The guy in the suit in HL1....originally meant to be the Administrator?

Cons Himself

Oct 14, 2004
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Here's the thing:

I bought HL1 when it first came out, in the orange box with the orange manual with the letter on the very first page...

This is the letter, I think it was either written by a Dr Kleiner reccommending you for work at Black Mesa, to the Administrator, or a letter from the Administrator welcoming you to work....

Anyway - in your first meeting with the so-called G-Man (simply the name Valve gave to the .mdl file.....a bit of a joke like barney.mdl), where you see him talking to a scientist through a pane of glass, how do we know this is not meant to be the administrator?

The scientists around the facility only talk about the Administrator wanting them to push the equipment, and get a good test result, not some Government Agency guy walking around, that no one seems to know anything about, yet still are seen talking to him anyway!

I think Valve originally intended the Briefcase guy to be the Administrator, but when they saw the almost mythical status the community imbued him with , they decided to seperate the 2 characters....
Gman doesn't really work for the governement, it's pretty obvious.
you think Valve used that idea from the community? that would be really cool, but I don't know. If so, then darn us all for making our own enemy! p.s. hello to everyone :)
chimpmunk said:
Gman doesn't really work for the governement, it's pretty obvious.
although he claims to represent a government and not our's, I agree,
chimpmunk said:
Gman doesn't really work for the governement, it's pretty obvious.

He might not directly work for the goverment BUT he works with them at least.

Shepard was recruiting for the Black Mesa Op by G Man at the Marine Boot Camp, a couple of weeks before the accident.

Black Ops were also a part of G Mans resources - these seem to be more Goverment troops.

G Man also managed to get fly in a Nuke to 'clear up' the mess at Black Mesa.

He also had access to Black Mesa (a Top Secret Goverment installation) before the incident.

Anyway you look at it, he had to have alot of power given to him by someone in the Goverment to be able to do all these things.
I think who the G-man is changed since the first game. In HL1 he did come of as some kind of top secret government man. His coments to Gordon and Shepard at the ending suggest that. But he is clearly much more then that in HL2.
sorry didnt make myself clear.

my main point wasnt whethjer he was 'really a government man' or not.

i was just trying to point out that all the indicators in the first game point out that the character in the suit with the briefcase in HL1 was originally designed to be the Administrator, but the mythos the community imbued him with as the 'gman' prompted Valve to seperate the 2 characters....
Cons Himself said:
sorry didnt make myself clear.

my main point wasnt whethjer he was 'really a government man' or not.

i was just trying to point out that all the indicators in the first game point out that the character in the suit with the briefcase in HL1 was originally designed to be the Administrator, but the mythos the community imbued him with as the 'gman' prompted Valve to seperate the 2 characters....
Nah, I don't think he was s'posed to be the administrator to begin with. I'm sure both character were given bigger roles in opfor and HL2 due to their myth-status after Half-life though.
breen was the black mesa admin. i dont even think the gman is human.
I always got the impression that the GMan was the Administrator in HL1. However, Valve was crafty enough to not make a direct connection, leaving it open for Breen to be the Admin and GMan to be a separate entity.
Considering the Gman has the ability to stop time and teleport himself all over the place I'd assume he's a pretty powerful being anyway. There's obviously something about the G-Man that isn't ... of this universe.
Also, take note he has the black mesa symbol on his suitcase in hl1.
Would be good to get an answer from Laidlaw on this... the GMan was talking to the scientists ordering them to push the equipment, and we know that the Administrator has been warned not to do so. OTOH, why would the BMRF Admin have a forcefield and whatnot?

It was said somewhere that, as they got more towards the end of HL1, they started to think about how would a sequel continue the story, but didn't change much.
Valve said, before HL2 even, that the Gman and the Administrator weren't the same person.
yes thats what theyve said, but valve says and the truth havent always been synonymous have they
Cons Himself said:
yes thats what theyve said, but valve says and the truth havent always been synonymous have they

All we need is a Gabe Newell fat joke and this is a perfect Valve critique thread, lol.


No I don't think the gman was ever the admin. One of the scientists mentions that Black Mesa is crawling with the admin's men shortly after you see the gman, which indicates to me that the gman was originally either one of the admin's men or an imposter pretending to be one.

Just remember though that NPCs can be wrong too. They can say something they believe to be true, even if it is completely wrong in reality.
I never think of gman as the admin when i played hl1. I had a feeling that he was trying to kill me all the time. a nice employer!
Blood Elf said:
you think Valve used that idea from the community? that would be really cool, but I don't know. If so, then darn us all for making our own enemy! p.s. hello to everyone :)

Or praise us for making our own ''enemy'' (we dont know that yet) so damn cool and appearantly god-like :cheers:
G-Man the administrator??

I have worked some things out that are quite similar to the other guys things aswell but I have one other thought.

Scientist: I've told you 100 times i'm opposed to pushing the equipment beyond the test levels.

G-Man 1 : This is not your decision to make.

G-Man 2 : He must not get in the way. (Gordon?)

G-Man 3 : I want you to give me an answer you wont regret.

G-Man 4 : If I had one of those suits i would certainly...(HEV suits?)

G-Man 5 : My employers don't agree with that.(who are the employers?)

G-Man 6 : You are a scientist and afraid, (bye bye)? (so there)? (shut up)? (to die)?

And my other thought is you know when you talk with the scientists they keep telling you about how the administrator wants them to push the equipment to the next level! Well couldnt it be that G-Man was just supposed to be the administrator, but Valve noticed how the community made a big mystery about him and took the two apart to make a seperate administrator and keep G-Man for somethig else.
i think the G-man was originally supposed to be the Admin, at least when the model was made. why does he have the Black mesa logo on his brief case? If he worked for the goverment, but wasnt actually employed at Black mesa, that wouldnt make sense.
i think that Valve simply didnt plan everything out you alot of you think.
We find out in HL2 that Dr. Breen was the administrator. How could you have missed this? Alyx says it on the way to Dr. Kleiner's lab.