL said:
Muahahaahahaha! Veni, Vedi, Vecci, buggers!!!!!!!
*takes down Thing with a round of icarus milk enriched phallus grenades*


I am reporting from outside the Gloglebag HQ, which is for some reason positioned directly between the Icarus Milk Refinery (rumoured to be home to the holy Motherfridge) and the primary bases of all their main competitors.

The Gloglebagian forces have frequently been accused of corruption, economic fraud and vigilante action involving vegetables. Despite pledging their forces' allegiance to the people of the modern world, they persist in waging war against any organisation to stand before them, and anyone wearing a pink hat or daring to say "soy" in their presence.

Only today, they liberally nuked a small village because the populace asked what Icarus Milk- thought to be a highly addictive designer drug created to enhance all aspects of the human phisique and phsyche- tasted like. It's thought to be vaguely like elderberries, actually.

Currently, we await the major recruitment drives by the Glogebagians and their competitors. It appears that they have passed their conscription act- it seems to involve a large vacuum and a big stick with a nail in it.

This is Ed Carb, signing off, and wondering where his pants went.
this is a decision not meant for me, i leave it to my superiors (bloody chain of command...)

/me wears Edcrab's pants

Your security also stinks.
your all crazy

but i have an offer

first team to pm me, gets me on their side
the gloglebanian militia is a SPLINTER SECT, whos sole wish is to steal new members from the Gloglebag Army.
I am currently standing without pants, watching MFL argue over a radio and watching The Thing wear my pants. AGAIN.

This is Ed Carb, crying in his underwear and considering joining the
Tkk'thk'guis'curt'hio'shiopli'asd'if'vug'govalv'ld Opposition.
Ed Carb, you mean the Thk'thk'guis'curt'hio'shiopli' asd'if'vug'govalv'ld Opposition.

*shoots Thing in Edcrabs pants*
i'd like to inform you all that i have raided the mahgnaffarmy coffers and left them bankrupt. i've retired to a private tropical island covered in beautiful attitudes, abundant sweet-meats, baby animals, and swarthy women. have fun with your wars.
Lil' Timmy
Mahgnaffarmy, Chief Guy, 1st order, ret.
MFL said:
Ed Carb, you mean the Thk'thk'guis'curt'hio'shiopli' asd'if'vug'govalv'ld Opposition.

*shoots Thing in Edcrabs pants*

/me dodges

The militia can travel faster than light.
Ah, I must apologise for making that mistake. It's especially important not to confuse the Thk'thk'guis'curt'hio'shiopli' asd'if'vug'govalv'ld Opposition with the Thk'thk'geis'cert'hio'shiopli' asd'if'veg'govalv'ld Opposition- they have exactly the same goals, but they wear puce ties and only have four members, one of which is a dog.

This is Ed- wait, who the f**k stole my microphone?! You ****ing sons of ****ing **** **** ****ers!! Oh, fortunately I've still got my bleeper. Anyone got a gun?
Order: #32327-N1O98PPP
To: Gloglebag Special Forces Missle Silo 2
Regarding: Bombing Site

Don't forget to pick up some orange juice on your way home from work.
Also, send a novelty nuclear missile to Island #L123 (Cheif Guy of Mahgnaffarmy has recently taken up residence there).
Note to self: wear a theft-proof belt, and avert eyes in precisely four seconds- nukes are pretty but retina-scarring. Oh, too late...

This is Ed Carb, wondering how many hundreds of people have just died, and also wearing a stylish pink hat with SOY written on it. Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!
*comes and has a go*
hmmm.... tastes like icarus milk.
e-memo: lol thanks
to: whoever is in charge of the gloglebaggers
from: Boss Timmy

lol, thanks for the novelty missle guys, it looks awesome, very real. i've recently used my natural voice and dashing abruptness to take over this little island, they call me "Boss Timmy" now. ha, what noble savages. anyway, don't worry, i'm not raising an army in absentia to crush your mangroves and slaughter your hamsters, or anything of the sort.

p.s. this missle looks good up on the mountain, kinda like a hood ornament for my island thx! ^_^
Boss Timmy
Big Kahuna, private tropical island "Iceland"
Mahgnaffarmy, Chief Guy, 1st order, ret.​
I suggest you give me my pants back, Thing. Sure, in all the melodramatic, petty-minded political backstabbing you forget the little guys! Namely me! PANTS, you git!

If not, I'll report precisely what happened between you and the CEO of The Real Gloglebagians. It involved jelly.
Edcrab said:
I suggest you give me my pants back, Thing. Sure, in all the melodramatic, petty-minded political backstabbing you forget the little guys! Namely me! PANTS, you git!

If not, I'll report precisely what happened between you and the CEO of The Real Gloglebagians. It involved jelly.

I lost your pants in the battle.

Shut up about the jelly. We didn't kill it.
*all war between various factions, and splinter sects of the gloglebag army cease, and all form together into the original gloglebag army*
(ikerous made me cry..) :(
all aphiliated pants are returned on charges of war crimes against jelly
I do believe the gloglebag army is farly more vast than all the others. we win!
You forget the Karamanian Cartosis Lytoluris Ocularis. They have fifteen billion members, and training and funding enough to-

Oh, you just trod on them. Git. It's no fun when there's no more infighting and civil wars :( I shall now buy pants.
just drink your icarus milk and get over it
/me drinks the stolen Icarus milk.

The taste of victory.

Hey, don't imply that I don't sup the greatest of all beverages; I drink so much Icarus Milk that it leaks out of my ears. Oh, and it makes my face melt, so there.

Not sure what's actually in it, but hell, it sure makes me weeble weeble sclup.
internets e-report on e-affairs: yo!
at: Ikerous
from who?: the Timmy

Yo, I heard you retired from the gloglbagiacs. I have a little house up here on this island I was using to keep my pet sea bass. But if you're interested, I can put them in a lake or something. It's nice, here's a pic. Oh and, why did you retire, I thought you wanted more strife and famine? Ok, well, the natives are trying to vote me off the island again, I gotta go crush me some rebellion, lol. when will they learn that my vast army has little mercy when it comes to the land of björks? OK ttyl! ^_^
Boss Timmy
Big Kahuna, private tropical island "Iceland"
Mahgnaffarmy, Chief Guy, 1st order, ret.​
I'm beginning to ponder if my place in this unholiest of wars has been compromised. On the surface I am a devout gloglebag, a self-professed penis connoisseur, and mild mannered 'hat person' extraordinaire. But let's review the facts.

The gloglebagians laid waste my utopia (, offering me no compensation in exchange for their uncivilised behaviour and wholy ungentlemanly-like-ness. Writing the now barren waste I once called my home off as a total loss, I joined the ranks of my assailants as though to appease their unrelentless fury. As they say, if you can't beat them, join them. But it was not to be. Days passed and cities crumbled beneath the soggy fist of Gloglebag. It's name was seldom spoken, and those who gave mention of it were quickly silenced, for if it's name was so much as uttered, it's horrible armies were summoned forth, and thus the locale would be ripped clean of it's very foundations through acts of pure irrelevence. As Penis Engineer I played a great part in supplying the Gloggish barbarians their phallic munitions, and as time passed my conscience began to get the better of me. But no more. You can build your own damn penises, cause I'm out!

I LOVED YOU, QCK!! ;( ;(

(also, I'm not really a hat person :o )
Did I unknowingly smoke some strong-ass shit... or... no... no, I must have...
Memo #: 3044-2
From: nw909 and Motherfridge
To: All gloglebag's

My Comrades! I have been relocated to my secret hidaway! I have brought a message! WE MUST STOP THE MAHGNAFFARMY, THEY HAVE CONVERTED ENOUGH OF OUR TROOPS! PICK UP YOUR PM8 CARBINE AND FIGHT! I shall meet you on the battlefield, Comrades!

Also, coincidence?

(from just before I posted my last message)
Hrm, which side to pick? So many choices.... persuade me!