the google game


Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
are you sick and tired of yahoo pool? cs source maybe? try the google game! its easy to play, and addicively fun. heres how it goes.
1. grab a friend, or play solo
2. bring up
3. type in any 3 words (usually in the order of adjective, adjective, noun)
4. search it, and see who can come up with the least amount of hits

1. no made up words
2. if a word is spelled wrong, then correct it and search again

examples of 1 hit words:

agnostic bavarian basejumper
fruitful nihilistic inkjets

it also improves vocabulary. post some good phrases if you have any
don_johnson said:
1. no made up words
2. if a word is spelled wrong, then correct it and search again

examples of 1 hit words:

agnostic bavarian basejumper
fruitful nihilistic inkjets

i was under the impression that the words had to be underlined with definitions, according to google, basejumper and inkjets are not
I found a combination with only one hits:

roared disentanglement mimmitation
But a proper googlewhack is only 2 words. :P
People find new ones all the time, dont know how, must have a large vocabulary of rare words such as "deodorized urps".
CrazyHarij said:
I found a combination with only one hits:

roared disentanglement mimmitation
Same here... but look at the three words after these in the results ;):

phantasm minerology thorsteinn
Wie i got a Googlewhack!!

edit: it wasent a "legal" whack!
don_johnson said:
are you sick and tired of yahoo pool? cs source maybe? try the google game! its easy to play, and addicively fun. heres how it goes.
1. grab a friend, or play solo
2. bring up
3. type in any 3 words (usually in the order of adjective, adjective, noun)
4. search it, and see who can come up with the least amount of hits

1. no made up words
2. if a word is spelled wrong, then correct it and search again

examples of 1 hit words:

agnostic bavarian basejumper
fruitful nihilistic inkjets

it also improves vocabulary. post some good phrases if you have any

Also called Google Whacking, it is very addictive. To win, all you have to do is to remember to put quote marks in the search engine

"fruitful nihilistic inkjets"
Also called Google Whacking, it is very addictive. To win, all you have to do is to remember to put quote marks in the search engine

"fruitful nihilistic inkjets"

You know the name of the game, but not the rules. :)

What? What?!
Visit Google. Submit a query of two words, but don't use quote marks. (Quotes tell Google to find the enclosed words immediately adjacent - and that's just too easy!) Use no punctuation in your words, and no numbers (just 26 letters from A through Z). Find two words that return one result, then see whether Whack agrees (Whack may not see what you see). Whack only accepts words between 4 and 30 characters in length (any shorter or longer, again, that's just too easy!) To add to The Whack Stack, please respect these simple guidelines (Whack makes no exceptions).
What are the rules?
1. Your two Googlefactors must exist in Google's view of this dictionary. Not your view, Google's view! Google does the work, and Google has the final word! In the blue bar atop your Google results, accepted terms are linked, and so appear 'underlined.' No line, no link = Googlejack! (As in, You've got jack, so see the FAQ :-)

2. Google also is the arbiter of a whack's uniqueness. Look to the right end of the blue bar atop your Google results. If you see "Results 1 - 1 of (any number),' you found exactly one hit = Googlewhack!

3. Google shows you an excerpt of the page you whacked. Look at that text. If it's merely a list of words (such as a bibliography, concordance, encyclopedia, glossary, thesaurus, dictionary, domain names, or plain old machine-generated random garbage), No Whack For You!

If your Googlefactors don't comply, some other whacker will certainly test them, then expose your treachery to all!
No lie, two friends and I played this game for like 3 hours straight once.
Me and 2 fridnss got 3 in the space of 1 hour. Woo, its not a matter of having a large vocabulary(although this does help) just think of the rarest, stupidest combination of words possible.