The greatest human invention..


Jul 5, 2003
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.. in your oppinion is?

I'm gonna go with microprocessors, even tho I know most obvious choice would be the combustion engine.
the particle accelerator! smashing sub atomic particles together is fun!
Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation!!!!

or a LASER for you commoners
Half-Life and Half-Life 2.

And next to that.......... the printing press.
Sex! Oh wait, we stole that from the dinosaurs...

The toilet.

Well i don't want to crap out of my window / whatever thank-you very much!
neptuneuk said:
Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation!!!!
Well, it's "Stimulated" but... close enough.

My pick?


EDIT: Technically, we didn't "invent" electricity. First, we discovered it. Then, we harnessed its power. Next, we found ways to convert other forms of energy into it. Finally, we set up a network to distribute it to everyone. Otherwise, I would have picked that.
Zombie. Master.

EDIT: Next to that; Willies!
Why human? I think we should concentrate of gerbil inventions, something which affects us every day.
mortiz said:
Why human? I think we should concentrate of gerbil inventions, something which affects us every day.

It is the self-important factor. "Look at me, I'm human. Touch me" **ck humans.
Shakermaker said:
Cooking, esp. in Thailand. Spicy food ftw
100% concur, Thai food is like having god ejaculate into your mouth.

I mean, er, yeah it's awesome!
beef jerky. you can go ahead and close the thread now.