The guide to the ultimate wargame?


So true :D
BTW Conflict Zone implemented some of these features, but most of them were shabbily done D:
I want that game! With #21 being the ability to crush opposing media and dissenters with tanks!
But I want to lose points off my Public Support meter every time one of those monsters accidentally impales a schoolgirl in a horrific bloody mess that will shock all but the Japanese.
4. I want those awesome rooted monsters from Starcraft that wait until the enemy gets close and then launch tentacles up their asses. Just think of how demoralizing that would have to be.

But I want to lose points off my Public Support meter every time one of those monsters accidentally impales a schoolgirl in a horrific bloody mess that will shock all but the Japanese.

so true, what was the idea behind the tentacle monsters anyway? Is it just something out of Hentai or Anime'