The Gunships


Nov 29, 2004
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Hey, has anyone ever noticed the Gunship rotors are actually Dragonfly wings? I first noticed this when I shot one down on the road and climbed all over it. The ship looks to be more insect then mechanical. Very interesting.


Actually, the gunships were once living creatures. THey are called "Synths", or, half creature, half machine. They were once a race which the combine took over like they did with earth (the human combine soldiers and stalkers are the human version of synths)
Yeah.. I noticed that many times while i was playing HL2.
It looks so cool and I loved the way they designed..
I want to see some more what kinda advanced techology they have..
I think there will be tons of other stuff..
The Striders are also a Biomechanic creature, along with the DropShips.
Intelligent posting

This is why I like to read and post on this forum, there seems to be some very intelligent answers and observations up here. Some very good theories on the actual Halflife Saga as well.

I'm no gamer, but I have been hooked on Halflife for many years now. Never really looked into any of the storyline before, just shoot-n-run. LOL!

Nice going folks! And thanks!

fido139 said:
This is why I like to read and post on this forum, there seems to be some very intelligent answers and observations up here. Some very good theories on the actual Halflife Saga as well.

I'm no gamer, but I have been hooked on Halflife for many years now. Never really looked into any of the storyline before, just shoot-n-run. LOL!

Nice going folks! And thanks!

If you have not check this website yet, you really should if you want to find a plethora of HL story line speculation. :)
Has anyone looked at the model viewer? There's some model called "synth" that looks like a headcrab-like creature, but with a mechanical arse. Was that in the game? (if it was, i suspect that it would be somewhere in the citadel, as i did not pay attention to most of the stuff going on during the tram ride)
Other critters

I noticed many other creatures in the Citidel while riding in the cocoon thing to Breens office. (Man I love blowing up his damn teleporter) I wonder why they weren't in the rest of the game. Maybe they are exclusive to serving in the Citidel or something.

Any guesses?

Well it looks like they [crazy ass alien things] were just about to be rolled out into use, like they were preparing for deployment or something.
They might have had a larger part in HL2 but were cut out at the last moment. I guess you could expect them back in HL3 with a bigger role.
Crab Synths and Mortar Synths. The Crabs are supposedly total bastards in close combat, and the Mortars bombard you from a distance.
Raising The Bar has a great insight into such matters. I was well pleased with my purchase.

The Combine aren't the soldiers that you see in the game, they've just basically taken the human body, injected some of their technology into it and made them into emotionless killing machines, pretty much in the same way they have done with every other planet they've conquered. Striders, Gunships, Dropships etc are all biological at their core, as are the Crab and Mortar synth mentioned by Brian.

Only the 'Helicopter' Gunship (as far as 'big' combine enemies go) is purely mechanical, and piloted. I think.
Wouldn't it be great if we could go to the planet where the original biological forms of the strider, gunship and dropships originate from in HL3?
yeah halflife 3 in oh lets be less than well lets think of add ons 2 years....i just want the guy that made they hunger to get on it
we die

yeah halflife 3 in oh lets be less than well lets think of add ons 2 years....i just want the guy that made they hunger to get on it
czrsink said:
Wouldn't it be great if we could go to the planet where the original biological forms of the strider, gunship and dropships originate from in HL3?

That would be neat, but they'd probably be just about unrecognisable without all the combine modifications.
Animals just don't naturally evolve with cannons and helicopter rotors attached.
At least, they don't on Earth... yet.

I mean, think about it... here on Earth we have:

Fish that use biological waterguns to stun insects (archer fish),
Molluscs that fire harpoons (coneshells),
Beetles with explosive weaponry (bombardier beetles),
Crazy karate shellfish that can break glass (mantis shrimps), and others that use a sonic blast generated by plasma to stun prey (pistol shrimps)

We even have species that can supposedly create lethal sound beams (dolphins and whatnot)... are bio-cannons in future evolution really that far fetched...?
Ya I noticed those bug-wing things, too. Here's a pic for those who haven't.
Its a fact that these enemies were once biological. The combines simply capture them and 'forcefully evolve' them, like what they are doing with the human race. All in raising the bar.

The big larvae thing Breen is talking to is another example of this. Originally a being, it grew to rely on technology and its own knowledge and wisdom, therefore being called a 'combine adviser'

For those of you with Raising the Bar, what do you think of the 'cremator' i want to meet it in HL3,apparently a head of one is in a jar in Eli's lab. Spooky things!
MrWhite said:

Actually, the gunships were once living creatures. THey are called "Synths", or, half creature, half machine. They were once a race which the combine took over like they did with earth (the human combine soldiers and stalkers are the human version of synths)
yeah i was about to say that
Milkman said:
They might have had a larger part in HL2 but were cut out at the last moment. I guess you could expect them back in HL3 with a bigger role.

The way I saw it - Valve were setting up this big finale, showing you that the sh*t you'd been fighting was just the tip of the iceberg.

It worked, on the tram ride through the Citadel my heart sank lower and lower as I saw the full-scale of what I was up against.
if anyone remembers when the first time you get the rpg the commander tells you that you should watch out ofr the gunships because they can get angry. and mchines dont get angry only living things do. oh and everytime you hit it with a rocket the ship will let out a groan.