The greek Letter "Lambda" (Yes this IS HL Related)

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I'm not gonna bother reading all of this.

The game half-life, happens to use the symbal for a half life as it's logo? Yeah, big deal?
mikesux said:
Worst revelation ...ever.

That symbol, in physics, means a lot of things, and one of them is "decay constant" used to calculate the half life of a radioactive material.

Most 15 year olds know this.

And the valve hard edged logo...IS simply exactly this, the symbol (in physics) most related to the concept of "half life."
again with the intelligence insults? i dont know *any* 15 year olds that have taken AP physics. where are you from? "the land of 'we know everything ath the age of 15'"? i graduated high school almost a year ago now, and i never once came accross the lambda symbol....

and AGAIN, i UNDERSTAND that the obvious SUPERFICIAL reasons for the symbol being used relate to the obviously apparent relations to anomylous materials and radioactive half-lifes. I am saying that there could be more than 'meets the eye' to the lambda symbol being used. perhaps it 'started out' as a simple use due to the radioactive half life of an anonymous material and then grew. but honestly, where in the game did they really talk about the radioactive half life of elements? they didnt. in fact i dont remember the gman making a single comment of the sort.

i do remember some very cryptic statements referring to things very similar to the original greek meanings of the greek letter lambda.

For perhaps the twentieth time, i understand and RESPECT the scientific aspect of the symbol.
I am merely speculating on other possible meanings.
I just figured they used it mostly because it looked like a lower case "h" and alower case "l" melded together.
While I don't agree with DreamWraith's theory, I do agree that the scientific basis has been fully covered. There's no reason to further point that out as it has been well established, especially if your not even going to bother reading the thread.
mikesux said:
Worst revelation ...ever.

That symbol, in physics, means a lot of things, and one of them is "decay constant" used to calculate the half life of a radioactive material.

Most 15 year olds know this.

And the valve hard edged logo...IS simply exactly this, the symbol (in physics) most related to the concept of "half life."

"Mikesux" may I suggest you read the entire thread before posting. In fact may I suggest you read the forum guidelines before posting again. On second thought nevermind the concept of reading may be too harsh on your brain and will probably cause your spleen to rupture and cause massive internal bleeding.

And before you spew out more nonsense, try to understand that you're the umptheen troll who has invaded this thread.
You guys never heard of Einsein's Cosmological constant?

"Einstein originall introduced the cosmologcal constant into his theory to make the universe static and eternal. Like many scientists then and now, Einstein was deeply troubled by the idea of a universe with a definite beginning (even if it was several billion years ago). After all, what happened before the Big Bang: In effect, what banged? Is it meaningful to talk about the beginning of time itself? For Einstein and for many others after him, an eternal universe made much more sense philosophically.

But the static universe simply could not withstand Hubble's observations, and Einstein would later repudiate the tool he had employed to achieve his goals: the cosmological constant" (Lambda). "For the next several decades, wishful thinking alone kept Lambda away from most cosmological considerations. Little did Einstein and his peers know in just what twisted way Lambda would reemerge .... at the end of the twentieth century.

One such instance was inflation, but yet another surprise was in store. Since Hubble's discovery of the cosmic expansion, similar astronomical observations have been made with ever improving accuracy. In particular, for the past few years, astronomers have been studying supernovae in far distant galaxies in the hope of discovering how fast the universe was expanding in the distant past. The aim is to throw light on the question of how rapidly the universe is slowing down, as it should if gravity is as attractive as it seems to be.

But the result seems wholly paradoxical: It appears that the universe is expanding at a faster rate today than it did in the past - the cosmic expansion is accelerating! It could do this only if some mysterious repulsive force is pushing the galaxies apart against the natural tendency of gravity to pull them together. Of course theorists are familiar with such a force. It is Einstein's cosmological constant, Lambda, rearing its ugly head again.

This is an unexpected twist. It seems the cosmological constant is not zero. But if the vacuum energy is a significant component of our universe after all, why is the universe only recently beginning to feel its effects? As we have seen, Lambda likes to dominate , so if it exists at all it should have overwhelmed ordinary matter long ago, blasting all galaxies to infinity. So why is the universe still here?

One possible solution is VSL. " (Variable Speed of Light theory) "We have seen how a sharp decrease in c" (speed of light) "converts the vacuum energy into ordinary matter, solving the cosmological constant problem. It is now possible to make the dragon bite its tail and construct a dynamical theory in which the cosmological constant itself is responsible for changes in the speed of light. In this perspective, every time the speed of light decreases sharply, Lambda is converted into matter and a Big Bang occurs. As soon as Lambda becomes nondominant, the speed of light stabilizes and the universe proceeds as usual. However a small residual Lambda remains in the background, and eventually resurfaces. According to VSL, astronomers have just observed the reemergence of the cosmological constant.

But as soon as this happens, Lambda proceeds to dominate the universe, creating conditions for another sharp decrease in the speed of light - and a new Big Bang! The process goes on forever in an eternal sequence of Big Bangs.

Strangely, and rather beautifully, it is possible that the varying speed of light theory yields an eternal universe with no beginning and no end. The future of the universe we see now is rather bleak. As the Lambda force grows, it will push all matter in the universe away to infinity. The sky will darken and the galaxies disperse and become lonely beasts lulled into oblivion in a see of nothing. But under these barren conditions, VSL predicts the generation of vast quantities of energy out of the vacuum. Thus the empty , vacuum dominated universe provides the conditions for a new Big Bang, and the cycle begins all over again.

Paradoxically, if the speed of light does change, then the universe is eternal and Einstein's greatest blunder will turn out to be his greatest vindication. ...

Variable light speed theory was a paper published by Joao Magueijo a theoretical physicist at Imperial Collegein the late 1990's who was fascinated by Einstein's Cosmological constant which einstein refrered to as lambda. If you do more research into VSL theory it seems that the theory requires the existence of wormholes for it to work.

Anyone remember playing Half-Life and going to the lambda core which is where you get teleported to Xen? Is the lambda core a worm hole generator?
That is interesting. Nice one. So, it seems Lamda could have had so many applications to Half-Life. I personally like the idea that both the ideas of wormholes/theoretical physics and of human becoming mighty are combined in this. It always amuses me: what if the symbol had been chosen for the simplistic reason that the 'trolls' have been chanting about? Does this necessarily mean that any other interpretation is irrelevant. And, more importantly, perhaps there is some sort of underlying force that binds these relevances together - that spiritually, the lambda symbol was used because the connotations exisited, even if at a concious level it was just sceintific. Sounds like a bunch of crap, I know, but interests me.

Btw, )[eVo]( Para speaks sense.
Stuff like that can be found everywhere in the game.

Opposing Force is a nother scientific term, so is Blue Shift.

One of the chapters in Half-Life, 'Surface Tension', is also a scientific term.

They all have things in common, for one, they're all scientific terms, and, it's a nice way of describing what's happening or what it's about.

Opposing Force, for instance, you're playing as the opposing force. Blue Shift, you're working on the blue shift. Surface Tension, you've reached the surface but it's gotten quite hot up there...

Personally I think it's just a nice way of naming stuff. I went to AstraZeneca's huge research complex here in Gothenburg the other day, on a visist, and saw they'd named some of their rooms and departments in a similar fashion. There was the alpha room, delta, beta, kappa and so forth, and also lambda, all with appropriate letters. Think I even have a picture of it somewhere.
Was there a questionable ethics room with a scientist creating all sorts of 4-assed creatures?
This thread keeps popping up.

Each and everytime I'm really, really shocked that people evidently never went to school.
Iconoclast said:
This thread keeps popping up.

Each and everytime I'm really, really shocked that people evidently never went to school.
Wow! Gold star for making another ill-informed claim like many others! So, let me get this right. Your saying that, under United States Law, every student who graduates high school is required to learn about the greek language, and more specifically the 'lambda' letter and how it relates to physics? Because last time i checked, there was no such requirement whatsoever. Just because YOU chose to take physics classes in high school does not mean that everyone else has.

Read more here:
vetebulle said:
If you actually bothered searching for Lambda +Half-Life you would see this has been covered.

Multiple times.
Oh, Really? Is that so? PLEASE oh PLEASE DO link me to another discussion about the very subject on these message boards. It would be GREATLY appreciated. Oh, Wait. There isn't one.
vetebulle said:
Stuff like that can be found everywhere in the game.

Opposing Force is a nother scientific term, so is Blue Shift.

One of the chapters in Half-Life, 'Surface Tension', is also a scientific term.

They all have things in common, for one, they're all scientific terms, and, it's a nice way of describing what's happening or what it's about.

Opposing Force, for instance, you're playing as the opposing force. Blue Shift, you're working on the blue shift. Surface Tension, you've reached the surface but it's gotten quite hot up there...

Personally I think it's just a nice way of naming stuff. I went to AstraZeneca's huge research complex here in Gothenburg the other day, on a visist, and saw they'd named some of their rooms and departments in a similar fashion. There was the alpha room, delta, beta, kappa and so forth, and also lambda, all with appropriate letters. Think I even have a picture of it somewhere.
Again, for the umpteenth time, concept understood and accepted, however discussion is not concerned about that fact. Discussion related to theory about further deeper meanings about the Greeak Letter Lambda and its connotations in relation to a possible 'higher being' and even more so, the newly pointed out theory of einstein which might i say adds a whole new realm to this dicussion.
DreamWraith said:
The thought came to mind, that the half life logo (pictured above), looks extremely similar to the lower case greek letter lambda. Or to put it more ideally, the half-life logo looks simply like a modernized, 'hard-edged' version of the lower case greek letter lambda.
No shit?

DreamWraith said:
Maybe I'm just nuts
Mr-Fusion said:
No shit?

Wow. You Have Contributed so much to the discussion. Come to think of it, i wish you...

Wait a minute. No shit? Ok so now, like all the other trolls, your coming in to say, that basically, by some 'magical force of god' i should have known my entire life what the greek letter lambda looks like. Yea OK. And your personal insults server no purpose. Wow, You can quote something i say, add your 'definitely' comment, so you don't have to type your insult yourself. So not only, are you insulting me, but your too lazy to even type an insult completely on your own. Wow. Says alot about you.

Edit: and judging by your signature it doesn't look like you have much else planned here other than to troll around and insult people? Why is that might i ask?
vetebulle said:
Example one: edit: misread. linked to middle of thread. also completely different topic, much as example three. the original poster asked why it was named hl not what the logo and its realtions had to do with the greek letter.

Example two: Also started after the thread you are posting in now and ALSO irrelevant.

Example three: Although started BEFORE this thread, it is discussing a COMPLETELY differenct topic. Merely WHY HL was named as such. Not what the LOGO means. Therefore, this example is ALSO irrelevant.

so, you have yet to prove that my exact topic is old news, not to mention some of the other things that are new.

I did not see one example in any of the above threads that talked about anything NOT related to mathematical connotations of the Half Life LOGO.
DreamWraith said:
Example one: edit: misread date.

Example two: Also started after the thread you are posting in now and ALSO irrelevant.

Example three: Although started BEFORE this thread, it is discussing a COMPLETELY differenct topic. Merely WHY HL was named as such. Not what the LOGO means. Therefore, this example is ALSO irrelevant.

You misread both of the dates.

The third one discusses the meaning of lambda aswell.
vetebulle said:
You misread both of the dates.

The third one discusses the meaning of lambda aswell.
granted i did misread those dates. its hard not to when they hate a 'backwards' date format here. to clarify my edits above.
The meaning of lambda in a mathematical term, scientific term as you said was discussed. that however is not the issue here. WE are discussing theological implications. Completely different subject matter.

you have yet to provide a single thread discussing the, as i said "VERY SUBJECT" we are discussing here. What it could POSSIBLY mean, OTHER than mathematical connotations. Quit trying to distract from that point.

As i said before, provide me ONE SINGLE THREAD on this EXACT, key term, EXACT subject we are discussing here.

To clarify, JUST incase you don't understand, we are discussing not WHY the logo was chosen persay, but perhaps some of the theological implications behind the logo itself, perhaps the spiritual connotations. Not science. Not math. Theology. I saw both science and math in those threads you linked. Not one comment about theological meanings behind it.
the thought just came to mind. if you think it is such old news, and you think it has been covered one hundred million times, why in the HELL are you posting in the thread?

meh bbl8r, im gonna go play planetside.
Dream Wraith, I think you should cool down, it's nothing personal but it seems like you have beat up everyone here. :P

Sorry for the worthless post, but you aren't the king of this thread.
Things are getting so heated here. Why is that? Anyone know why there is an inclination to be more aggressive when on a forum, I certainly have that tendancy. Is it because you can't see the others, or because of the absence of immediate reaction? I know this is off topic, but everything seems to be here 'cos the majority of people are incapable of understanding quite what the topic is, first bringing in the scientific ideas which have been so many times discussed, and then berating the others for the fact that they have been mentioned. How hypocritical. That Einstein theory is fantastic, I want to see more on that here, and maybe so conversation on the menaings of the grrek letter 'lambda' and those philosophical connections to half-life.
Dreamwraith, don't take these things so have to learn to calm down, and ignore trolls. Blindly attacking and insulting them does not help. You're going overboard.
KagePrototype said:
Dreamwraith, don't take these things so have to learn to calm down, and ignore trolls. Blindly attacking and insulting them does not help. You're going overboard.
I am not tEh Troll!!!1 ;(

So... what is there left to discuss?
olistead said:
Things are getting so heated here. Why is that? Anyone know why there is an inclination to be more aggressive when on a forum, I certainly have that tendancy. Is it because you can't see the others, or because of the absence of immediate reaction?

Penny arcade has a great theory on that very subject, here see for yourself :)
im getting too worked up? why is that? people keep coming in this thread and posting nonsense for NO reason? since when am i insulting them? im the one being continually insulted "everyone learned this in school" "your stupid for not knowing this has been discussed in a different form in the past"

but your right. im insulting everyone. im getting to worked up even though people are posting things like "this has been covered" when those posts have already been made one million times!
olistead said:
Things are getting so heated here. Why is that? Anyone know why there is an inclination to be more aggressive when on a forum, I certainly have that tendancy. Is it because you can't see the others, or because of the absence of immediate reaction? I know this is off topic, but everything seems to be here 'cos the majority of people are incapable of understanding quite what the topic is, first bringing in the scientific ideas which have been so many times discussed, and then berating the others for the fact that they have been mentioned. How hypocritical. That Einstein theory is fantastic, I want to see more on that here, and maybe so conversation on the menaings of the grrek letter 'lambda' and those philosophical connections to half-life.

Its a known fact. When Online people become assholes... Dunno why but they just do. Usually the Shy kids are the worst. A few kids at school that i play games with are completly transformed when they go online. In their case, I think its their yearning to exert power over others, when at school they are too insecure to do so...

And about the school thing, I think all you all are missing the point. In the U.S. Scince when does every kid go to high school. Lots do but of those kids scince when have over 10% of the kids payed attention to what theyre being tought. How little actually retain any of their info. hell my math teacher can only teach Alg. 2 Trig, quite well i might add but beyond that shes forgotten how to do other math. Now world wide, perhaps you learned the Lamda stuff in High School, I learned it in Grade school, but do you think everyone gets the same level education as you? Even get an education? As screwed up as our education system is I think that any kid that doesnt have the oppertunity that we do, would Love to learn about lambdas, but simply dont.

Anyhoo, People who say the thread is Old are.. Getting old. Please stop. Stop bashing Wraith for needless banter that only clogs up the meaningful posts. However Wraith, you are getting on my nerves too. Getting mad at others for saying the thread is old and then telling vetebulle that his post has already been discussed and does not contribute to the pourpose of the thread is highly hypocritical, and besides... It does add to the thread. Discussions shouldnt be Linear, more like Parabolic (word?)

Any ways, Im not going to attempt to bring scientific proof into any of this but regarding halflife that yellow Xen rock seems to be essenstial for the teleportation, or something. Pushing the Xen rock into the the generator thing started the whole cascade. Perhaps they were trying to speed up the rate at which the rock decays, thus half-life. That Einstein Idea is cool, Espescially because i came up with something right off the top of my head very much like that about the repeating Big Bangs and such, just without the scientific mumbo jumbo. :) But really. The Name is Half-Life, it includes the Lambda symbol both in Logo and equation. Cant we assume that it is a science research facility and that everything involving the scientific things going on in The Lambda complex involve lamda and Half-Life. In that aspect everbodys right.
I'm suprised this thread is still open with all the crap flying around.
hahaha @ this thread.

It's fun teasing Dream Wraith. He's the most anal, whingy nerd i have ever witnessed in my life. EVER! It's far too easy to make him angry.

Dream Wraith, you suck :D
Mr-Fusion said:
hahaha @ this thread.

It's fun teasing Dream Wraith. He's the most anal, whingy nerd i have ever witnessed in my life. EVER! It's far too easy to make him angry.

Dream Wraith, you suck :D
wow. that was perhaps the most childesh post i have seen yet. and your right chump, i have gotten a little too hypocritical in a sense, but if you look at it from my point of view, when its clear that certain people like the above post have no intention other than to 'annoy' me or 'get me worked up' that i would get i little tad bit pissed off. It's only human.

Tell me if you were having a clasroom discussion and one or three other kids in the class started yelling out 'your an idiot' or 'everyone knows that' or 'this is SO old', do you think it would fly? hell no.

people say people turn into bigger a holes on the net, and people keep pointing the finger at me. yet in real life, any of you would respond the same way to any of these comments.

so i might be a bit hypocritical here, but everyone claiming i am getting too worked up is also being hypocritical.
DreamWraith said:
Tell me if you were having a clasroom discussion and one or three other kids in the class started yelling out 'your an idiot' or 'everyone knows that' or 'this is SO old', do you think it would fly? hell no.

people say people turn into bigger a holes on the net, and people keep pointing the finger at me. yet in real life, any of you would respond the same way to any of these comments.

It's still annoying. It doesn't matter if we would do it in real life, there's a little thing called consideration for others. Your replies are simply adding fuel to the fire, and clogging up what could have been a discussion. You're taking every little negative comment so over-the-top that's it's mind-boggling. Please, just calm down and ignore them. They appear in every thread on these forums, and attacking them does not help. They will just keep coming back. Just do what we all do, and ignore them.
KagePrototype said:
It's still annoying. It doesn't matter if we would do it in real life, there's a little thing called consideration for others. Your replies are simply adding fuel to the fire, and clogging up what could have been a discussion. You're taking every little negative comment so over-the-top that's it's mind-boggling. Please, just calm down and ignore them. They appear in every thread on these forums, and attacking them does not help. They will just keep coming back. Just do what we all do, and ignore them.

no, please, DON'T ignore us, if you did ignore us than your thread would have been long gone, as in have no interest to anybody. lets face it dreamwraith, your topic just plain sucks, if you haven't established that than just go back to the previous thread pages and count the dozens of people who have already stated the shittyness of your topic, the only reason why this thread is still going on and on, is because of you. you and your insane liability to be pissed at who ever and, even if it is the smallest pessimist, argue with them like there's no tommorow, you see if you did ignore us than the entertainment value of this your precious thread would just be non-existent. go ahead quote my post and bash me, i'd just be another one in this sense less bash thread, just shows how predictable you are.....
also look at the desgin of the lamba... and 'h' and an 'L' sort of combined.... its like the fedex arrow...
Wow, back on page one I could never have imagined what this thread would have turned into!

Ignoring all the f*cking trollers, it was getting quite interesting. BTW anyone know of a site that has drawings of loads of different types of trolls? Some artist did them, really good. Unfortunately it was a good year or two ago when I saw it and I can't find it again :(

Anyway, you/we need to pull this back on topic.
The greek letter Lambda is indeed the Half Life symbol. And it's a mucho kewl symbol!
I could also state that the Half Life symbol depicts the greek letter Lambda. And it's got nothing to do with SHEEP! DUH...did someone ever mention that? It's lame...
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